20 research outputs found
Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Konsumen Terkait Iklan yang Menyesatkan dan Mengelabui
Selain membawa dampak positif, perdagangan bebas juga berimplikasisecara negatif terhadap persainganusaha dalam hal pelaku usahamenghalalkan segala cara agar produknya dapat bersaing di pasar, salah satunya melalui promosi melaluiiklan yang tidak sesuai dengankenyataannya. Konsumen memilikiposisi yang lebih rentan apabiladibandingkan dengan pelaku usaha, sehingga diperlukan perlindungankonsumen atas iklan yang membuat sesat dan mengelabui. Perlindungantersebut diberikan oleh negara melaluihukum positif. Maka dari itu itu, padastudi ini akan dikaji perlindungan hukumterhadap konsumen terkait iklan yang membuat sesat dan mengelabuiberdasarkan hukum positif Indonesia.Metode penelitian yang dipakai adalahmetode penelitian yuridis normatifmelalui pendekatan peraturanperundang-undangan & pe ndekatananalitis. Menggunakan metode yang dipakai didapatkan hasil bahwaperlindungan hukum terhadapkonsumen terkait iklan yang membuat sesat & mengelabui salah satunyadiundangan di UU Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen
Larasati Ayu Amanda. 1410130016: The Effectiveness of Using Guessing Game technique in
students’ vocabulary achievement at the Seventh Grade Students’ of Mts Nusantara Dadap –
Vocabulary is an important element in a language. Vocabulary is important to be learnt.
Better level of teaching vocabulary means better teaching of a language. In Mts Nusantara
Dadap- Indramayu the students are lazy to memorize vocabulary because the activity of teaching
and learning vocabulary is boring. In the observation in some class, the main problems in
teaching vocabulary were the technique and the method which were used monotone and less of
variation. And the teacher just asked the students to memorize the new vocabulary that the
students find in the text, there are no interesting methods or activity to mae the students more
interested in learning vocabulary. The students often lost their focus when the teacher explained
the material in the class even it was the important material that students.
The aim of this research is to make an effective teaching vocabulary second grade students
of MTs Nusantara by using guessing game. So in this case we need a good strategy and method
in giving understanding the lesson and the purpose of the matery and the students also can to
increase their vocabulary achievement
This research using the guessing game technique in students vocabulary achievement to
gave evidence that strategy can increase students’ ability in vocabulary achievement. This
research using quantitative approach. The technique and ways of teaching were fully depend on
the teacher. Here the researcher used method Guessing Game and the Dessugestopedia to teach
students vocabulary in MTs Nusantara Dadap.
The reseach is designed as pre-experimental. Were population at seventh grade are 30
students, then taken for sample such as 30 students as one class. The technique of collecting data
used by anates, which is multiple choice test. Pre-test and post-test in Instrument test used by
validity, reliabillity, difficulty test, and different ability. The discussion and findings research
that The students’ vocabulary mastery before using the guessing game technique the result of the
students pre-test in vocabulary mastery using experimental class in MTs Nusantara Dadap that
Based on the analysis above SPSS pre –test mean value of 55.3667 to 30. While the number of
students posttest mean values obtained at 70.9667 to the number of students 30. And the result
with paired sample t-test known if the value of the t (7.903) is greater than t table (1.70113) then
Ho is rejected. But if the value of t table (1.70113) is greater than t (7.903), then Ho is accepted.
It means that there is a difference of learing outcomes pre-test to post-test using guessing game
technique in teaching vocabulary achievement.
