27 research outputs found

    Kinerja Keuangan dan Strategi Pembangunan Kota di Era Otonomi

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    Dengan munculnya UU No. 22 tahun 1999 yang mengatur pelimpahan wewenang dan tanggung jawab dari pemerintah pusat kepada pemerintah daerah serta UU No. 25 tahun 1999 yang mengatur perimbangan keuangan antara pusat dan daerah, selayaknya kota Surabaya mengembangkan sumber daya lokal dan mengurangi ketergantungan dari pusat. Akan tetapi, berbagai pengamatan empiris menyatakan bahwa pemberlakuan otonomi daerah menimbulkan distorsi dan high cost ekonomi. oleh karena itu, makalah ini menganalisis kinerja keuangan kota Surabaya dan merumuskan strategi kebijakan dalam meningkatkan kinerja keuangan pemerintah kota Surabaya agar tercapai pembangunan berkelanjutan yang berdasarkan partisipasi aktif dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan dari masyarakat kota Surabaya.Desentralisasi, Otonomi, Kemandirian, Kota Surabaya

    Alternative Strategy to reduce poverty in Papua through Microfinance Development

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    Microfinance is one of alternative strategy to reduce poverty. there are kind of thinking of different microfinance strategy for poverty reduction. therefore, this paper try to explore several suitable alternative strategy which can be implemented to develop microfinance in papua. two particular gates of this strategy are strenghtening microfinance institutions and develop community based microfinance. Keuangan mikro merupakan salah satu strategi efektif dalam menanggulangi kemiskinan. Terdapat berbagai pemikiran tentang strategi keuangan mikro yang berbeda dalam penanggulangan kemiskinan. Oleh karena itu, makalah ini mencoba mengeksplorasi beberapa strategi alternatif yang sesuai dan dapat diimplementasikan dalam mengembangkan keuangan mikro di papua. dua koridor utama dari strategi itu berupa penguatan lembaga keuangan mikro dan pengembangan keuangan mikro berbasis komunitasKeuangan Mikro; UMKM; KSM; Kemiskinan

    konsentrasi spasial industri manufaktur: tinjauan empiris di kota surabaya

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    Konsentrasi dari aktivitas ekonomi secara spasial, terutama pada industri manufaktur, telah menjadi fenomena menarik untuk dianalisis. Pada industri manufaktur, konsentrasi spasial ditentukan oleh biaya upah, biaya transportasi dan akses pasar serta ekstenalitas dari konsentrasi spasial yang berkaitan dengan penghematan lokalisasi dan penghematan urbanisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dimana dan pada subsektor apa industri manufaktur kota Surabaya Terkonsentrasi serta untuk mengetahui mengapa dan bagaimana industri manufaktur kota Surabaya terkonsentrasi sehingga dapat dianalisis mengenai kebijakan dalam mengembangkan industri manufaktur kota Surabaya. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah data tenaga kerja industri manufaktur dua digit per kecamatan di Surabaya tahun 1994 dan 2002. Data tersebut dianalisis dengan menggunakan LQ, Ellison Glaeser indeks dan Maurel Sedillot indeks. Berdasarkan analisis, diketahui bahwa Industri manufaktur di kota Surabaya terkonsentrasi di kecamatan Rungkut, Tandes dan Sawahan sedangkan subsektor unggulan Kota Surabaya adalah industri makanan, minuman dan tembakau serta industri logam, mesin dan peralatan.Konsentrasi spasial, eksternalitas, kluster, agglomerasi, Surabaya

    Growth and Convergence in Southeast Asia Sugarcane Industries

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    This paper analyses growth and convergence on sugarcane industry in southeast Asia countries. Important questions in this paper are whether the growth of sugar cane industry in Southeast Asia moves toward a convergence or divergence trend over time and to what extent the economic integration influences the development and policy of those countries. This paper is a cross-country study and employs GLS techniques. Some countries involved in the analysis are Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, The Philippines, and Vietnam. The finding suggests that based on Ć’Ă’ convergence approach, both basic variable and equation with dummy indicate that these variables could explain the convergence and speed of convergence within the industry. Furthermore, The regression results also strengthen the finding of ÂŁm - convergence.Convergence, Growth, Sugarcane.

    Growth in East Java : Convergence or Divergence ?

