2,899 research outputs found

    Aqueous alteration on main belt primitive asteroids: results from visible spectroscopy

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    This work focuses on the study of the aqueous alteration process which acted in the main belt and produced hydrated minerals on the altered asteroids. The aqueous alteration is particularly important for unraveling the processes occurring during the earliest times of the Solar System history, as it can give information both on the asteroids thermal evolution and on the localization of water sources in the asteroid belt. We present new spectral observations in the visible region of 80 asteroids belonging to the primitive classes C, G, F, B and P. We combine the present observations with the visible spectra of asteroids available in the literature for a total of 600 primitive main belt asteroids. Our analysis shows that the aqueous alteration sequence starts from the P-type objects, practically unaltered, and increases through the F, B, C, and G asteroids. Around 50% of the observed C-type asteroids show absorption features in the vis. range due to hydrated silicates, implying that more than 70% of them will have a 3 ÎŒ\mum absorption band and thus hydrated minerals on their surfaces. The process dominates in primitive asteroids located between 2.3 and 3.1 AU, that is at smaller heliocentric distances than previously suggested. The aqueous alteration process dominates in the 50--240 km sized primitive asteroids, while it is less effective for bodies smaller than 50 km. No correlation is found between the aqueous alteration process and the asteroids albedo or orbital elements. Comparing the ∌\sim 0.7 ÎŒ\mum band parameters of hydrated silicates and CM2 carbonaceous chondrites, we see that the band center of meteorites is at longer wavelengths than that of asteroids. This difference on center positions may be attributed to different minerals abundances, and to the fact that CM2 available on Earth might not be representative of the whole aqueous altered asteroids population.Comment: Icarus, accepted for publication on 28 January 2014 Manuscript pages: 38; Figures: 13 ; Tables:

    Spectral variability on primitive asteroids of the Themis and Beagle families: space weathering effects or parent body heterogeneity?

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    Themis is an old and statistically robust asteroid family populating the outer main belt, and resulting from a catastrophic collision that took place 2.5±\pm1.0 Gyr ago. Within the old Themis family a young sub-family, Beagle, formed less than 10 Myr ago, has been identified. We present the results of a spectroscopic survey in the visible and near infrared range of 22 Themis and 8 Beagle families members. The Themis members investigated exhibit a wide range of spectral behaviors, while the younger Beagle family members look spectrally bluer with a smaller spectral slope variability. The best meteorite spectral analogues found for both Themis and Beagle families members are carbonaceous chondrites having experienced different degrees of aqueous alteration, prevalently CM2 but also CV3 and CI, and some of them are chondrite samples being unusual or heated. We extended the spectral analysis including the data available in the literature on Themis and Beagle families members, and we looked for correlations between spectral behavior and physical parameters using the albedo and size values derived from the WISE data. The analysis of this larger sample confirm the spectral diversity within the Themis family and that Beagle members tend to be bluer and to have an higher albedo. The differences between the two family may be partially explained by space weathering processes, which act on these primitive surfaces in a similar way than on S-type asteroids, i.e. producing reddening and darkening. However we see several Themis members having albedos and spectral slopes similar to the young Beagle members. Alternative scenarios are proposed including heterogeneity in the parent body having a compositional gradient with depth, and/or the survival of projectile fragments having a different composition than the parent body.Comment: Manuscript pages: 40; Figures: 15 ; Tables: 4 Icarus (2016),in pres

    Improved parametrization of the transparency parameter in Kox and Shen models of total reaction cross sections

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    The total reaction cross section is an essential quantity in particle and heavy-ion transport codes when determining the mean free path of a transported particle. Many transport codes determine the distance a particle is transported before it collides with the target or is stopped in the target material, with the Monte Carlo (MC) method using semiempirical parametrization models for the total reaction cross sections. In order to improve the well-known Kox and Shen models of total reaction cross sections and allow the models to be used at energies below 30 MeV/nucleon, we propose a modified parametrization of the transparency parameter. We also report that the Kox and Shen models have a projectile-target asymmetry and should be used so that the lighter nucleus is always treated as the projectile

    Josephson junction qubit network with current-controlled interaction

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    We design and evaluate a scalable charge qubit chain network with controllable current-current coupling of neighbouring qubit loops via local dc-current gates. The network allows construction of general N-qubit gates. The proposed design is in line with current main stream experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Ion counting efficiencies at the IGISOL facility

