10 research outputs found

    The Development of the Russian Oil and Gas Industry in Terms of Sanctions and Falling Oil Prices

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze the current state of the oil and gas industry of Russia in the conditions of falling oil prices and sanctions policy as well as the forecast of the further development of the industry and search for the ways out. The research methodology is based on a systematic approach to assessing the state of the oil and gas industry of Russia. It uses a set of scientific and special methods of investigation including the abstract-logical method, balancing method, economics and statistics and comparative analysis, synthesis method and others. The article demonstrates that the sanctions imposed on Russian companies as well as unprecedentedly low oil prices in the short term did not have a major impact on the production stability of the Russian oil and gas sector. The reason is that Russia has a huge resource potential and Russian oil projects are profitable even at low oil prices. However, in the long term, these factors can have a negative impact on the industry, which is due primarily to the shortage of modern equipment and technologies for the implementation of promising projects in the Arctic shelf, as well as on deposits with difficult development conditions. The sanctions policy is not favourable for foreign companies because the long-term interests of our companies coincide with the interests of foreign business partners. The international coordination of efforts for solving many problems is needed, because of decreasing resources and infavourable oil production settings. The article shows that a major investment in the development of modern domestic equipment and technologies are required in the current situation; it is advisable to develop the residual reserves and reserves difficult to recover in the aged areas along with the implementation of large-scale projects for the production of hydrocarbons in new areas. Keywords: Russian oil and gas industry, energy market, sanctions, fall in oil prices, partnership, world energy JEL Classifications: Q32, Q40, Q4

    Paleoreconstruction of natural conditions as the basis for the rational use of natural resource management on the territory of the Neva Lowland

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    Modeling the evolution and dynamics of hydrological conditions of the Neva Lowland is of great theoretical and practical importance. The lowland is located in the Neva River basin, through which water from Europe’s largest Lake Ladoga flows. From the Mesolithic to the present day, the river has been a source of drinking water and biological resources and an important transportation route. The location of the river at a major crossroads of transcontinental routes connecting West and East, North and South Eurasia, determined the metropolitan functions of the territory and the development of the multi-million city of St. Petersburg. The city’s location on the Neva Lowland caused floods and gave rise to a number of environmental and geo-environmental problems. To optimize the use of natural resources, the cartographic models of the terrain are in great demand, on their basis it is possible to improve quantitative assessment and trends of waterlogging processes, submergence, risks of floods and disturbances in the water balance, exceeding the concentration of pollutants in water and bottom sediments. Reconstructions of hydrological conditions of the Neva Lowland in the Holocene are of interest for clarifying the evolution of natural and climatic conditions of the North-West Russian Plain. The aim of the article is to discuss the possibility of using GIS methods to study changes in hydrological conditions on the basis of actual data obtained so far in geography and archeology (geo-position and dating of objects of nature and material culture). The result of the work are maps that allow solving the problems of rational zoning of the territory, taking into account geological and environmental risks

    Northern labyrinths: potential for interdisciplinary research and a resource for international tourism

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    The article presents the scientific rationale for the project of creating a geographic database on northern labyrinths ancient stone structures and petroglyphs located on the coasts and islands of Northern Europe. The aim of the project is to conduct interdisciplinary research of labyrinths-gnomons (tools for orientation in space and time according to the Sun) as a source of information about ancient marine communications, development of navigation technologies, as well as coastal changes in the Arctic region and climatic rhythms of our planet. The research algorithm includes standard methods of complex geographical descriptions; solution of the equation based on the main trigonometric function; analysis of stable relationships in the system “object - landscape - geographic space - Earth - Universe”. The relationship of the structure of labyrinths performing instrumental functions with the geographical latitude, as well as with the long-period rhythms of the planet, which are most clearly manifested in the Arctic region, is considered. The influence of navigation technologies on the physical development of geographic space and its modeling at the local (toponyms), regional (territorial systems and communications) and global levels (modern scientific picture of the world and ancient information models preserved in mythopoetic form) is shown. It is concluded that the creation of a regional geographic database on labyrinths will contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage sites, replenishment of the resources of international tourism in the Arctic region, the development of scientific communications uniting scientists from the northern countries

