347 research outputs found

    Transnationale Vernetzung und lokale Integration

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    Die Kapverdianische Diaspora und das Großherzogtum Luxemburg, eines der Residenzländer der Diaspora weisen besondere Charakteristiken was ihre Entstehung und sprachliche Situation betrifft, auf. Heute leben mehr KapverdianerInnen inder Diaspora als auf den Kapverdischen Inseln. Die transnationalen Vernetzungen sind durch dynamische Prozesse in denen Menschen und Orte verbunden sind gekennzeichnet. Meine Recherche bezieht sich auf Prozesse und Dynamiken des Autauschs vom multilingualen Kontext Luxemburg und den transnationalen Vernetzungen der Kapverdianischen Diaspora in Europa. Dabei basiert die empirische Feldforschung auf qualitativen Interviews die im Zeitraum von Dezember 2010 bis Januar 2011 von mir in Luxemburg durchgeführt wurden. Während die neuen Generationen im Bildungssystem in Luxemburg multilinguale Kompetenzen erwerben, können diese Fähigkeiten den jungen KapverdianerInnen eine Möglichkeit bieten ihre sozio-ökonomische Lebenssituation im regionalen und transnationalen Raum zu verbessern. Gleichzeitig verändert sich ihre Selbstwahrnehmung hinsichtlich ihrer Kapverdianischen Herkunft und zugehörigkeitsstiftenden Elementen die mit dieser Herkunft verbunden werden. Neue Zugehörigkeitskonstruktionen und neue Möglichkeiten der Vernetzung und Interaktion im transnationalen Raum kann zu verbesserten Chancen und Möglichkeiten führen. In dieser Arbeit gehe ich der Frage nach welchen sozialen Räumen sich die jungen KapverdianerInnen in Luxemburg zugehörig fühlen, zu welchen sie Zugang haben und welche Auswirkungen diese Prozesse auf sozio-ökonomische Möglichkeiten und die transnationale Vernetzung innerhalb der Diaspora haben

    Vaccination of patients with cutaneous melanoma with telomerase-specific peptides

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    Purpose: A phase I study was conducted to investigate the safety, tolerability, and immunological responses to vaccination with a combination of telomerase-derived peptides GV1001 (hTERT: 611-626) and p540 (hTERT: 540-548) using granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) or tuberculin as adjuvant in patients with cutaneous melanoma. Experimental design: Ten patients with melanoma stages UICC IIb-IV were vaccinated 8times intradermally with either 60 or 300nmole of GV1001 and p540 peptide using GM-CSF as adjuvant. A second group of patients received only 300nmole GV1001 in combination with tuberculin PPD23 injections. HLA typing was not used as an inclusion criterion. Peptide-specific immune responses were measured by delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reactions, in vitro T cell proliferation assays, and cytotoxicity (51-Chromium release) assays for a selected number of clones subsequently generated. Results: Vaccination was well tolerated in all patients. Peptide-specific immune response measured by DTH reactions and in vitro response could be induced in a dose-dependent fashion in 7 of 10 patients. Cloned T cells from the vaccinated patients showed proliferative responses against both vaccine peptides GV1001 and p540. Furthermore, T cell clones were able to specifically lyse p540-pulsed T2 target cells and various pulsed and unpulsed tumor cell lines. Conclusion: These results demonstrate that immunity to hTERT can be generated safely and effectively in patients with advanced melanoma and therefore encourage further trial

    Paradoxical embolism following thromboaspiration of an arteriovenous fistula thrombosis: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Paradoxical embolism is an increasingly reported cause of arterial embolism. Several embolic sources have been described, but thrombosis of an arteriovenous fistula as a paradoxical emboligenic source has not, to the best of our knowledge, been reported.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 50-year-old Caucasian woman received a renal graft for primary hyperoxaluria. After transplantation, she was maintained on daily hemodialysis. Thrombosis of her arteriovenous fistula occurred two weeks post-transplantation and was treated by thromboaspiration, which was partially successful. During a hemodialysis session immediately following thromboaspiration, she developed a coma with tetraplegia requiring intensive cardiorespiratory resuscitation. Brain magnetic resonance imaging revealed various hyperdense areas in the vertebrobasilar territory resulting from bilateral occlusion of posterior cerebral arteries. Transesophageal echocardiographic examination showed a patent foramen ovale, while pulse echography of the arteriovenous fistula revealed the persistence of extensive clots that were probably the embolic source. A paradoxical embolus through a patent foramen ovale was suggested because of the proximity of the neurological event to the thrombectomy procedure.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The risk of paradoxical embolism in a hemodialyzed patient with a patent foramen ovale deserves consideration and requires careful evaluation in situations of arteriovenous fistula thrombosis.</p

