30 research outputs found

    The best interests of children in the digital world: Sonia Livingstone interview with Gerison Lansdown

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    The Digital Futures Commission is working to put children’s interests at the centre of the design of the digital world. That’s our mission. But what are children’s interests? We draw on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), which requires that “in all actions concerning children
 the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration” (article 3, para.1). This is easier to say than to deliver, however. Sonia Livingstone talked to international children’s rights consultant Gerison Lansdown to unpack the idea of children’s “best interests,” including in relation to the digital environment

    Interview with Gerison Lansdown: Sonia Livingstone and Kate Cowan interview with Gerison Lansdown

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    To understand the right to play and how that manifests in the digital world, Sonia Livingstone and Kate Cowan spoke to Gerison Lansdown, an expert on children’s rights, as part of our interview series on play in the digital world

    Promuovere la partecipazione dei ragazzi per costruire la democrazia

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    In questa Indagine Innocenti, Gerison Lansdown prende in esame il significato dell'articolo 12 della Convenzione sui diritti dell'infanzia, nel quale si afferma che i bambini hanno il diritto di partecipare alle decisioni che li riguardano direttamente. Lansdown analizza attentamente il senso profondo di quest'articolo come strumento per aiutare i bambini e gli adolescenti a far fronte alle violazioni dei propri diritti e ad agire in loro tutela.children's participation; children's rights; convention on the rights of the child; education; right to be heard;Global;

    A Model for Action - the Children's Rights Development Unit: Promoting the Convention on the Rights of the Child in the United Kingdom

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    From 1992 to 1995, the Children’s Rights Development Unit worked to promote the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in the UK. It chose five broad strategies: promoting awareness of the Convention and its practical application to children’s lives; monitoring the extent to which legislation, policy and practice in the UK comply with the Convention; developing practical strategies for implementation; promoting children’s participation; and identifying mechanisms for compliance. The process, which involved many individuals (children included) and hundreds of organizations, is documented here to be shared with kindred organizations in other countries.convention on the rights of the child; implementation of the crc; partnership;UK;

    Les capacités évolutives de l'enfant

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    Pour la premiĂšre fois dans un traitĂ© internacional relatif aux droits humains, la Convention relative aux droits de l’enfant introduit le concept des ‘capacitĂ©s Ă©volutives’ de l’enfant. Ce principe revĂȘt de profondes implications pour les droits humains de l’enfant. Il Ă©tablit que l’acquisition de compĂ©tences majeures de la part des enfants s’accompagne d’une moindre nĂ©cessitĂ© de les diriger et d’une plus grande nĂ©cessitĂ© de leur confier la responsabilitĂ© des dĂ©cisions qui concernent leur existence. La Convention reconnaĂźt que les enfants acquiĂšrent des compĂ©tences Ă  des Ăąges diffĂ©rents en fonction des environnements, des cultures et des expĂ©riences de vie, et que l’acquisition de ces compĂ©tences varie selon les circonstances. Elle tient Ă©galement compte du fait que les capacitĂ©s des enfants diffĂšrent selon la nature des droits Ă  exercer.Cette Ă©tude a pour objectif d’ouvrir la discussion et de favoriser le dĂ©bat afin de mieux discerner les moyens de promouvoir les changements culturels nĂ©cessaires pour que les enfants soient adĂ©quatement protĂ©gĂ©s conformĂ©ment Ă  leurs capacitĂ©s Ă©volutives, et qu’ils soient respectĂ©s en tant que citoyens, en tant que personnes et en tant que titulaires de droits.child development; child survival and development; children's rights; convention on the rights of the child; evolving capacities of the child; implementation of the crc; right to appropriate standards of care; right to survival and development;Global;

    Promouvoir la participation des enfants au processus decisionnel democratique

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    Dans cet Insight Innocenti, Gerison Lansdown examine l’article 12 de la Convention relative aux droits de l’enfant, selon lequel les enfants ont le droit de participer aux dĂ©cisions qui les concernent. Lansdown se livre Ă  une Ă©tude approfondie de la signification de cet article en tant qu’instrument au service des enfants pour protester contre les violations de leurs droits et agir pour dĂ©fendre ces droits. Elle met aussi l’accent sur ce que l’article n’énonce pas, par exemple le fait qu’il ne donne pas aux enfants le droit de fouler aux pieds les droits des autres - en particulier des parents. Elle recommande avec insistance d’écouter les enfants, indique les consĂ©quences d’un manquement en ce sens et rĂ©cuse un grand nombre des arguments qui ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©mis contre la participation des enfants. L’Insight se veut, avant tout, un guide pratique sur la question, fournissant des listes rĂ©capitulatives claires pour la participation des enfants aux confĂ©rences, et de nombreux exemples concrets d’initiatives rĂ©centes.children's participation; children's rights; convention on the rights of the child; education; right to be heard;Global;

    La evolución de las facultades des niño

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    La ConvenciĂłn de los Derechos del Niño introduce por primera vez en un tratado de derecho internacional, el concepto de ‘capacidades evolutivas’ del niño(a). Este principio ha sido descrito como un nuevo principio de interpretaciĂłn en derecho internacional, reconociendo que, a medida que los niños(as) adquieren mayores capacidades, hay menos necesidad de protecciĂłn y mayor capacidad para adquirir responsabilidad por las decisiones que afectarĂĄn su vida. La ConvenciĂłn permite reconocer que los niños(as) que crecen en diferentes espacios y culturas, y que se enfrentan a diversas experiencias de vida, adquirirĂĄn estas capacidades a diferentes edades. Es necesario tomar acciĂłn a travĂ©s del derecho, las polĂ­ticas y la prĂĄctica para que sea reconocidas la contribuciĂłn que la infancia brinda asĂ­ como sus capacidades. El propĂłsito de este estudio es abrir la discusiĂłn y promover el debate para adquirir un mejor entendimiento de la protecciĂłn que debe darse a la niñez, de acuerdo con sus ‘capacidades evolutivas’, y asimismo proveer oportunidades de participaciĂłn en el pleno cumplimiento de sus derechos.child survival and development; children's rights; convention on the rights of the child; evolving capacities of the child; implementation of the crc; right to appropriate standards of care; right to survival and development;Global;

    Promoting Children's Participation in Democratic Decision-Making

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    In this Innocenti Insight, Gerison Lansdown examines the meaning of Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which says that children are entitled to participate in the decisions that affect them. Lansdown takes a close look at the full meaning of this Article as a tool that can help children themselves to challenge abuses of their rights and take action to defend those rights. She also stresses what the Article does not do. It does not, for example, give children the right to ride roughshod over the rights of others, particularly parents. The Insight makes a strong case for listening to children, outlining the implications of failing to do so and challenging many of the arguments that have been levelled against child participation. It is, above all, a practical guide to this issue, with clear checklists for child participation in conferences and many concrete examples of recent initiatives.children's participation; children's rights; convention on the rights of the child; education; right to be heard;Global;