4 research outputs found

    Stand und Trends der Qualitätssicherung von vernetzten eingebetteten Systemen

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    Die Qualitätssicherung von vernetzten eingebetteten Systemen stellt auf Grund der immer größeren Bedeutung für Innovationen ein wichtiges Thema für die deutsche Industrie dar. Dabei stellte der gestiegene Qualitätsanspruch an eingebettete Systeme gemeinsam mit der Reduzierung der Zeit bis zur Markteinführung eines Produktes (Time-to-Market) das wichtigste Thema für die befragten Unternehmen dar. Um den aktuellen Stand der Qualitätssicherung vernetzter eingebetteter Systeme und zukünftige Trends zu ermitteln, führte das Fraunhofer-Institut FOKUS zwischen August und Dezember 2013 Interviews mit 19 leitenden Mitarbeitern, größtenteils aus der Automobil- und Luftfahrtbranche, durch, und befragte sie zu Stand und Trends im Bereich der Qualitätssicherung vernetzter eingebetteter Systeme. Die vorliegende Studie fasst den aktuellen Stand in der Qualitätssicherung vernetzter eingebetteter Systeme zusammen, benennt Stärken und Schwächen, analysiert zukünftige Herausforderungen und zeigt mögliche Lösungswege auf

    Towards an open data based ICT reference architecture for smart cities

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    Given that ICT is at the heart of today's Smart City approach, it is of paramount importance to investigate concepts, which would enable the unification, the common understanding and the replication of ICT architectures/solutions/models across multiple cities. This unified and replicable approach can be best achieved by a very abstract model, aiming to capture the taxonomy and high-level structure of complex integrative ICT solutions for Smart Cities. The approach should be based on the idea of openness with respect to interfaces, software components and especially data, which is to be seen as the main ingredient of an ICT eco-system for Smart Cities. This paper presents an Open Data based ICT Reference Architecture for Smart Cities, which is developed within the EU project Triangulum

    Identification and utilization of components for a linked open data platform

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    Open Data (OD) is an emerging trend that aims to facilitate the freedom and reuse of information. Therefore, tools, applications and platforms are required that enable the publishing and consumption of data. In this paper, we present our experience from the integration of components that should constitute an OD platform. The proposed solution is able to store datasets as linked data, to catalogue the datasets, and provides a portal with features for supporting community activities. Further, we exemplify the utilization of the proposed platform, by describing a touristic city guide web mashup that uses published Open Data. This application consumes data in machine readable format over APIs provided by the OD platform

    On the interplay of open data, cloud services and network providers towards electric mobility in smart cities

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    Quality of life in an urban environment depends strongly on ecological, social and mobility aspects. A major innovation in that context is given by the emergence of electric vehicles. Additionally, the explosive growth of social networks has shown how the Internet can be used to maintain and create communities, thereby bringing mutual benefits to the involved participants. Combining both, there is an obvious potential for the realization of collaborative electric vehicle sharing within a city. In this paper, we investigate one of the key aspects required to realize the vision of electric vehicle sharing - a cloud infrastructure for handling the required data. We propose a distributed architecture for the realization of such data cloud. Further, we demonstrate how ISP networks and the elect ric mobility data cloud can collaborate in order to provide efficient streaming of continuous data