315 research outputs found

    On Artin's L-Functions

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    Paper by R. P. Langland

    Boundary states for a free boson defined on finite geometries

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    Langlands recently constructed a map that factorizes the partition function of a free boson on a cylinder with boundary condition given by two arbitrary functions in the form of a scalar product of boundary states. We rewrite these boundary states in a compact form, getting rid of technical assumptions necessary in his construction. This simpler form allows us to show explicitly that the map between boundary conditions and states commutes with conformal transformations preserving the boundary and the reality condition on the scalar field.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX (uses AMS components). Revised version; an analogy with string theory computations is discussed and references adde

    Critical Percolation in Finite Geometries

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    The methods of conformal field theory are used to compute the crossing probabilities between segments of the boundary of a compact two-dimensional region at the percolation threshold. These probabilities are shown to be invariant not only under changes of scale, but also under mappings of the region which are conformal in the interior and continuous on the boundary. This is a larger invariance than that expected for generic critical systems. Specific predictions are presented for the crossing probability between opposite sides of a rectangle, and are compared with recent numerical work. The agreement is excellent.Comment: 10 page

    The Tails of the Crossing Probability

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    The scaling of the tails of the probability of a system to percolate only in the horizontal direction πhs\pi_{hs} was investigated numerically for correlated site-bond percolation model for q=1,2,3,4q=1,2,3,4.We have to demonstrate that the tails of the crossing probability far from the critical point have shape πhs(p)Dexp(cL[ppc]ν)\pi_{hs}(p) \simeq D \exp(c L[p-p_{c}]^{\nu}) where ν\nu is the correlation length index, p=1exp(β)p=1-\exp(-\beta) is the probability of a bond to be closed. At criticality we observe crossover to another scaling πhs(p)Aexp(bL[ppc]νz)\pi_{hs}(p) \simeq A \exp (-b {L [p-p_{c}]^{\nu}}^{z}). Here zz is a scaling index describing the central part of the crossing probability.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, v3:one fitting procedure is changed, grammatical change

    Statistical properties of the low-temperature conductance peak-heights for Corbino discs in the quantum Hall regime

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    A recent theory has provided a possible explanation for the ``non-universal scaling'' of the low-temperature conductance (and conductivity) peak-heights of two-dimensional electron systems in the integer and fractional quantum Hall regimes. This explanation is based on the hypothesis that samples which show this behavior contain density inhomogeneities. Theory then relates the non-universal conductance peak-heights to the ``number of alternating percolation clusters'' of a continuum percolation model defined on the spatially-varying local carrier density. We discuss the statistical properties of the number of alternating percolation clusters for Corbino disc samples characterized by random density fluctuations which have a correlation length small compared to the sample size. This allows a determination of the statistical properties of the low-temperature conductance peak-heights of such samples. We focus on a range of filling fraction at the center of the plateau transition for which the percolation model may be considered to be critical. We appeal to conformal invariance of critical percolation and argue that the properties of interest are directly related to the corresponding quantities calculated numerically for bond-percolation on a cylinder. Our results allow a lower bound to be placed on the non-universal conductance peak-heights, and we compare these results with recent experimental measurements.Comment: 7 pages, 4 postscript figures included. Revtex with epsf.tex and multicol.sty. The revised version contains some additional discussion of the theory and slightly improved numerical result

    Universality of the excess number of clusters and the crossing probability function in three-dimensional percolation

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    Extensive Monte-Carlo simulations were performed to evaluate the excess number of clusters and the crossing probability function for three-dimensional percolation on the simple cubic (s.c.), face-centered cubic (f.c.c.), and body-centered cubic (b.c.c.) lattices. Systems L x L x L' with L' >> L were studied for both bond (s.c., f.c.c., b.c.c.) and site (f.c.c.) percolation. The excess number of clusters b~\tilde {b} per unit length was confirmed to be a universal quantity with a value b~0.412\tilde {b} \approx 0.412. Likewise, the critical crossing probability in the L' direction, with periodic boundary conditions in the L x L plane, was found to follow a universal exponential decay as a function of r = L'/L for large r. Simulations were also carried out to find new precise values of the critical thresholds for site percolation on the f.c.c. and b.c.c. lattices, yielding pc(f.c.c.)=0.1992365±0.0000010p_c(f.c.c.)= 0.199 236 5 \pm 0.000 001 0, pc(b.c.c.)=0.2459615±0.0000010p_c(b.c.c.)= 0.245 961 5\pm 0.000 001 0.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, LaTeX, submitted to J. Phys. A: Math. Gen, added references, corrected typo

    Universal crossing probability in anisotropic systems

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    Scale-invariant universal crossing probabilities are studied for critical anisotropic systems in two dimensions. For weakly anisotropic standard percolation in a rectangular-shaped system, Cardy's exact formula is generalized using a length-rescaling procedure. For strongly anisotropic systems in 1+1 dimensions, exact results are obtained for the random walk with absorbing boundary conditions, which can be considered as a linearized mean-field approximation for directed percolation. The bond and site directed percolation problem is itself studied numerically via Monte Carlo simulations on the diagonal square lattice with either free or periodic boundary conditions. A scale-invariant critical crossing probability is still obtained, which is a universal function of the effective aspect ratio r_eff=c r where r=L/t^z, z is the dynamical exponent and c is a non-universal amplitude.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Conformal loop ensembles and the stress-energy tensor

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    We give a construction of the stress-energy tensor of conformal field theory (CFT) as a local "object" in conformal loop ensembles CLE_\kappa, for all values of \kappa in the dilute regime 8/3 < \kappa <= 4 (corresponding to the central charges 0 < c <= 1, and including all CFT minimal models). We provide a quick introduction to CLE, a mathematical theory for random loops in simply connected domains with properties of conformal invariance, developed by Sheffield and Werner (2006). We consider its extension to more general regions of definition, and make various hypotheses that are needed for our construction and expected to hold for CLE in the dilute regime. Using this, we identify the stress-energy tensor in the context of CLE. This is done by deriving its associated conformal Ward identities for single insertions in CLE probability functions, along with the appropriate boundary conditions on simply connected domains; its properties under conformal maps, involving the Schwarzian derivative; and its one-point average in terms of the "relative partition function." Part of the construction is in the same spirit as, but widely generalizes, that found in the context of SLE_{8/3} by the author, Riva and Cardy (2006), which only dealt with the case of zero central charge in simply connected hyperbolic regions. We do not use the explicit construction of the CLE probability measure, but only its defining and expected general properties.Comment: 49 pages, 3 figures. This is a concatenated, reduced and simplified version of arXiv:0903.0372 and (especially) arXiv:0908.151