24 research outputs found

    Secretion of DNases by Marine Bacteria: A Culture Based and Bioinformatics Approach

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    The vast majority of bacteria present in the natural environment are present in the form of aggregates and/or biofilms. Microbial aggregates are ubiquitous in the marine environment and are inhabited by diverse microbial communities which often express intense extracellular enzymatic activities. However, the secretion of an important group of enzymes, DNases, by bacteria from marine aggregates has not been studied, despite the importance of these aggregates in biogeochemical cycling of nutrients in the oceans. In this work, we therefore, employed both culture-based and bioinformatics approaches to understand the diversity of bacterial DNases in marine bacterioplankton. We found that 34% of 345 strains of attached and non-attached marine bacteria showed extracellular DNase activity. Most of these isolates belong to Proteobacteria (53%) and Firmicutes (34%). Secretion of DNases by bacteria isolated from marine gel particles (MGP) is reported here for the first time. Then, to further understand the wider diversity of the potential to produce DNases, sequences were compared using 2316 whole genome and 42 metagenome datasets. Thirty-nine different taxonomic groups corresponding to 10 bacterial phyla were found to encode genes responsible for DNase secretion. This study highlights the unexpected and widespread presence of DNase secretion in bacteria in general and in MGP more specifically. This has important implications for understanding the dynamics and fate of marine microbial aggregates in the oceans

    Development of organic agriculture in the Czech Republic

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    Przeprowadzono analizę i dokonano oceny tendencji rozwojowych w czeskim rolnictwie ekologicznym. Z przeprowadzonych rozważań wynika, że wzrasta znaczenie rolnictwa ekologicznego w Republice Czeskiej. Liczba gospodarstw ekologicznych zwiększyła się w latach 1990-2008 z 3 do 1946. Ich łączna powierzchnia wzrosła w tym okresie z 480 do 341,6 tys. ha. W efekcie wzrósł, do ponad 8%, udział powierzchni ekologicznych w całkowitych użytkach rolnych. Dynamiczny rozwój ekologicznych metod produkcji w Republice Czeskiej jest głównie efektem wsparcia finansowego tego rodzaju działalności rolniczej z budżetu państwa.The aim of this paper is the analyse and assess the development tendencies in Czech organic farming. The conclusions from the dissertation suggest that the significance of organic agriculture in the Czech Republic is rising. The number of ecological farms increased in the period from 1990 to 2008 from 5 to 1946. Their total area increased in this period from 480 ha to 541,6 thousand ha. In the result the share of ecological farms in the total area of agricultural farmland increased to over 8%. Dynamic development of ecological production methods in the Czech Republic resulted mainly from financial subsidies for this type of agricultural activity granted by the state budget

    Napływ i zasoby bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych ulokowane w czeskim przemyśle spożywczym

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    The objective of the paper is to present the changes in capital resources (in the form of foreign direct investment), which were located in the Czech food industry and the assessment of development trends in the inflow of FDI into the food industry in the years 2002-2011. The analyses conducted show that in the period considered, the Czech food industry was neglected by foreign investors, if compared with other manufacturing industries. The cumulative value of foreign investment in this industry estimated at the end of 2011 amounted to EUR 2.3 billion, which accounted for 7.9% of the capital resources (in the form of FDI) invested in the manufacturing sector

    Breaches of the organic agriculture principles in the Czech Republic

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    Celem opracowania jest analiza nadużyć i nieprawidłowości, jakie zostały zidentyfikowane w rolnictwie, przetwórstwie i handlu produktami ekologicznymi w Republice Czeskiej. Z przeprowadzonej analizy wynika, że do najczęściej występujących nieprawidłowości należą uchybienia w zakresie znakowania produktów. Inne dość często występujące naruszenia zasad produkcji ekologicznej to żywienie zwierząt paszami niedozwolonymi w rolnictwie ekologicznym oraz nieprawidłowości w prowadzeniu ewidencji.The aim of this paper is to present the abuses and irregularities which were identified in agriculture, processing industry and trade of ecological products in the Czech Republic. The analysis shows that the most common are the irregularities in labelling the products. Other often occurring abuses are feeding the livestock with fodder disallowed in ecological agriculture and nonconformities with the regulations in keeping records

