28 research outputs found
Social Educators as Protagonists of a Transformative Project: A community work experiment as a basis for rethinking intervention with adolescents
En aquest article presentem l’experiència duta a terme durant més d’un any d’un procés de reflexió per a la transformació de la intervenció educativa. L’objectiu fonamental ha estat la millora de la pràctica en l’àmbit de la intervenció amb adolescents. Per a això vam crear una taula tècnica composta per professionals en la qual el centre eren els educadors/es socials. El projecte educatiu analitzat, discutit i millorat ha estat el Servei Polivalent per a Adolescents i hem posat el focus en tres línies d’intervenció: l’acció didàctica, l’organització interna i la construcció del treball en xarxa. Vàrem concloure que l’experiència ha estat satisfactòria a l’hora de crear coneixement teòric que influeixi en la pràctica, alhora que hem generat dinàmiques de participació en el mateix equip educatiu gràcies a la metodologia del treball realitzat.En este artículo presentamos la experiencia llevada a cabo durante más de un año de un proceso de reflexión para la transformación de la intervención educativa. El objetivo fundamental ha sido la mejora de la práctica en el ámbito dela intervención con adolescentes. Para ello creamos una mesa técnica compuesta por profesionales en la que el centro eran los educadores/as sociales. El proyecto educativo analizado, discutido y mejorado ha sido el Servicio Polivalente para Adolescentes y hemos puesto el foco en tres líneas de intervención: la acción didáctica, la organización interna y la construcción del trabajo en red. Concluimos que la experiencia ha sido satisfactoria a la hora de crear conocimiento teórico que influya en la práctica, al mismo tiempo que hemos generado dinámicas de participación en el propio equipo educativo gracias a la metodología del trabajo realizado.This article is an overview of a process of reflection, carried out during more than a year, on the transformation of educational intervention.The main objective was to improve practice in the field of intervention with adolescents.To do this we set up a technical panel, at the centre of which were community education workers. The specific project to be analyzed, discussed and improved was the MultidimensionalService for Adolescents, with a focus on three areas of intervention: educational action, internal organization and the construction of team working. We conclude that the experience succeeded in creating theoretical knowledge capable of influence practicing, while at the same time generating dynamics ofparticipation in the community education team thanks to the working methodology adopted
Breakout edu jardueraren erabilera gurasoei zuzendutako formakuntza saioetan: Esku-hartze baten ebaluazioa
Informazio eta Komunikazio Teknologien eskuragarritasunak zein erabilera anitzak komunikatzeko modu berriak ekarri ditu egungo jendartera. Teknologia digitalek, ordea, espazio segurua eta aberatsa izan behar dute parekoekin harremantzeko eta norbanakoaren ikaskuntza eta garapen prozesuan aurrera jarraitzeko. Egoera honen aurrean, zenbait eskolek teknologia digitalen erabilera arduratsua bultzatzea helburu duten hainbat hezkuntza esku-hartze eskaintzen dituzte, ikasleei zein haien gurasoei zuzenduak. Lan honen helburua gurasoei zuzendutako hezkuntza esku-hartze bat ebaluatzea eta aztertzea da. Aurrera eramandako esku-hartze horren xedea teknologia digitalen erabilera arduratsua lantzea da eta, horretarako, breakout edu jarduera erabili da. Guztira, bi ikastetxetako 37 gurasok parte hartu dute. Emaitzen artean gurasoek jarduerari buruz egindako balorazio positiboa nabarmentzen da, batez ere saioan izandako eztabaida giro aberasgarria eta proposaturiko ariketaren lankidetza izaera. Lan honetan ikusiko dugun moduan, mota honetako jarduera berritzaileak ikasleekin lan egiteko aberasgarri eta eraginkorrak izateaz gain, gurasoekin lantzeko ere baliagarriak ote diren aztertu da.; The access to Information and Communication Technologies has brought new and diverse forms of communication in today’s society. However, digital technologies must be a safe and en-riching space to be able to interact with others and to carry out the individual learning and develop-ment process. In view of this situation, schools implement educational interventions with the aim of promoting the responsible use of digital technologies among young people and parents. In this work, an educational intervention focused on families and based on the breakout edu technique is evaluated. A total of 37 parents from two educational centres participated. Among the results, the positive assess-ment made by the participants highlights, especially, the atmosphere of collaboration and debate that arose throughout the activity. As we will see through the article, this type of innovative methodologies can be appropriate and effective for working not only with students, but also with parents
Adolescents and negligent social media use
Digital technology has evolved very quickly in a very short space of time, to the point at which it is now a
personal technology that manages the information and communications of users who access the different services offered over the Internet - users who are increasingly younger and at greater risk. Negligent technology use is understood as use linked to the management of social media accounts and mobile apps that, while not intentionally harmful, may nevertheless place the user and/or others at risk. The study of negligent digital technology use during adolescence is vital to preventing risk behaviours through education. These types of behaviours range from anxiety to cyberbullying, device addiction, problems with self-perceptions of one’s own body and depression, among others. In this context, the aim of the present study is to analyse negligent digital technology use among adolescents on social media, and to explore the perceptions of this population group regarding the seriousness of these actions and the possible relationship between the two variables. Participants were 2529 students aged between 10 and 17 years from seven regions in southern Europe spread across three countries (Spain, Italy and Greece). The instrument used to collect the data was an ad hoc questionnaire designed to measure, among other things, actions indicating negligent use, excessive use of social medial and perceptions of
the seriousness of such social media behaviour. The results reveal that the most negligent actions arried out by minors are: arranging to meet people they met on a social media site; displaying personal information in their account; and giving their passwords to people other than their parents and/or teachers. The results also indicate that adolescents engage in those negligent actions that they perceive to be less serious more assiduously, and carry out those they perceive to be more serious more sporadically. One of the principal findings was the increase in negligent use among older adolescents, which suggests that education in this field needs to begin much earlier, ideally before the age of 12 years.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. Ref.: PID2020-113918GB-I00/AEI/10.13039/50110001103
Fake digital identity and cyberbullying
This study aims to determine whether or not there is an association between creating
fake user accounts and engaging in behaviors deemed to constitute cyberbullying. A
quantitative research methodology was used with a clear descriptive and interpretative
intent. The sample comprised 1989 adolescents aged between 10 and 17 years from
five regions in Southern Europe, who completed an online questionnaire. The results
reveal that adolescents aged 16 years were the ones who engaged most in cyberbullying
actions. Those who created false profiles tended to engage in more behaviors linked
to cyberbullying. Adolescent social media users were mainly older boys who engaged
more in cyberbullying behaviors. Relatively few adolescents claim to engage regularly
in behaviors linked to cyberbullying. The study concludes that there is an urgent need
to provide adolescents with training in the responsible use of digital technologies at an
earlier age, before they begin using them assiduously.University of the Basque Country (code: GIU20/053) and Ministry of Science and Innovation of the
Government of Spain (code: MINECOG20/P61/AEI/10.13039/501100011033)
How do they teach and what type of resources do the university teachers use?
