19 research outputs found

    LIEBER PERO. Poetic Story of a Time

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    U razdoblju od 1990. do 1997. godine Petar Dabac će snimati fotografije i slagati ih u albume naziva Lieber Pero, stvarajući fotografski dnevnik, po mnogočemu jedinstven na hrvatskoj fotografskoj i umjetničkoj sceni. Ovu seriju fotografija Dabac je kao umjetnički rad prvi puta izložio 1993. godine, a u narednim godinama, u nekoliko navrata, promišljao je, odnosno mijenjao načine njezine izložbene prezentacije. U ovom se radu razmatra nastanak fotografskog dnevnika, odnosno specifično umjetničko postupanje s foto-materijalom u cilju isticanja višeslojnosti njegova značenja. Također, razmatraju se bitna svojstva dnevnika kao umjetničke forme: njegova procesualnost te isprepletenost privatnoga i javnoga, onog što pripada historiji i onog što pripada osobnom sjećanju.In the period between 1990 and 1997, Petar Dabac gradually composed his private photographs into albums he called Lieber Pero, thus creating a photographic diary incomparable to anything else on the Croatian art scene of the time. He first exhibited this cycle in 1993, opening with each subsequent exhibition new questions about the nature of memory and questioning the attitude towards the albums from which the exhibited works originated. This paper examines aspects of Petar Dabac’ photographic diary Lieber Pero that have not been singled out in previous reviews of the artist\u27s oeuvre: the character of the photographs and the narrative aspect, which both change with the transition from the private to the public sphere (private photographs become exhibits), as well as processuality as an important typological determinant of the artwork. Petar Dabac made this cycle as a fully-formed artist. In relation to his previous thirty years of photographic activity, Lieber Pero can be viewed in two ways: as a kind of summary of previous artistic experience, but also as a break with his previous work. Through a detailed analysis based on historiography and the contextualization of the artistic process, one can identify not only the basic starting points of the diary but also the complex social and political circumstances that marked the first half of the 1990s, a period characterised by ruptures between people that are reflected in Dabac\u27 artistic practice. Issues related to the themes of remembrance and recollection, and construction and reconstruction of history through the medium of photography are key to understanding this cycle. Although Dabac never portrays it directly, the wartime atmosphere influenced his photographs, as well as the decisions that determined the direction of the artist\u27s private life, social relations, and love affairs. The interpretation of this complex work is also based on the fact that the albums recreate the lived experience, and include a series of diary entries, newspaper clippings and other memorabilia that outline the objective circumstances and the subjective experience of a moment. Building a narrative with a time delay, the artist ultimately presents it to the public, adjusting the number of photographs and their formats to exhibition spaces, i.e. exhibition conditions. Although at first glance they seem intimate, Petar Dabac\u27s diary transcends the private zone on several levels, pointing to real life of a period that is rarely examined outside of conventional historical sources

    A new framework for ranking Critical Success Factors for International Construction Projects

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    Due to the wide range of opportunities, collaborations, and challenges offered by the international construction sector, interest in international construction is on the rise. Construction companies must be able to carry out international construction projects (ICPs) more effectively and efficiently. However, executing ICPs is more challenging than executing domestic construction projects. Considering the peculiarities of the construction industry and the associated complexity of construction projects, construction companies should decide on international capability and the selection of an ICP through a careful evaluation of their critical success factors (CSFs). Most of the previous research deals with the concept of CSFs in the context of project management in general, but few studies have identified CSFs for ICPs. To fill that gap in current research, the main objective of this study was to identify and group CSFs for ICPs. A total of 37 CSFs were identified after conducting a detailed literature review and a pre-pilot study. A new framework of CSFs for ICPs was proposed following primary research, which was conducted through in-depth interviews with leading experts in international projects. Although the constructability/ complexity factor of the project received the highest rating in terms of importance to the success of the ICP, the next most critical factors were found to be external factors, such as local contractor/subcontractor, investor, and presence of a foreign partner. The results of this research may help participants involved in ICPs to improve their understanding of the international construction environment and deliver more successful ICPs