    Foreign trade of Czech dairy products after the accession to the European Union

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    Skoncentrowano się na analizie i próbie oceny konkurencyjności handlu zagranicznego Republiki Czeskiej w zakresie produktów mleczarskich. Produkty mleczarskie są jedną z niewielu kategorii produktów rolno-żywnościowych, które generują nadwyżkę w czeskim handlu zagranicznym towarami rolno-spożywczymi. Z przeprowadzonej analizy wynika, że po akcesji do Unii Europejskiej zwiększyły się obroty czeskiego handlu zagranicznego produktami mleczarskimi. Nadwyżka w handlu produktami mleczarskimi uległa podwojeniu. Niekorzystna pozostała jednak struktura towarowa tych obrotów. W eksporcie dominują bowiem surowce, natomiast w imporcie produkty przetworzone.The paper products the analysis and competitiveness assessment of Czech foreign trade in the scope of dairy products. These products are one offew categories of agricultural and food products that generate a surplus in Czech foreign trade. The conducted analysis suggests that after accession to the European Union the turnover of Czech dairy products foreign trade increased. Both import and export had similar dynamics (it more than doubled in the period 2004-2008). Also the positive balance in dairy products trade more than doubled in the analysed period. However the goods structure of these turnovers is still unfavourable. As raw materials dominate export and processed products dominate import

    Costs and incomes of agriculture enterprises

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    Przedstawiono sytuację ekonomiczną reprezentatywnej części gospodarstw rolnych uczestniczących w Polskim FADN, po wstąpieniu Polski do Unii Europejskiej. Badania obejmują analizę ponoszonych kosztów i osiąganych dochodów przez gospodarstwa w latach 2006-2008. Otrzymane wyniki wykazały, że wszystkie obliczone kategorie kosztów z roku na rok wzrastały. Uzyskana natomiast wartość produkcji wahała się, nie dotrzymując tempa wzrostu ponoszonym kosztom. Wobec powyższego osiągane przez gospodarstwa dochody nie dorównywały wynagrodzeniom netto w gospodarce narodowej.The paper presents an economic situation of chosen representative agriculture enterprises that took part in Polish PADN after Poland accessed EU. The research includes the analysis of costs and incomes of farms in years 2006-2008. The results indicate that all calculated categories of costs were gradually increasing, whereas the value of production did not catch up with the rate of costs growth. Thus, the income gained by agriculture enterprises was lower compared to net income in national economy

    Finansowe efekty realizacji inwestycji wpisujących się w ideę zrównoważonego rozwoju - przypadek polskiego przedsiębiorstwa przemysłu utylizacyjnego

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    The paper illustrates the introduction of ecological innovations by a Polish company operating within the rendering industry. The investment resulted not only in the management of large amounts of waste, but also enabled their re-use, thus contributing to environmental protection. However, this is not the only effect of the investments. An improved innovative production process enabled the company to improve its financial situation and, consequently, to gain the position of one of the leaders in the rendering industry in Poland. The methods applied in the research included a descriptive method, a case study method, a personal interview and ratio analysis of financial statements from the examined company. The study used data and materials provided by the company.Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie przykładu wprowadzenia innowacji o charakterze ekologicznym przez polskie przedsiębiorstwo działające w przemyśle utylizacyjnym. Inwestycja ta spowodowała nie tylko zagospodarowanie znacznych ilości odpadów, ale umożliwiła także ich ponowne wykorzystanie, przyczyniając się tym samym do ochrony środowiska naturalnego. Nie jest to jednak jedyny efekt przeprowadzonych inwestycji. Udoskonalony, innowacyjny proces produkcji pozwolił przedsiębiorstwu poprawić sytuację finansową oraz w konsekwencji osiągnąć pozycję jednego z liderów w przemyśle utylizacyjnym w Polsce. Metodami badawczymi były metoda opisowa, analiza przypadku, metoda wywiadu osobistego oraz analiza wskaźnikowa sprawozdań finansowych badanej firmy. Wykorzystano dane i materiały udostępnione przez przedsiębiorstwo

