34 research outputs found

    Reflections: An Interview with F. W. Lancaster

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    This article is an interview with F. W. Lancaster that explores his recollections of his life and career, including his accomplishments and the individuals who had significant influence on him.published or submitted for publicatio

    Library automation as a source of management information

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    The nineteenth annual Clinic on Library Application of Data Processing was held at the Illini Union, University of Illinois. The paper reproduced here represent great variety ranging from a tutorial on management information and decision support system.181 p.: ill.; 20 c

    Whither Libraries? Or, Wither Libraries?

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    Bibliotecas e Internet

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    Traducción del capitulo Libraries and The Internet del libro Technology and Managernent in Library and Information Services, de F. Wilfrid Lancaster y Betb Sandore. Trata sobre la influencia de Internet en los servicios y operaciones bibliotecarias. Apunta los esfuerzos más destacables en la integración de la red Internet en las bibliotecas americanas y las actuaciones más relevantes llevadas a cabo por organismos internacionales comprometidos con la normalización y la transmisión electrónica de datos bibliográficos. También explica los cambios que se están produciendo los roles de los profesionales bibliotecarios y los nuevos puestos de trabajo que están surgiendo en este tipo de unidades informativas. | This is a Spanish transíation of the chapter Libraries and the Internet from F. Wilfrid Lancaster and Beth Sandoreâs book, Technology and Management in Library and Information Services. It deals with the implications of the Internet in the services and operations of librarians. It describes the most important efforts in tbe implementation of the Internet in American libraries and also the role of the International Institutions concerned with standardisation and the bibliographic data transfer. It also explains tbechanges that professional roles are undergoing in libraries and the new job titíes appearing nowadays

    Islam Rahmatan Lil'alamin Menjawab Pertanyaan dan Kebutuhan Manusia

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    The nineteenth annual Clinic on Library Application of Data Processing was held at the Illini Union, University of Illinois. The paper reproduced here represent great variety ranging from a tutorial on management information and decision support system.181 p.: ill.; 20 c

    The World of books and information (Book Review)

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    Whither Libraries? or, Wither Libraries

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    De conservadors a enginyers del coneixement : l'evolució de la professió bibliotecària

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    El paper de les biblioteques i dels bibliotecaris ha evolucionat des del colâ¢leccionisme i la conservació de materials a un nou paper més dinàmic i actiu. Les tecnologies informàtiques i les telecomunicacions han canviat el concepte de biblioteca que ja no és una colálecció única reclosa entre les parets d'una institució, perquè les xarxes electròniques permeten accedir a una gran varietat de recursos informatius. El futur de la professió es presenta obert a noves sortides professionals i especialitzacions, en què la figura del bibliotecari esdevé la d'un intermediari o consultor en el camp de la informació i vinculat cada cop més al disseny i construcció de nous sistemes d'informació i serveis que contribueixen a millorar les eines de recuperació d'informació: interfícies, bases de dades, catàlegs en línia, subministrament de documents, sistemes experts, etc. | The role of libraries and librarians has evolved from collection and conservation to take a new much more dynamic and active role. Information technologies and telecommunications have contributed to change our concept of libraries which are not now individual collections enclosed within the walls of institutions because electronic networks allow acces to a wide variety of information resources. The future of the profession is open to new professional possibilities and specialization, in which the figure of librarians is evolving to encompass that of intermediary or consultant in the field information and is every time more involved in the design and construction of new information systems and services which contribute to the improvements in information retrieval tools: interfaces, databases, online catalogues, document supply, expert systems, etc