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14 research outputs found
The Life History in Anthropological Science
L.L. Langness
Publication venue
Holt, Rinehart and Winston
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
ix, 53 hal.: 23 cm; Bibliograph
Navigation and Engagement: How Does One Measure Success?
Battjes R.J.
Bernard H.R.
+13Ā more
Cole A.L.
Dakof G.A.
Dembo R.
Dennis M.
Gorski T.T.
Kaminer Y.
Langness L.L.
Miller R.
Prochaska J.O.
Schensul S.L.
Schuckit M.A.
Sterk C.
Watson L.C.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
What Escapes Persuasion: Why Intellectual Disability Troubles āDependenceā in Liberal Societies
Altermark N.
Barton L.
+14Ā more
Department of Health
Edgerton R.B.
Foucault M.
Foucault M.
Fraser N.
Johnson K.
Kittay E.F.
Kittay E.F.
Kittay E.F.
Langness L.L.
MacIntyre A.
Mezzenzana F.
Patrick McKearney
Welshman J.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
A āSimpleā Farmer Accused of Murder: Community Acceptance and the Meaning of Deviance
Berelson B.
Bogdan R.
+26Ā more
Bogdan R.
Bogdan R.
Bogdan R.
Bogdan R.
Braginsky D.
Bruininks R.H.
Bulmer M.
Dickinson M.
Edgerton R.
Erikson K.T.
Erikson K.T.
Goffman E.
Goffman E.
Goode D.A.
Groce N.E.
Kolberg E.
Kolberg E.
Langness L.L.
Mercer J.
Perske R.
Sarason S.
Taylor S.J.
Taylor S.J.
Taylor S.J.
Wolfensberger W.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
The Narrative Construction of the Self
Angrosino M.V.
Bertaux D.
+31Ā more
Braidotti R.
Bruner J.
Bruner J.
Butler J.
Carrithers M.,
Connelly F.M.
Deleuze G.
Deleuze G.
Derrida J.
Foucault M.
Foucault M.
Geertz C.
Gergen K.J.
Gerrit Loots
Gibson A.
Herman L.
Jasmina Sermijn
Lakoff G.
Langness L.L.
Linde C.
Lyotard J.F.
Maan A.K.
Patrick Devlieger
Plummer K.
Ricoeur P.
Ricoeur P.
Ricoeur P.
Rosseel E.
Schneebaum T.
Schuh K.L.
Shorter E.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Morality and the Concept of the Market Seller among Gehamo
Appadurai A.
Berndt R.
+31Ā more
Busse M
Busse M.
Carrier J.G.
Clark G.
Coombe R.J.
Curry G.N.
Epstein T.S.
Foster R.
Gell A.
Gregory C.
Kopytoff I.
Langness L.L.
LiPuma E.
Maclean N.L.
Macpherson C.B.
Martin K.
Mosko M.
Parry J.
Read K.
Read K.
Read K.
Reay M.
Robbins J.
Sahlins M
Schwimmer E.
Strathern A.
Strathern M.
Strathern M.
Sykes K.
Thompson E.P.
Witne B
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
The voice of memory: History, autobiography and oral memory
Berman M.
Buck W.R.
+33Ā more
Bulhof I.
Catani M.
Connell R.W.
Dilthey W.
Douglas L.
Gammage B.
Grele R.J.
Gusdorf G.
Healy C.
Jean B.
Johnson R.
Langness L.L.
Lejeune P.
Lowenstein W.
Mathews Janet
Mendelson F.
Miller D.F.
Mintz S.W.
Moss W.
Olney J.
Passerini L.
Pike C.A.
Raphael F.
Rioux JāP.
Rosengarten T.
Rosser B.
Roughsey E.
Rousseau JāJ.
Samuel R.
Thompson P.
Vansinas J.
Watson C.
Wheelwright P.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Palimpsest: (Re)Reading Women's Lives
Aisenberg N.
Apple M.W.
+33Ā more
Bakhtin M.M.
Benet S.
Bloom L.
Casey K.
Derrida J.
Foucault M.
Gilbert S.M.
Gilmore L.
Grumet M.
Hancock E.
Hanna S.
Heilbrun C.
Hoffman N.
Langness L.L.
Lather P.
Mary-Ellen Jacobs
McLaughlin D.
Middleton S.
Minh-ha T.
Natalie Adams
Personal Narratives Group.
Petra Munro
Polkinghorne D.E.
Rabuzzi K.A.
Rich A.
Ricouer P.
Riessman C.
Schubert W.H.
Smith S.
Smith S.
Spradley J.
Walkerdine V.
Weiler K.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
A Cross-National Study of the Stigmatization of Severe Psychiatric Illness: Historical Review, Methodological Considerations and Development of the Questionnaire
Andrew G. Ryder
Askenasy A.R.
+54Ā more
Ben-Tovim D.I.
Bhattacharya D.P.
Caplan G.
Clausen J.
Crisp A.
Crocetti G.M.
Cumming J.
Dain N.
Davies T.W.
Eaton J.W.
Estroff S.E.
Favazza A.
Favazza A.
Goffman E.
Haghigat R.
Horwitz A.V.
Hunt S.M.
Hutchinson G.
Janzen J.M.
Kleinman A.
Kleinman A.
Langness L.L.
Lefley H.
Lloyd G.E.R.
Maclean C.M.U.
Maclean U.
Malhotra H.K.
McDaniel J.
Murphy H.B.M.
Nunnally J.
Nunnally J.C.
Orley J.H.
Price R.H.
Radden J.
Ramon S.
Rogler L.H.
Roland Littlewood
Rorty R.
Scheper-Hughes N.
Sedgwick P.
Shepherd M.
Shweder R.
Siegler M.
Simons B.
Soddy K.
Sow I.
Spitzer S.P.
Steiger J.H.
Sushrut Jadhav
Tabachnick B.G.
Townsend J.M.
Verghese A.
Warner R.
Wing J.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Agnatic notion, bilateral tendencies and the organisation of local groups among the Muduga
Aiyappan A.
Berndt R.M.
+57Ā more
Berndt R.M.
Brown P.
Burkhart G.
Cucciari Salvatore
Dumont Louis
Dumont Louis
Evans-Pritchard E.E.
Evans-Pritchard E.E.
Evans-Pritchard E.E.
Firth Raymond
Firth Raymond
Firth Raymond
Fortes Mayer
Fuchs Stephen
Goodenough Ward H.
Gough E. Kathleen
Hockings Paul
Holy Ladislav
Kapp D.B.
Kapp D.B.
Kelly R.C.
Khan C.G.H.
Kolenda Pauline
La Fontaine J.
Langness L.L.
Leach E.R.
Leach E.R.
Levi-Strauss C.
LiPuma Edward
Luiz A.A.D.
Malinowski B.
Mandelbaum David G.
Mathur P.R.G.
Mc Cormack W.
Meggit M.J.
Meggit M.J.
Miller Barbara
Morgan Lewis Henry
Noble W.A.
Radcliffe-Brown A.R.
Reddy N.S.
Rivers W.H.R.
Riviere Peter
Scheffler H.W.
Schneider David M.
Sillitoe Paul
Srinivas M.N.
Stone Linda
Strathern Andrew J.
Strathern Andrew J.
Strathern Marilyn
Tambiah S.J.
Trautmann Thomas R.
Van Velsen J.
Wagner Roy
Yalman Nur
Zvelebil Kamil V.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text