    Abstract Number ‐ 13: Endovascular BCI to Restore Motor Control for the Command of Digital Devices in Severe Quadriparesis

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    Introduction Brain‐computer interfaces (BCIs), functioning as motor neuroprostheses, have the potential to restore the transmission of neural signal from the cerebral cortex to control digital devices and improve functional independence in patients with severe paralysis due to brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerve or muscle dysfunction. Methods COMMAND is an FDA‐approved, NIH‐funded single arm, open‐label, prospective early feasibility study designed to enroll 6 patients with severe quadriparesis to receive an endovascular implantable motor neuroprosthesis (Stentrode, Synchron Inc, Brooklyn, NY). The primary outcome measures include treatment related serious adverse events within 12‐month after device implantation. Secondary outcome measures include restoration of neural signal from the cerebral cortex utilized for neuromuscular control of digital devices, resulting in the successful execution of non‐mechanical digital commands, e.g., for the control of personal computers. The study device comprises of three parts: 1) Endovascular electrode array and lead (StentrodeTM), implanted percutaneously via the jugular vein in the superior sagittal sinus adjacent to the motor cortex using endovascular approach; 2) Implantable Receiver Transmitter Unit (IRTU) implanted in the pectoral region; and 3) Controller, including an External Receiver Transmitter Unit (ERTU), Signal Control Unit (SCU) and Software Application. Results A 67 year‐old patient with complete quadriplegia from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) enrolled into the study and completed a screening process, which included CTV and MRV to ascertain normal venous sinus anatomy, with two patent jugular veins and bilateral patent transverse sinuses. Using a right internal jugular vein access, the investigational endovascular Stentrode BCI was implanted in the superior sagittal sinus adjacent to primary motor cortex. Co‐registration to enable accurate anatomical targeting was achieved by fusing structural MRI data with intra‐procedurally acquired 3D‐volume (3D‐DSA). A sub‐clavicular subcutaneous pocket was created to place the IRTU. Then, the lead was tunneled to the pocket and connected to the IRTU. Before closure of the wound, impedance measurement was taken which confirmed functionality of the system. The patient tolerated the procedure very well, was successfully extubated after the procedure and remained neurologically at his baseline. The patient was started on dual antiplatelet therapy 2 weeks prior to the surgery and will be continued on this regimen for 3 months.The participant will undergo machine‐learning‐assisted training to use wirelessly transmitted electrocorticography signals associated with attempted movements to control multiple mouse‐click actions, including zoom and left‐click. Used in combination with an eye‐tracker for cursor navigation, the patient will practice controlling a computer to conduct instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) tasks. Conclusions We describe the first US in‐human experience of a minimally invasive, fully implanted, wireless motor neuroprosthesis using an endovascular stent‐electrode array to transmit electrocorticography signals from the motor cortex for multiple command control of digital devices

    Secondary nucleation and elongation occur at different sites on Alzheimer\u27s amyloid-b aggregates

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    The aggregates of the Ab peptide associated with Alzheimer\u27s disease are able to both grow in size aswell as generate, through secondary nucleation, new small oligomeric species, that are major cytotoxins associated with neuronal death. Despite the importance of these amyloid fibril-dependent processes, their structural and molecular underpinnings have remained challenging to elucidate. Here, we consider two molecular chaperones: The Brichos domain, which suppresses specifically secondary nucleation processes, and clusterin which our results show is capable of inhibiting, specifically, the elongation of Ab fibrils at remarkably low substoichiometric ratios. Microfluidic diffusional sizing measurements demonstrate that this inhibition originates from interactions of clusterin with fibril ends with high affinity. Kinetic experiments in the presence of both molecular chaperones reveal that their inhibitory effects are additive and noncooperative, thereby indicating that the reactive sites associated with the formation of new aggregates and the growth of existing aggregates are distinct