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    At the IGISOL-JYFLTRAP facility, fission mass yields can be studied at high precision. Fission fragments from a U target are passing through a Ni foil and entering a gas filled chamber. The collected fragments are guided through a mass separator to a Penning trap where their masses are identified. This simulation work focuses on how different fission fragment properties (mass, charge and energy) affect the stopping efficiency in the gas cell. In addition, different experimental parameters are varied (e. g. U and Ni thickness and He gas pressure) to study their impact on the stopping efficiency. The simulations were performed using the Geant4 package and the SRIM code. The main results suggest a small variation in the stopping efficiency as a function of mass, charge and kinetic energy. It is predicted that heavy fragments are stopped about 9% less efficiently than the light fragments. However it was found that the properties of the U, Ni and the He gas influences this behavior. Hence it could be possible to optimize the efficiency.Comment: 52 pages, 44 figure

    Surface effects on the Mott-Hubbard transition in archetypal V2_2O3_3

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    We present an experimental and theoretical study exploring surface effects on the evolution of the metal-insulator transition in the model Mott-Hubbard compound Cr-doped V2_2O3_3. We find a microscopic domain formation that is clearly affected by the surface crystallographic orientation. Using scanning photoelectron microscopy and X-ray diffraction, we find that surface defects act as nucleation centers for the formation of domains at the temperature-induced isostructural transition and favor the formation of microscopic metallic regions. A density functional theory plus dynamical mean field theory study of different surface terminations shows that the surface reconstruction with excess vanadyl cations leads to doped, and hence more metallic surface states, explaining our experimental observations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Domain size effects on the dynamics of a charge density wave in 1T-TaS2

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    Recent experiments have shown that the high temperature incommensurate (I) charge density wave (CDW) phase of 1T-TaS2 can be photoinduced from the lower temperature, nearly commensurate (NC) CDW state. Here we report a time-resolved x-ray diffraction study of the growth process of the photoinduced I-CDW domains. The layered nature of the material results in a marked anisotropy in the size of the photoinduced domains of the I-phase. These are found to grow self-similarly, their shape remaining unchanged throughout the growth process. The photoinduced dynamics of the newly formed I-CDW phase was probed at various stages of the growth process using a double pump scheme, where a first pump creates I-CDW domains and a second pump excites the newly formed I-CDW state. We observe larger magnitudes of the coherently excited I-CDW amplitude mode in smaller domains, which suggests that the incommensurate lattice distortion is less stable for smaller domain sizes.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    A neutrino-nucleon interaction generator for the FLUKA Monte Carlo code

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    Event generators that handle neutrino-nucleon interaction have been developed for the FLUKA code [1]. In earlier FLUKA versions only quasi-elastic (QEL) interactions were included, and the code relied on external event generators for the resonance (RES) and deep inelastic scattering (DIS). The new DIS+RES event generator is fully integrated in FLUKA and uses the same hadronization routines as those used for simulating hadron-nucleon interactions. Nuclear effects in neutrino-nucleus interactions are simulated within the same framework as in the FLUKA hadron-nucleus interaction model (PEANUT), thus profiting from its detailed physics modelling and longstanding benchmarking. The generators are available in the standard FLUKA distribution. They are presently under development and several improvements are planned to be implemented. The physics relevant to the neutrino-nucleon interactions and the results of comparisons with experimental data are discussed

    Characterization of a Be(p,xn) neutron source for fission yields measurements

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    We report on measurements performed at The Svedberg Laboratory (TSL) to characterize a proton-neutron converter for independent fission yield studies at the IGISOL-JYFLTRAP facility (Jyv\"askyl\"a, Finland). A 30 MeV proton beam impinged on a 5 mm water-cooled Beryllium target. Two independent experimental techniques have been used to measure the neutron spectrum: a Time of Flight (TOF) system used to estimate the high-energy contribution, and a Bonner Sphere Spectrometer able to provide precise results from thermal energies up to 20 MeV. An overlap between the energy regions covered by the two systems will permit a cross-check of the results from the different techniques. In this paper, the measurement and analysis techniques will be presented together with some preliminary results.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, also submitted as proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology 201