    Digging the New York City Skyline: Soil Fungal Communities in Green Roofs and City Parks

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    In urban environments, green roofs provide a number of benefits, including decreased urban heat island effects and reduced energy costs for buildings. However, little research has been done on the non-plant biota associated with green roofs, which likely affect their functionality. For the current study, we evaluated whether or not green roofs planted with two native plant communities in New York City functioned as habitats for soil fungal communities, and compared fungal communities in green roof growing media to soil microbial composition in five city parks, including Central Park and the High Line. Ten replicate roofs were sampled one year after planting; three of these roofs were more intensively sampled and compared to nearby city parks. Using Illumina sequencing of the fungal ITS region we found that green roofs supported a diverse fungal community, with numerous taxa belonging to fungal groups capable of surviving in disturbed and polluted habitats. Across roofs, there was significant biogeographical clustering of fungal communities, indicating that community assembly of roof microbes across the greater New York City area is locally variable. Green roof fungal communities were compositionally distinct from city parks and only 54% of the green roof taxa were also found in the park soils. Phospholipid fatty acid analysis revealed that park soils had greater microbial biomass and higher bacterial to fungal ratios than green roof substrates. City park soils were also more enriched with heavy metals, had lower pH, and lower quantities of total bases (Ca, K, and Mg) compared to green roof substrates. While fungal communities were compositionally distinct across green roofs, they did not differentiate by plant community. Together, these results suggest that fungi living in the growing medium of green roofs may be an underestimated component of these biotic systems functioning to support some of the valued ecological services of green roofs

    Aktuelle Herausforderungen in der Therapie des Typ-1-Diabetes beim Kind

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    Das 1921 entdeckte Insulin wurde 1922 erstmals als Therapie für Typ-1-Diabetes eingeführt. Hundert Jahre später wird es immer noch als einzige medikamentöse Behandlung eingesetzt. Die jüngsten Fortschritte haben zu einer erheblichen Optimierung der Stoffwechselkontrolle beigetragen. Einleitung Typ-1-Diabetes (T1D) ist eine der häufigsten chronischen Erkrankungen bei Kindern, mit einer jährlichen Inzidenzzunahme von 3% [1]. Die Ätiologie des T1D ist unbekannt, aber eine Dysregulation der Autoimmunität, dokumentiert durch die Zirkulation von Autoantikörpern, sowie eine genetische Prädisposition sind ursächlich beteiligt. Das Risiko, an T1D zu erkranken, beträgt bei Kindern 0,4%; gibt es bereits an T1D-erkrankte Familienangehörige, steigt das Risiko um das Zehnfache. Neueste Daten weisen auf einen deutlichen Anstieg der weltweiten Inzidenz während der Corona-Pandemie hin [2–5]. Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, die neuesten Entwicklungen und aktuellen Herausforderungen bei der Behandlung des T1D bei Kindern darzustellen

    Archäologie als Kunst. Archäologische Objekte und Verfahren in der bildenden Kunst des 18. Jahrhunderts und der Gegenwart

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    Der Band enthält Beiträge zu zwei Veranstaltungen, die ausgehend von Ausstellungen in Köln und Salzburg die Wiedergabe archäologischer Objekte und Verfahrens­ weisen in der Bildenden Kunst des 18. Jahrhunderts und der Gegenwart behandelten. Die Beiträge des ersten Teils zeigen, wie sich die Vor­ stellungen des G. B. Piranesi von der Größe Roms in seinen hybriden Antikenrekonstruktionen und in seinen antikisierenden Reliefs niederschlugen. Auch die gleich­ zeitig entstandenen Korkmodelle sowie Daktyliotheken, Wandgemälde, Figuren und Gefäße aus Porzellan visuali­ sierten Wissen von der römischen Antike, hielten es in der aktuellen Lebenswelt der Zeitgenossen präsent, regten zum Gespräch darüber an und formatierten so den historischen Diskurs. Die Beiträge des zweiten Teils gehen von der Frage aus, was es für die Archäologie als Wissenschaft bedeutet, wenn zeitgenössische Künstler ihre Gegenstände, Metho­den und Ordnungssysteme aufnehmen und weiterent­ wickeln

    Empirical chemosensitivity testing in a spheroid model of ovarian cancer using a microfluidics-based multiplex platform.