In teaching and learning process using guessing game technique in teaching vocabulary
achievement based on the result of reasearch. The researcher concluded that the difference before
and after using guessing game and dessugestopedia method. This are the electively strategies to
teach vocabulary mastery, and do the student more be motivate to learn and memorize
Key Word: Guessing Game, Students’ vocabulary achievemen
Abstrak: Ion fosfat sering dikaitkan dengan terjadinya algae blooming dan masalah estetika pada badan air permukaan. Fosfat ini perlu diolah dan dimanfaatkan lebih lanjut. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk mengolah orthofosfat adalah metode adsorpsi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengadsorpsi ion fosfat ke dalam adsorben yang murah. Tanah (tanah Dago dan tanah Arcamanik) dan bebatuan lokal seperti dolomite hadir sebagai media adsorben yang murah dan mudah diperoleh. Dilakukan percobaan pengaruh pH larutan terhadap proses adsorpsi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efisiensi penyisihan orthofosfat tertinggi saat pH asam (pH 2). Efisiensi penysihan orthofosfat oleh tanah Dago, tanah Arcamanik, dan dolomite berurutan adalah 65,641%-99,334%, 55,540%-99,12%, dan 50,240%-91,489%. Kemampuan desorpsi dari tanah Dago, tanah Arcamanik, dan dolomite berurutan adalah 0,32%-2,46%, 1,02%-5,337%, and 4,36%-15,703%. Adsorpsi orthofosfat oleh kedua jenis tanah mengikuti model isoterm Temkin dan dolomite mengikuti model isoterm Freundlich. Semua adsorben mengikuti model laju kinetika pseudo-second order. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa mekanisme penyisihan orthofosfat di dalam air oleh tanah Dago dan tanah Arcamanik adalah adsorpsi secara kimia melalui ligand exchange, sedangkan penyisihan oleh dolomite adalah adsorpsi secara fisik dan presipitasi permukaan. Kata kunci: adsorpsi, desorpsi, isoterm, kinetika, orthofosfat Abstract: Phosphate ions are usually considered as the responsible for the algal bloom in receiving water bodies and aesthetic problems in water. From the environmental point of view, management of such contaminant and valuable resource is very important. One method that can be used to remove orthophosphate is the adsorption method. An experimental study on the adsorption or phosphate onto cost effective adsorbents is presented. Cost effective adsorbents named Dago soil, Arcamanik soil, and dolomite. The effect of pH solution was examined. As a result, it was found that the highest efficiency of phosphate removal is at acidic pH (pH 2). The orthophosphate removal efficiency by Dago soil, Arcamanik soil, and dolomite respectively are 65.641%-99.334%, 55.540%-99.12%, and 50.240%-91.489%. The desorption ability of Dago soil, Arcamanik soil, and dolomite respectively are 0.32%-2.46%, 1.02%-5.337%, and 4.36%-15.703%. Adsorptions of orthophosphate by both soils occur according to the Temkin isotherm model, and for dolomite, the Freundlich isotherm depicted the equilibrium data most accurately. For all adsorbents were well fitted with pseudo-second order kinetics model. The Experimental data further indicated that the removal of orthophosphate by Dago and Arcamanik soil occur by chemisorptions mechanism, while adsorption orthophosphate by dolomite occur by physicsorption mechanism and surface precipitation. Keywords: adsorption, desorption, isotherm, kinetic, orthophosphat
Islamofobia terjadi tidak hanya di ranah kehidupan nyata, tetapi juga dunia maya. Salah satu fenomena Islamofobia yang belum lama ini terjadi ialah kritik seorang politisi sayap kanan berkebangsaan Australia yang juga merupakan mantan senat negara bagian Quueensland bernama Fraser Anning. Popularitas Fraser Anning seketika melesat setelah ia melontarkan komentar tajam tentang apakah masyarakat masih meragukan korelasi antara Islam dengan terorisme pasca aksi penembakan massal yang terjadi di kota Christchurch, New Zealand, pada 15 Maret 2019. Komentar tersebut seketika menuai reaksi publik. Kritik tersebut bukanlah yang pertama kali Fraser Anning lontarkan terhadap Islam dan Muslim. Fraser Anning menyampaikan kritik terhadap Islam dan Muslim melalui jejaringsosialnya seperti Facebook dan Twitter. