14 research outputs found

    Efeito do genótipo e da idade de ovinos na reatividade medida em pista de venda

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    Objetivou-se avaliar o comportamento de ovinos e relacionar aspectos comportamentais com a raça e idade dos animais. Foram observados 5.971 animais divididos em 181 lotes quanto às raças – Corriedale (n = 2.731), Ideal (n = 1.574), Merino (n = 168), Texel (n = 717), Suffolk (n = 247) e 6 mestiços (n = 534) – e quanto à idade – cordeiras (1,5 ano, n = 3.021), ovelhas (acima de 1,5 ano, n = 2457) e cordeiras dente-de-leite (média de 6 meses de idade, n = 493). O comportamento médio dos lotes foi avaliado pela atribuição de escores de movimentação e resistência à condução na entrada, permanência e saída da pista de comercialização. Os animais das raças mais especializadas para produção de carne (Suffolk e Texel) e os animais jovens foram os mais agitados e apresentaram maior resistência à condução pelo homem em comparação àqueles das raças produtoras de lã e aos mais velhos. Os escores comportamentais foram positivamente relacionados entre si, o que permite a escolha de qualquer um deles para medir o comportamento dos ovinos. O comportamento de ovinos em pista de venda é influenciado pela idade e raça.The objective of this work was to evaluate behavior of sheep and to relate behavioral aspects with breed and age of animals. It was observed 5,971 animals distributed in 181 plots regarded to: breed - Corriedale (n=2,731), Ideal (n=1,574), Merino (n=168), Texel (n=717), Suffolk (n=247) and six crossbreds (n=534); age - yearlings (1.5 year, n=3,021), ewes (above 1.5 year, n =2,457) and lambs (average 6 months of age, n=493). Average behavior of plots was evaluated by attributing scores of movement and resistance to conduction at entrance, permanence and exit from the market auction. Animals from more specialized breeds for meat production (Sulfock and Texel) and young animals were the most agitated and they showed more resistance to human conduction compared to those wool producer breeds and to the older ones. Behavior scores positively correlated among each other, allowing to choose any of them to measure sheep behavior. Sheep on market auction behavior is influenced by age and breed

    Contribution of Ena/VASP Proteins to Intracellular Motility of Listeria Requires Phosphorylation and Proline-rich Core but Not F-Actin Binding or Multimerization

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    The Listeria model system has been essential for the identification and characterization of key regulators of the actin cytoskeleton such as the Arp2/3 complex and Ena/vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP) proteins. Although the role of Ena/VASP proteins in Listeria motility has been extensively studied, little is known about the contributions of their domains and phosphorylation state to bacterial motility. To address these issues, we have generated a panel of Ena/VASP mutants and, upon expression in Ena/VASP-deficient cells, evaluated their contribution to Ena/VASP function in Listeria motility. The proline-rich region, the putative G-actin binding site, and the Ser/Thr phosphorylation of Ena/VASP proteins are all required for efficient Listeria motility. Surprisingly, the interaction of Ena/VASP proteins with F-actin and their potential ability to form multimers are both dispensable for their involvement in this process. Our data suggest that Ena/VASP proteins contribute to Listeria motility by regulating both the nucleation and elongation of actin filaments at the bacterial surface

    Psychophysics of sweet and fat perception in obesity: problems, solutions and new perspectives

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    Psychophysical comparisons seem to show that obese individuals experience normal sweet and fat sensations, they like sweetness the same or less, but like fat more than the non-obese do. These psychophysical comparisons have been made using scales (visual analogue or category) that assume intensity labels (e.g. extremely) which denote the same absolute perceived intensity to all. In reality, the perceived intensities denoted by labels vary because they depend on experiences with the substances to be judged. This variation makes comparisons invalid. Valid comparisons can be made by asking the subjects to rate their sensory/hedonic experiences in contexts that are not related to the specific experiences of interest. Using this methodology, we present the evidence that the sensory and hedonic properties of sweet and fat vary with body mass index. The obese live in different orosensory and orohedonic worlds than do the non-obese; the obese experience reduced sweetness, which probably intensifies fat sensations, and the obese like both sweet and fat more than the non-obese do. Genetic variation as well as taste pathology contribute to these results. These psychophysical advances will impact experimental as well as clinical studies of obesity and other eating disorders