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    The use of biomarkers to infer drug response in patients is being actively pursued, yet significant challenges with this approach, including the complicated interconnection of pathways, have limited its application. Direct empirical testing of tumor sensitivity would arguably provide a more reliable predictive value, although it has garnered little attention largely due to the technical difficulties associated with this approach. We hypothesize that the application of recently developed microtechnologies, coupled to more complex 3-dimensional cell cultures, could provide a model to address some of these issues. As a proof of concept, we developed a microfluidic device where spheroids of the serous epithelial ovarian cancer cell line TOV112D are entrapped and assayed for their chemoresponse to carboplatin and paclitaxel, two therapeutic agents routinely used for the treatment of ovarian cancer. In order to index the chemoresponse, we analyzed the spatiotemporal evolution of the mortality fraction, as judged by vital dyes and confocal microscopy, within spheroids subjected to different drug concentrations and treatment durations inside the microfluidic device. To reflect microenvironment effects, we tested the effect of exogenous extracellular matrix and serum supplementation during spheroid formation on their chemotherapeutic response. Spheroids displayed augmented chemoresistance in comparison to monolayer culturing. This resistance was further increased by the simultaneous presence of both extracellular matrix and high serum concentration during spheroid formation. Following exposure to chemotherapeutics, cell death profiles were not uniform throughout the spheroid. The highest cell death fraction was found at the center of the spheroid and the lowest at the periphery. Collectively, the results demonstrate the validity of the approach, and provide the basis for further investigation of chemotherapeutic responses in ovarian cancer using microfluidics technology. In the future, such microdevices could provide the framework to assay drug sensitivity in a timeframe suitable for clinical decision making

    Incident vertebral fractures and risk factors in the first three years following glucocorticoid initiation among pediatric patients with rheumatic disorders

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    Vertebral fractures are an important yet underrecognized manifestation of osteoporosis in children with chronic, glucocorticoid-treated illnesses. Our goal was to determine the incidence and clinical predictors of vertebral fractures in the 3 years following glucocorticoid initiation among pediatric patients with rheumatic disorders. Incident vertebral fractures were evaluated according to the Genant semiquantitative method on lateral radiographs at baseline and then annually in the 3 years following glucocorticoid initiation. Extended Cox models were used to assess the association between vertebral fractures and clinical risk predictors. A total of 134 children with rheumatic disorders were enrolled in the study (mean ± standard deviation (SD) age 9.9 ± 4.4 years; 65% girls). The unadjusted vertebral fracture incidence rate was 4.4 per 100 person-years, with a 3-year incidence proportion of 12.4%. The highest annual incidence occurred in the first year (6.0%; 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.9% to 11.7%). Almost one-half of the patients with fractures were asymptomatic. Every 0.5 mg/kg increase in average daily glucocorticoid (prednisone equivalents) dose was associated with a twofold increased fracture risk (hazard ratio (HR) 2.0; 95% CI 1.1 to 3.5). Other predictors of increased vertebral fracture risk included: (1) increases in disease severity scores between baseline and 12 months; (2) increases in body mass index Z-scores in the first 6 months of each 12-month period preceding the annual fracture assessment; and (3) decreases in lumbar spine bone mineral density Z-scores in the first 6 months of glucocorticoid therapy. As such, we observed that a clinically significant number of children with rheumatic disorders developed incident vertebral fractures in the 3 years following glucocorticoid initiation. Almost one-half of the children were asymptomatic and thereby would have been undiagnosed in the absence of radiographic monitoring. In addition, discrete clinical predictors of incident vertebral fractures were evident early in the course of glucocorticoid therapy