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelaah isu Islamofobia dalam twit Fraser Anning dengan cara menganalisis representasi Islam dan Muslim di dalam twit Anning tersebut. Untuk mendukung analisis tentang representasi Islam dan Muslim di twit Fraser Anning, penulis menggunakan teori Transitivitas yang merupakan bagian dari pendekatan Linguistik Sistemik Fungsional yang dikembangkan oleh Halliday dan kerangka Appraisal yang merupakan perpanjangan dari Linguistik Sistemik Fungsional yang dikembangkan oleh Martin & White. Sumber data penelitian ini berupa 33 twit Fraser Anningtentang Islam dan Muslim yang penulis pilih dari April 2018 hingga April 2019. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa proses material ialah proses yang paling dominan digunakan oleh Fraser Anning untuk merepresentasikan Islam dan Muslim secara negatif dengan cara menunjukan aksi kriminal dan perbuatan tidak terpuji yang dilakukan oleh Muslim. Sementara, dalam aspek analisis Appraisal, evaluasi negatif terhadap kesesuaian perilaku atau negative judgement of propriety menjadi evaluasi bahasa yang paling dominan digunakan Anning untuk mengecam perilaku Muslim yang Anning anggap tidak sesuai dengan kaidah norma dan moral. Selain itu, hasil analisis juga menunjukanbahwa Fraser Anning merepresentasikan Islam dan Muslim sebagai entitas yang tidak cakap, suka menindas, keji, dan membangkang
Peluang bisnis berbasis teknologi informasi pada bidang transportasi telah
dimanfaatkan oleh PT. Grab Teknologi Indonesia (Grab) dan PT. Teknologi
Pengangkutan Indonesia (TPI) melalui bentuk hubungan Kerjasama. Namun dalam
faktanya, hubungan kerjasama tersebut telah menimbulkan kerugian terhadap mitra
usaha. Semula diasumsikan hubungan kerjasama tersebut termasuk dalam
perjanjian dilarang, namun hasil penelusuran ditemukan perjanjian yang dilarang
dan kegiatan yang dilarang lainnya. Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini
antara lain; (1) kualifikasi perjanjian antara PT. Grab Teknologi Indonesia (Grab)
dan PT. Teknologi Pengangkutan Indonesia (TPI) sebagai integrasi vertikal yang
dilarang Undang-Undang; (2) dampak yang terjadi akibat perjanjian integrasi
vertikal dalam aspek penegakan hukum, dan (3) peran KPPU dalam mengawasi
perjanjian integrasi vertikal.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu spesifikasi penelitian bersifat
deskriptif analitis, dengan pendekatan yuridis normatif, dan data yang diperoleh
dianalisis secara yuridis kualitatif.
Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa perjanjian PT. Grab dan PT. TPI
merupakan perjanjian yang dilarang dan berpotensi mempengaruhi persaingan
usaha, yaitu adanya rangkap jabatan dalam perjanjian tersebut dapat mendorong
adanya pelanggaran terhadap Pasal 14 Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999
tentang Larangan Praktik Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat. Ditemukan
indikasi adanya diskiriminasi yang dilakukan terhadap Mitra Grab Non-TPI dengan
memberlakukan sistem pembagian insentif yang berbeda dan adanya program
loyalitas untuk Mitra Grab-TPI. Upaya yang dilakukan oleh KPPU dalam rangka
pengawasan terhadap kerjasama antara PT. Grab dan PT. TPI sehingga tidak
merugikan persaingan usaha yang sehat. Dalam praktiknya, KPPU telah melakukan
upaya dalam membuat pedoman mengenai integrasi vertikal melalui Perkom No. 5
Tahun 2010 tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Pasal 14 tentang Integrasi Vertikal
Berdasarkan Undang-Undang No. 5 Tahun 1999 dan pedoman mengenai praktik
diskriminasi melalui Perkom No, 3 Tahun 2011 tentang Pedoman Pasal 19 Huruf
D (Praktik Diskriminasi) Undang-Undang No. 5 Tahun 1999.
Kata Kunci: Integrasi Vertikal, Rule of Reason, Diskriminasi, Grab, TP
Bioelectrochemical System Application for Pesticides Removal: A mini-review
The widespread use of pesticides for agricultural purposes
results in their presence in the environment. Pesticide occurrence is
causing potential negative impacts on human health and environmental
deterioration in general. One of the interdisciplinary field to implement a
technology for converting and conserving resources is bioelectrochemistry.
An integrated system based on bioelectrochemical processes, namely
Bioelectrochemical System (BES), has been well developed to date.
