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    RESUMENMedir la calidad de vida relacionada a salud y los síntomas de los pacientes es un problema difícil. Las medición de los problemas de salud mediante escalas o cuestionarios se ha desarrollado para crear los Instrumentos de Evaluación desde la Perspectiva del Paciente o PRO's por su nombre en inglés: Patient-reported outcomes. Los PROs evalúan la calidad de vida en forma genérica o específica en un continuo, entregando instrumentos que pueden evaluar la gravedad de una enfermedad o el impacto de una intervención desde la perspectiva del paciente en frecuentes escenarios clínicos. El objetivo de la presente revisión es entregar a clínicos e investigadores una introducción hacia los PROs y resumir sus principales propiedades.SUMMARYQuantifying health-related quality of life and specific patient symptoms it is a difficult problem. Health measurement scales has developed to include rigorous techniques to develop patient-reported outcome measures (PROs). PROs assess objectively the QoL in a continuum, providing instruments to measure the severity of a given disease or the impact of a therapeutic intervention from patient perspective in different clinical problems. The following review aims to introduce the PROs to clinicians and researchers and summarize its main properties

    Plasma concentrations of asymmetric dimethylarginine, an endogenous nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, are elevated in sickle cell patients but do not increase further during painful crisis

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    Plasma concentrations of asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), an endogenous nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, are elevated in the clinically asymptomatic state of sickle cell disease (SCD). However, the role of ADMA during vaso-occlusive complications has not been defined. ADMA concentrations were determined in HbSS (n = 43) and HbSC (n = 25) patients with healthy blood donors (HbAA) as controls. In the clinically asymptornatic state ADMA concentrations were elevated in sickle cell patients as compared to healthy controls (HbSS 0.70 mu mol/L, HbSC 0.54 mu mol/L, HbAA 0.39 mu mol/L) (P <0.001). Yet plasma ADMA concentrations did not increase further at presentation with a painful crisis implicating no role of primary importance during vaso-occlusive crises