13 research outputs found

    Characterization of Ribosomal Frameshifting in Theiler's Murine Encephalomyelitis Virus.

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    Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV) is a member of the genus Cardiovirus in the Picornaviridae, a family of positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses. Previously, we demonstrated that in the related cardiovirus, Encephalomyocarditis virus, a programmed-1 ribosomal frameshift (1 PRF) occurs at a conserved G_GUU_UUU sequence within the 2B-encoding region of the polyprotein open reading frame (ORF). Here we show that-1 PRF occurs at a similar site during translation of the TMEV genome. In addition, we demonstrate that a predicted 3= RNA stem-loop structure at a noncanonical spacing downstream of the shift site is required for efficient frameshifting in TMEV and that frameshifting also requires virus infection. Mutating the G_GUU_UUU shift site to inhibit frameshifting results in an attenuated virus with reduced growth kinetics and a small-plaque phenotype. Frameshifting in the virus context was found to be extremely efficient at 74 to 82%, which, to our knowledge, is the highest frameshifting efficiency recorded to date for any virus. We propose that highly efficient-1 PRF in TMEV provides a mechanism to escape the confines of equimolar expression normally inherent in the single-polyprotein expression strategy of picornaviruses.Work in the A.E.F. lab is supported by the Wellcome Trust [088789], [106207]; and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council [BB/J007072/1]. L.F. is supported by a Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council PhD studentship.This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://jvi.highwire.org/content/early/2015/06/05/JVI.01043-15.abstract

    Neuroinvasion by Theiloviruses

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    Theiler’s virus (or TMEV) is a murine neurotropic virus belonging to the picornavirus family. The intestinal infection is common in wild mice, but the nervous system infection is a rare event occurring in approximately 1 out of 2000 cases. The mechanisms that allow Theiler’s virus to reach the central nervous system (CNS) are not known. The first part of this work is thus dedicated to the study of the mechanisms leading to neuroinvasion by TMEV. On this purpose, we used a recently described TMEV strain named NIHE. We observed that this strain reproducibly reached the CNS after intraperitoneal administration or after administration in the footpad (FP). In the latter case, integrity of the sciatic nerve appeared to be essential for the progression of the virus to the CNS, suggesting that it might be transported along this nerve to reach the spinal cord. We showed that the type I interferon response has surprisingly little impact on neuroinvasion after footpad inoculation of the virus, whereas it strongly restricts neuroinvasion after IP inoculation. In the second part of this work, we wanted to decipher the mode of transport of the virus in neurons and to study the cell-to-cell transfer mechanisms. A non-lytic exit of the cell was demonstrated for some non-enveloped viruses and suggested for TMEV. Here, we describe the generation of a tool that is particularly useful for the purpose of our study: trans-encapsidated replicons. These replicon particles are limited to a single infection cycle, and might help to elucidate the limiting factors in the cell-to-cell transfer process and to unravel the state of the virus during axonal transport. We also present the use of particles in different models. Up to now, no propagation of such replicons could be evidenced, which means that either the production of complete viral particles is required for the cell-to-cell transfer of the virus, even in a non lytic process, or that experimental conditions did not allow the observation of such non-lytic transfer (cell types, in vitro conditions, sensitivity of the analysis methods, etc).(MED - Sciences médicales) -- UCL, 201

    Antiviral Type I and Type III Interferon Responses in the Central Nervous System.

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    The central nervous system (CNS) harbors highly differentiated cells, such as neurons that are essential to coordinate the functions of complex organisms. This organ is partly protected by the blood-brain barrier (BBB) from toxic substances and pathogens carried in the bloodstream. Yet, neurotropic viruses can reach the CNS either by crossing the BBB after viremia, or by exploiting motile infected cells as Trojan horses, or by using axonal transport. Type I and type III interferons (IFNs) are cytokines that are critical to control early steps of viral infections. Deficiencies in the IFN pathway have been associated with fatal viral encephalitis both in humans and mice. Therefore, the IFN system provides an essential protection of the CNS against viral infections. Yet, basal activity of the IFN system appears to be low within the CNS, likely owing to the toxicity of IFN to this organ. Moreover, after viral infection, neurons and oligodendrocytes were reported to be relatively poor IFN producers and appear to keep some susceptibility to neurotropic viruses, even in the presence of IFN. This review addresses some trends and recent developments concerning the role of type I and type III IFNs in: i) preventing neuroinvasion and infection of CNS cells; ii) the identity of IFN-producing cells in the CNS; iii) the antiviral activity of ISGs; and iv) the activity of viral proteins of neurotropic viruses that target the IFN pathway

    Anti-streptavidin antibodies mimicking heterophilic antibodies in thyroid function tests.

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    To the Editor, Hereby we report a rare interference that affected the thyroid function tests in two patients seen in our outpatient clinic between May and June 2017. In our laboratory, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is measured with a two-site electrochemiluminescent immunoassay (ECLIA) with ruthenium label, whereas free thyroxine (FT4) and free triiodothyronine (FT3) are measured by a competitive ECLIA also using a ruthenium label, both assays being run on a Cobas 8000® e602 module (Roche Diagnostics®, Basel, Switzerland). [...