En este artículo presentamos los resultados de dos trabajos de investigación llevados a cabo en la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU) y que nos han permitido conocer, en primer lugar, cuáles son las prácticas docentes y el tipo de recursos tecnológicos y no tecnológicos más utilizados por los profesores universitarios, y, asimismo, la existencia o no de relaciones entre ellos. Los resultados no se reducen al conocimiento de estas dos realidades de manera independiente, sino que su tratamiento conjunto nos ha permitido reflexionar sobre la función catalizadora que Internet y las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación están teniendo como motor de cambio de las prácticas docentes en la etapa superior. Estas dos investigaciones nos dibujan la evolución que los docentes de la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU) han tenido en los últimos 4 años en la utilización de las TICs en la enseñanza y su influencia en los cambios didácticos adoptados en su labor docente.In this paper we present the results of two research studies that took place at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), and which have allowed us to learn, first of all, the teaching practices and the most used types of technological and non-technological resources by university faculty members, and whether there is any relationship between both of them -i.e., teaching practices and technology. The results do not only offer us insights into those two realities independently, but from an overall perspective they allow us to reflect on the impact of the Internet and information and communication technologies (ICTs) on higher education teaching practices’ changes. These two studies explore the evolution of the UPV/EHU faculty members’ utilization of ICTs to teach and their influence on the teaching changes adopted in their educational role for the last four years
Preferencias del profesorado universitario sobre modalidades formativas en TIC
[En] The goal of this research is twofold: firstly, to identify the possible differences in faculty's attitudes toward and use of new technological resources; and secondly, to identify the educational interaction established with the students through the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). A survey was administered to the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) Gipuzkoan Campus faculty to measure the level of knowledge of ICT tools, the ICT training strategies being used, and the faculty's preferences on the training they would like to receive in relation to those tools. A total of 472 of the 1,074 faculty members of the aforementioned campus took part in the research. The analysis of the data obtained from the survey provide us: a) a better understanding of the interrelation between the faculty's ICT knowledge and their teaching and research tasks; b) an identification of the faculty's preferred methods of acquiring such knowledge; and c) a precise determination of the relationship between the level of ICT knowledge and the preferred learning methods.[Es] El propósito de esta investigación es el de identificar eventuales diferencias en las actitudes y utilización de los nuevos recursos tecnológicos así como en la interacción educativa con el alumnado que se
establece a partir del uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC). Se obtuvieron
datos por encuesta acerca del nivel de conocimiento de herramientas TIC, de la estrategia formativa utilizada
en su aprendizaje y de las preferencias formativas en este ámbito. En el estudio participaron 472 de los 1.074 profesores del Campus de Gipuzkoa de la UPV/EHU. Los resultados obtenidos permiten:
a) una comprensión mejor que la hasta ahora disponible sobre las relaciones entre los conocimientos sobre TIC del profesorado y sus tareas docentes y de investigación; b) la identificación de las modalidades
preferidas para la adquisición de dichos conocimientos; y c) precisar relaciones entre el grado de conocimiento de las TIC y las preferencias formativas.This research is part of a larger research
project entitled «Study of the
ICT Training Needs of the Faculty Staff
at the UPV/EHU Gipuzkoan Campus»
(Ref. BOPV-106-08062004). It is funded
by the University of the Basque Country
and the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa
Towards an efficient training of university faculty on ICTs
This article presents the results of a research study that took place during the 2007–2008 academic year at the University of the Basque Country3. (UPV/EHU in its Spanish and Basque acronyms). The research’s goal was to establish the guidelines for training opportunities in information and communication technologies (ICTs) that could better address the needs of the faculty at the aforementioned university. The conclusive results provide a picture of the necessary training in ICTs that the faculty requires for their teaching as well as for conducting research. This led us to develop some suggestions that are related to the modular organization of past and present training courses as well as improved guidelines that would help us to restructure the design of the training currently being offered. This restructuring is fundamental in order to include ICTs in the new European space of higher education (ESHE