547 research outputs found

    Art technologies in the development of students’ emotional intelligence

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    The article presents an overview of domestic research devoted to the development of students’ emotional intelligence by means of art technologies. The relevance of the problem of developing emotional intelligence in modern students is determined by the objectives of higher education. Despite the serious experience gained in Russia in the use of art in teaching and personal education, the active penetration of art technologies into the education system began to occur relatively recently, which explains the time frame of the review study – 2019–2021. The analysis was performed in December 2021 using the national bibliographic database of scientific citation. The research was conducted using such combinations of keywords as “emotional intelligence”, “development of emotional intelligence of students”, “art therapy”, “pedagogical art therapy”, “art technology”, “art therapy at the university” in Russian for the period of 2019–2021. Out of 902 publications devoted to art therapy, the problem of using art technologies in higher education, the development of emotional intelligence through art technologies, the authors selected 49 publications. The analysis of the selected publications showed that the problem of the development of emotional intelligence arouses increased interest among researchers. However, the development of emotional intelligence in students is not a priority. In the system of professional education, the topic of emotional intelligence is not given enough attention, which is unacceptable and does not meet the requirements for the level of training of modern specialists. In recent studies, the possibilities of using art technologies in the development of students’ emotional intelligence have not been sufficiently disclosed. There is a need for further development of a program for the development of students’ emotional intelligence, presentation and description of art therapy techniques and techniques, their place and role in the development of emotional intelligence. Undoubtedly, building up the evidence base and substantiating methods for verifying the effectiveness of various art technologies will be a promising direction

    Risk Assessment at the Cosmetic Product Manufacturer by Expert Judgment Method

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    A case study was performed in a cosmetic product manufacturer. We have identified the main risk factors of occupational accidents and their causes. Risk of accidents is assessed by the expert judgment method. Event tree for the most probable accident is built and recommendations on improvement of occupational health and safety protection system at the cosmetic product manufacturer are developed. The results of this paper can be used to develop actions to improve the occupational safety and health system in the chemical industry


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    In article the approach of provision of the state services on the basis of the agency relations is considered. Benefits of the agency relations in public administration in foreign countries are analyzed. The possible role of the state and participants of the market in creation of the agency relations on provision of the state services is studied. Possible risks of the agency relations in public administration are provided.В статье рассматривается подход предоставления государственных услуг на основе агентских отношений. Анализируются преимущества агентских отношений в государственном управлении в зарубежных странах. Изучается возможная роль государства и участников рынка в построении агентских отношений по предоставлению государственных услуг. Представлены возможные риски агентских отношений в государственном управлении

    Improving the training system as a basis for improved management of sustainable development of tourism

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    © 2017 Serials Publications.Sustainable development of tourism is impossible without the availability of highly qualified personnel. The goal of the article lies in the study of approaches to the definition of "sustainable tourism" and in the determination of directions of training system's perfection in the field of effective territory management. For the analysis of the problem methods of systematization and generalization, quantitative and qualitative study were used. They allowed considering the problem comprehensively, taking into account many factors that affect the dependence of economic development on a stable environment. In the article, the questions of creation and formation of the term "sustainable tourism development", the evolution of ideas for sustainable tourism development in Russia were covered. As a result of the study there were identified the main approaches to the improvement of the management efficiency of tourism and hospitality sustainable development by training improvement: The introduction of the discipline "sustainable tourism development" to the "Tourism" educational program, the increase in time of practical classes of bachelors in the "Tourism" educational program and qualification improvement for managers in tourism and hospitality industry. The article will be useful for Federal and Regional authorities, higher educational institutions that are engaged in training of students who attend "Tourism" educational program, and for anyone who is interested in sustainable tourism development