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    This study try to identify the â-convergence process among regions in East Java using cross-section data of 30 regions for period 1983-2001, taking into account the presence of spatial heterogeneity and spatial dependence. Detection of spatial regimes using G-I* statistics on regional per capita GDP values in 1983 found cluster of high income regions (group of “rich”) in central & eastern part of East Java, and cluster of low income regions (group of “poor”) in western part. The result of OLS & GLS regression on absolute convergence model does not found any convergence process in East Java regional income. The convergence process is only found in spatial cross regressive absolute â-convergence model estimated for spatial club A (group of “rich”), but there is no evident for the same convergence process is happening in spatial club B (group of “poor”). Using the spatial cross-regressive model for absolute â-convergence this study founds that the coefficient of spatial lag of initial income (ô) is positive and significant in every equations. This shows how the spatial dependence has a significant contribution in explaining regional income growth in East Java. The positive and significant sign of (ô), means that the growth of a region is affected by initial income of its neighbors. The region which surrounded by wealthy neighbors will grow faster than the region surrounded by poor neighbors. The effect of neighbor’s initial income level to the growth of a region can be a result of technological or pecuniary spillovers. This will be the situation when technology or cost of production in a region depends not just on factors within the region but also on the level of technology in the neighbors (technology is embodied in in factors of production). These effects can be consider as supply-side externalitiesâ-convergence, spatial heterogeneity, spatial dependence

    Economic Growth of Indonesian Port Cities

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    The objective of this paper is to investigate what factors influence the growth of main Indonesian port cities. The analysis make use GLS to estimate the model using panel data from four major city in Indonesia (Surabaya, Jakarta, Makasar, and Medan) for period 1993-2001. This research found that growth in port cities in Indonesia determine by both manufacturer industries and the traffic of goods import.Growth, Cities, Agglomeration

    Research in Development Studies: Philosophy, Methods and Rigor

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    A better understanding of the role, epistemology and methodology of research are very important to generate evidence to strengthen development policies to improve development outcomes. This essay will discuss the philosophy and operationalisation of research in the development arena with the focus on the role of applied research, epistemological issues and boundary setting, the choice of research methods, and conceptualisation of rigour in development research

    Transformation of the national monitoring and evaluation arrangement in decentralized Indonesia

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    Indonesia started to implement the decentralization reform in 1999. It involves regional autonomy and fiscal decentralization through providing more responsibilities for local government, at provinces and districts, for development policy and process, for example including planning, budgeting, execution, and monitoring and evaluation. Using a desk review based on the the government’s law, regulations, policy documents and previous research and also participant observation, this paper investigates the transformation of the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system in Indonesia in the context of decentralization. For the analysis, I use checklist that cover six M&E dimensions such as (i) policy, (ii) indicators, data collection and methodology, (iii) organizational issues, (iv) capacity-building (v) participation of non-governmental actors and (vi) use of M&E result. This study found that the national monitoring and evaluation arrangement in the post decentralization era has improved after government launched some policies and regulation but also still has some weaknesses and facing some challenges


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    This study try to identify the â-convergence process among regions in East Java using panel data of 37 regencies & municipalities between 1983-2002, taking into account the presence of spatial heterogeneity and spillover effects. Detection of spatial regimes using G-I* statistics (Getis & Ord, 1995) on regional per capita GDP values in 1983 found cluster of high income regions (group of “rich”) in central & eastern part of East Java, and cluster of low income regions (group of “poor”) in western part. The result of OLS & GLS regression on absolute convergence model found the existence of â-divergence process of East Java in overall period (1983-2003), consistent with the ó convergence which showing upward trend (divergence). Meanwhile, the same divergence process is also found in absolute convergence equation estimated for each club, even though in slower rate than East Java divergence rate. Using the methodology proposed by Burn, Combes, & Renard (2002) this study founds the existence of negative spillover effects between regions in “rich” clubs and from “rich” clubs to the “poor” one, where the magnitude is greater in the latter case. The club of “poor” regions is diverging faster than the “rich”. This finding is robust in every convergence equation (with or without the spillover effects). The lack of diversity on East Java’s manufacturing industries (Santosa & Michael, 2005 and Landiyanto, 2005) seems contribute to its divergence process by engaging a competitive mode between regions.â-convergence, divergence, spatial regimes, spillover effects