    Economic Problems of Exploring Hydrocarbons in Russian Northern Provinces in the Context of International Interests

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    The goal of the article is to analyze the present state and perspectives of exploring gas and oil resources of the Russian North in the context of economic interests of a number of foreign countries, to reveal both common things in interests of the both parties, and inconsistencies that must be aligned. The methodology of the research is based on the system approach to estimating the state of gas and oil resources of the Russian North and comprehensive analysis of aligning economic interests of Russia and a number of foreign countries. A complex of general scientific and special methods of research was used, including abstract-logical, balance, statistical analysis and others. The article shows that the Russian North is extremely rich in gas and oil resources that are both currently exploited and promising for reclaiming especially on the shelf of Arctic seas. It analyzes reasons of the decrease in the gas and oil production in the country that has occurred over recent years. It is caused by the fall of the demand for hydrocarbons in the world, sectoral sanctions, and the decrease in the production of the mineral resources base. Gas and oil resources of Russia fall within the interests of a number of foreign countries, mainly West European countries for which stable provision of the economy with raw hydrocarbons becomes one of the most important strategic tasks. Long-term economic interests of Russia coincide with the interests of the European Union, however, not fully. The authors come to the conclusion that in case of supplying hydrocarbons economic interests of Russia and European Union countries must be aligned not only in terms of searching for mutually profitable forms of cooperation but also solving basic inconsistencies that lie in the basis of opinions discrepancies. Keywords: gas and oil resources, the Russian North, Arctic shelf, Western European countries, Asia-Pacific countries, alignment of interests. JEL Classifications:, D74, F00, L71, Q32, Q3

    Transition to a circular economy model as an alternative option of solving the problem of solid waste utilization

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    Socio-ecological problems are relevant, both at the global and at the national and regional levels. In 2020, much attention is paid to ecology. Due to environmental problems, it is planned to switch from a standard economic linear model to a circular economy. The authors considered the theoretical side of the circular economy, as well as the principles of such a model. The article discusses the existing scheme for the disposal of municipal solid waste, and also shows a new scheme for the disposal of municipal solid waste in the Arkhangelsk region as part of the EcoTechnoPark Shiyes project. The article discusses both the positive and negative aspects of this project. The authors conducted a sociological survey among the population of the Russian Federation, where it was proposed to evaluate the attitude to the EcoTechnoPark Shiyes project and the possibility of organizing separate waste collection. At the end of the article, possible solutions to the problem of recycling solid waste are suggested, options for adaptation and motivation of the population to solve this problem are considered

    Innovative tools for developing soft skills in the context of education transformation

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    The purpose of the article is to substantiate the use of modern educational technologies, means and tools of influence to achieve the desired result in any field of education, providing specialists with competitiveness and personnel leadership in the digital era. To analyze the current situation in the education system and develop proposals for their improvement, this article uses the results of many years of research obtained within the framework of the author’s scientific and pedagogical school on the development of the communicative potential of a future specialist and its implementation in future practical professional activities. Particular attention is paid to the study of the effectiveness of interactive technologies aimed on the development of students’ cross-cutting competencies and communication skills, as well as modern teaching trends, such as networking and edutainment, the value of which is allowing specialists to better navigate in a rapidly changing world, in various new directions, modern studying courses and technologies and understand the flows of new information. The authors of the article studied in what directions, with the use of what educational technologies it is necessary to develop skills that will be in demand in the next decades

    Inclusive tourism as a method for rehabilitation and restoration of human well-being