The application of BES to remove various materials in the bioremediation
process has been well established in the combination with diverse
technologies. The set up of integrated BES with Granular Activated
Carbon (GAC) is one of the promising solutions to enhance the removal of
the pesticide in water. The BES in situ has been implemented to remove
contaminants in groundwater. This mini-review discusses the recent
development of pesticide removal and environmental remediation using
bioelectrochemical approaches, offering new insight into the big scope of
green technology application
Synthesis of TiO2 Nanofiber-Nanoparticle Composite Catalyst and Its Photocatalytic Decolorization Performance of Reactive Black 5 Dye From Aqueous Solution
In this study, synthesis of TiO2 nanofiber-nanoparticle composite photocatalyst was carried out and its photocatalytic decolorization performance was investigated. TiO2 nanofibers were developed by electrospinning. The TiO2 nanoparticle films were prepared by dipping the glass substrates into a sol solution made by sol-gel method. The TiO2 nanofiber-nanoparticle composite was immobilized on glass plates and annealed at 500 °C. The effects of pH and catalyst loading were studied during a photocatalytic decolorization experiment using simulated dyeing wastewater containing Reactive Black 5 (RB5). The photocatalytic decolorization performance with 60 min of UV-irradiation time using the TiO2 nanofiber-nanoparticle composite was found to be higher (94.4%) than that of the TiO2 nanofibers (75.5%) and the TiO2 nanoparticle catalyst (74.1%). An alkaline condition and high catalyst loading were found to be preferable to achieve optimum photocatalytic decolorization of Reactive Black 5 (RB5). The TiO2 nanofiber-nanoparticle composite could be recovered after reusing multiple times through re-annealing at a high temperature. TiO2 nanofibers based on a composite catalyst that is strongly immobilized on glass plates enlarges the prospect of the photocatalytic method as a compact, practical and effective advanced treatment process for effluents from textile wastewater
Biological Oxygen-dosed Activated Carbon (BODAC) filters – A bioprocess for ultrapure water production removing organics, nutrients and micropollutants
Biological oxygen-dosed activated carbon (BODAC) filters in an Ultrapure water plant were demonstrated to have the potential to further treat secondary wastewater treatment effluent. The BODAC filters were operated for 11 years without carbon regeneration or replacement, while still functioning as pre-treatment step to reverse osmosis (RO) membranes by actively removing organic micropollutants (OMPs) and foulants. In this study, the removal of nutrients and 13 OMPs from secondary wastewater treatment effluent was investigated for 2 years and simultaneously, the granules’ characterization and microbial community analysis were conducted to gain insights behind the stable long-term operation of the BODAC filters. The results showed that the BODAC granules' surface area was reduced by ∼70 % of what is in virgin carbon granules and covered by biofilm and inorganic depositions. The BODAC filters reduced the concentration of soluble organics, mainly proteins, performed as an effective nitrification system, and almost completely removed manganese. During the 2 years of observation, the filters consistently removed some OMPs such as hydrochlorothiazide, metoprolol, sotalol, and trimethoprim by at least 70 %. Finally, through microbial community analysis, we found that nitrifying and manganese-oxidizing bacteria were detected in high relative abundance on BODAC granules, supporting BODAC performance in removing OMPs and manganese as well as converting nitrogenous species in the water.</p
Potensi sentra olahan ubi kayu dan mitigasi bencana di Desa Kranggan, Galur, Kulon Progo
Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) are part of a mandatory activity to fulfill student obligations, namely community service, KKN in batch 80 is carried out online due to the covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, this research was conducted to fulfill the task given by Atma Jaya University Yogyakarta. The Kranggan Village area is one of the villages located in the Galur sub-district, Kulon Progo Regency which is located close to the southern coast of the island of Java. Therefore, it is necessary to have comprehensive efforts in policy making to reduce the risk caused by natural disasters such as doing mitigation. In addition, this study aims to educate the Kranggan village community in increasing search results from cassava plants, where the Kranggan village area has 91.0 hectares of land for cassava plants in 2018. Data collection techniques in this research are observation, collection of literature studies from the internet and discussions with lecturers. The results of this study were made together with a pocket book or e-book entitled "Potency of Kranggan Village, Processed Cassava" and an e-book or pocket book "Disaster Mitigation". The target of this KKN program is the formation of a home industry that is able to compete in the market and is managed directly by the Kranggan village community and provides education if a natural disaster occurs, so that the community understands what actions to take in certain situations. Therefore, Group 79 chose to make an e-book on village potential on the use of cassava and disaster mitigation counseling. The results of this study are expected to be useful in the future for the people of Kranggan Village in increasing their income from making cassava chips in addition to the work of the majority of the population is farming and is expected to be useful for the people of Kranggan Village to always be responsive and alert in taking action to deal with natural disasters