    Neurotropism of Saffold virus in a mouse model

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    Saffold virus (SAFV) is a highly seroprevalent human Cardiovirus discovered recently. No clear association between SAFV infection and human disease has been established. Rare infection cases, however, correlated with neurological symptoms. To gain insight into the pathogenesis potential of the virus, we performed experimental mouse infection with SAFV strains of genotypes 2 and 3 (SAFV-2 and SAFV-3). After intraperitoneal infection, both strains exhibited a typical Cardiovirus tropism. Viral load was most prominent in the pancreas. Heart, spleen, brain and spinal cord were also infected. In interferon receptor deficient (IFNAR-KO) mice, SAFV-3 caused a severe encephalitis. The virus was detected by immunohistochemistry in many parts of the brain and spinal cord, both in neurons and astrocytes but astrocyte infection was more extensive. In vitro, SAFV-3 also infected astrocytes better than neurons in mixed primary cultures. Astrocytes were, however, very efficiently protected by IFN-α/β treatment

    Neurotropism of Saffold virus in a mouse model

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    Saffold virus (SAFV) is a highly seroprevalent human Cardiovirus discovered recently. No clear association between SAFV infection and human disease has been established. Rare infection cases, however, correlated with neurological symptoms. To gain insight into the pathogenesis potential of the virus, we performed experimental mouse infection with SAFV strains of genotypes 2 and 3 (SAFV-2 and SAFV-3). After intraperitoneal infection, both strains exhibited a typical Cardiovirus tropism. Viral load was most prominent in the pancreas. Heart, spleen, brain and spinal cord were also infected. In interferon receptor deficient (IFNAR-KO) mice, SAFV-3 caused a severe encephalitis. The virus was detected by immunohistochemistry in many parts of the brain and spinal cord, both in neurons and astrocytes but astrocyte infection was more extensive. In vitro, SAFV-3 also infected astrocytes better than neurons in mixed primary cultures. Astrocytes were, however, very efficiently protected by IFN-α/β treatment

    Cardiovirus leader proteins retarget RSK kinases toward alternative substrates to perturb nucleocytoplasmic traffic.

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    Proteins from some unrelated pathogens, including small RNA viruses of the family Picornaviridae, large DNA viruses such as Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus and even bacteria of the genus Yersinia can recruit cellular p90-ribosomal protein S6 kinases (RSKs) through a common linear motif and maintain the kinases in an active state. On the one hand, pathogens' proteins might hijack RSKs to promote their own phosphorylation (direct target model). On the other hand, some data suggested that pathogens' proteins might dock the hijacked RSKs toward a third interacting partner, thus redirecting the kinase toward a specific substrate. We explored the second hypothesis using the Cardiovirus leader protein (L) as a paradigm. The L protein is known to trigger nucleocytoplasmic trafficking perturbation, which correlates with hyperphosphorylation of phenylalanine-glycine (FG)-nucleoporins (FG-NUPs) such as NUP98. Using a biotin ligase fused to either RSK or L, we identified FG-NUPs as primary partners of the L-RSK complex in infected cells. An L protein mutated in the central RSK-interaction motif was readily targeted to the nuclear envelope whereas an L protein mutated in the C-terminal domain still interacted with RSK but failed to interact with the nuclear envelope. Thus, L uses distinct motifs to recruit RSK and to dock the L-RSK complex toward the FG-NUPs. Using an analog-sensitive RSK2 mutant kinase, we show that, in infected cells, L can trigger RSK to use NUP98 and NUP214 as direct substrates. Our data therefore illustrate a novel virulence mechanism where pathogens' proteins hijack and retarget cellular protein kinases toward specific substrates, to promote their replication or to escape immunity

    Characterization of Ribosomal Frameshifting in Theiler's Murine Encephalomyelitis Virus.

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    Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV) is a member of the genus Cardiovirus in the Picornaviridae, a family of positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses. Previously, we demonstrated that in the related cardiovirus, Encephalomyocarditis virus, a programmed-1 ribosomal frameshift (1 PRF) occurs at a conserved G_GUU_UUU sequence within the 2B-encoding region of the polyprotein open reading frame (ORF). Here we show that-1 PRF occurs at a similar site during translation of the TMEV genome. In addition, we demonstrate that a predicted 3= RNA stem-loop structure at a noncanonical spacing downstream of the shift site is required for efficient frameshifting in TMEV and that frameshifting also requires virus infection. Mutating the G_GUU_UUU shift site to inhibit frameshifting results in an attenuated virus with reduced growth kinetics and a small-plaque phenotype. Frameshifting in the virus context was found to be extremely efficient at 74 to 82%, which, to our knowledge, is the highest frameshifting efficiency recorded to date for any virus. We propose that highly efficient-1 PRF in TMEV provides a mechanism to escape the confines of equimolar expression normally inherent in the single-polyprotein expression strategy of picornaviruses