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    The aim of the research is to study the impact of inclusive tourism on the subjective assessment of the well-being level of tourists with disabilities and tourists without disabilities. The article deals with the issues of the conceptual apparatus of inclusive tourism, the peculiarities of its organization in Russia, taking into account foreign experience. Moreover, the study highlights the issues of inclusive tourism that have an impact on human well-being. Based on a sociological survey, the attitude to inclusive tourism as a way of influencing the subjective feeling of well-being in people with disabilities and in people without functional impairments is analyzed. The results of the study show that people with disabilities not only visit exhibitions and theaters, but also travel around Russia and other countries. It is concluded that there are positive shifts of respondents towards the implementation of the idea of inclusive tourism, since there is a direct relationship between the number of travels and the well-being of respondents. It is emphasized that a wide questionnaire survey, discussion of inclusive tours is already influencing the formation of a new level of consciousness of all participants in the tourism market and even at this stage creates new opportunities for the formation of human well-being

    Russian oil and gas industry as a sphere of international interests and economic cooperation

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    Russia’s oil and gas resources fall within the sphere of interests of Western European and a number of Asian countries, mainly China, for which a stable supply of the economy with hydrocarbon raw materials is the most important factor in the development of the economy. At the same time, the vast majority of resources are located in the North and the Arctic zone of Russia. Under conditions of considerable uncertainty in the energy markets, international cooperation between the countries of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and Russia to regulate the functioning of the industry has deepened. The article shows that in the context of reduced resources, complicating mining conditions, coordination of efforts to conduct joint fundamental research work is necessary. Further successful economic cooperation should be based on the harmonization of the economic interests of all stakeholders

    Paleoreconstruction of natural conditions as the basis for the rational use of natural resource management on the territory of the Neva Lowland

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    Modeling the evolution and dynamics of hydrological conditions of the Neva Lowland is of great theoretical and practical importance. The lowland is located in the Neva River basin, through which water from Europe’s largest Lake Ladoga flows. From the Mesolithic to the present day, the river has been a source of drinking water and biological resources and an important transportation route. The location of the river at a major crossroads of transcontinental routes connecting West and East, North and South Eurasia, determined the metropolitan functions of the territory and the development of the multi-million city of St. Petersburg. The city’s location on the Neva Lowland caused floods and gave rise to a number of environmental and geo-environmental problems. To optimize the use of natural resources, the cartographic models of the terrain are in great demand, on their basis it is possible to improve quantitative assessment and trends of waterlogging processes, submergence, risks of floods and disturbances in the water balance, exceeding the concentration of pollutants in water and bottom sediments. Reconstructions of hydrological conditions of the Neva Lowland in the Holocene are of interest for clarifying the evolution of natural and climatic conditions of the North-West Russian Plain. The aim of the article is to discuss the possibility of using GIS methods to study changes in hydrological conditions on the basis of actual data obtained so far in geography and archeology (geo-position and dating of objects of nature and material culture). The result of the work are maps that allow solving the problems of rational zoning of the territory, taking into account geological and environmental risks

    Northern labyrinths: potential for interdisciplinary research and a resource for international tourism

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    The article presents the scientific rationale for the project of creating a geographic database on northern labyrinths ancient stone structures and petroglyphs located on the coasts and islands of Northern Europe. The aim of the project is to conduct interdisciplinary research of labyrinths-gnomons (tools for orientation in space and time according to the Sun) as a source of information about ancient marine communications, development of navigation technologies, as well as coastal changes in the Arctic region and climatic rhythms of our planet. The research algorithm includes standard methods of complex geographical descriptions; solution of the equation based on the main trigonometric function; analysis of stable relationships in the system “object - landscape - geographic space - Earth - Universe”. The relationship of the structure of labyrinths performing instrumental functions with the geographical latitude, as well as with the long-period rhythms of the planet, which are most clearly manifested in the Arctic region, is considered. The influence of navigation technologies on the physical development of geographic space and its modeling at the local (toponyms), regional (territorial systems and communications) and global levels (modern scientific picture of the world and ancient information models preserved in mythopoetic form) is shown. It is concluded that the creation of a regional geographic database on labyrinths will contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage sites, replenishment of the resources of international tourism in the Arctic region, the development of scientific communications uniting scientists from the northern countries