    Concentration Of Construction Industry In Croatia For The Period 2004-2013

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    A constant decline of the construction industry in the Croatian GDP is very concerning. The Croatian construction industry is facing with a significant decline of the whole sector. The share of the construction industry within the Croatian GDP was 7.8 percent in 2008. In 2013, that number declined to a devastating 4.4 percent. The concentration ratio shows significant fragmentation. The number of employees shows a negative trend, the number of companies is growing. A study has shown that Croatian construction industry is strongly fragmented, and has been such even more so after the economic crisis of 2008. Until 2008, the construction industry in Croatia showed constant growth. However, soon after we could notice a decline in employment, concentration ratio of the biggest companies and total revenue decline. Nevertheless, since 2008 there have been strong changes in the sector. Within the context the construction sector within Croatia, this paper mainly focuses on the level in the industry within the past ten years. From 2004 to 2008, shares of construction in the GDP increased from 4.2 to 7.3 percent. Results from this increase have also spread on the employment, which shows an increase of 61.1 percent. In 2004, there were 6471 registered construction companies with 84642 employees working in the sector. In 2013 there were 11989 companies employing 77129 people. The 2014 construction industry has fallen on its knees and is continuing to fall. Data from 2013 shows the share of construction in the GDP to be 4.2 percent. Industrial concentration is measured by the 4; 8; 20 and 30 construction company concentration ratio. The industry is characterized as strongly fragmented: in 2008, 4 biggest companies had a share of 2.95 percent, and in 2012, the share of 4 biggest construction companies held 1.51 percent of total revenue. The construction industry has a meaningful impact on the Croatian economy, since it is traditionally an important and strong sector. We found that strategic alliances and government incentives can have significant impact on forming the steady ground for a better future in the Croatian construction companies


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    Građevinska industrija dugi niz godina posluje prema principu linearne ekonomije koja na svojem kraju ostavlja otpad kao zadnji proizvod. Značajan porast cijena, povećana nestabilnost globalnih robnih tržišta i štetni nusproizvodi doveli su do preispitivanja takve ekonomije u pogledu potrošnje sirovina i energije. Kružna ekonomija (engl. Circular Economy) predstavlja novi ekonomski model koji nastoji odvojiti ekonomski rast i razvoj od potrošnje ograničenih resursa. U građevinskom sektoru prijelaz s linearne na kružnu ekonomiju zahtijeva usredotočenost na složeno i sistematično razmišljanje održivosti i korištenja obnovljivim materijalima, uzimajući u obzir cjelokupan životni vijek građevine i građevinski lanac vrijednosti. Kružna ekonomija temelji se na principu kruženja materijala u procesu korištenja i nestvaranju novog, nepotrebnog otpada na osnovi aktivnosti kojima se korištenim materijalima „vraćaju“ njihova svojstva te oni i dalje ostaju u uporabi. Cilj je ovog rada ispitati poznavanje i primjenu koncepta kružne ekonomije u građevinskom sektoru Republike Hrvatske na temelju postojećih okvira na europskoj i nacionalnoj razini te identificirati pokazatelje cirkularnosti. U tu svrhu provedeno je istraživanje s pomoću anketnog upitnika koje je pokazalo kako su zaposleni u građevinskim poduzećima, primarno u sektoru visokogradnje, još uvijek nedovoljno upoznati s pojmom kružne ekonomije, ali je istaknulo koji pokazatelji cirkularnosti u građevinarstvu mogu biti važni za definiranje budućih okvira i smjernica te poslovnih strategija građevinskih poduzeća u kontekstu kružnoga gospodarstva

    Bauabfall – ein wichtiges Element des sozial verantwortungsvollen Wirtschaftens von kleineren Bauunternehmen

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    Društveno odgovorno poslovanje poduzeća nije reaktivan koncept koji se događa isključivo uslijed pritiska dionika, već nalaže konkretne aktivnosti koje uključuju odgovornost menadžera da donose odluke koje će biti uravnoteže između interesa raznih dionika, zaštite okoliša na koje poduzeće ima (in)direktni utjecaj te njegovih ekonomskih ciljeva. Danas se od poslovnih organizacija očekuje poslovanje u skladu s dugoročnim razvojnim strategijama koje impliciraju sustavan pristup održivom razvoju svih elemenata društva na koje poduzeće ima utjecaj. Cilj je ovoga rada ukazati na važnost gospodarenja otpadom, prije svega građevnim, kao dijela koncepta društveno odgovornog poslovanja građevinskih poduzeća, jer poduzeća u njemu sve više prepoznaju temelj svoje održivosti i konkurentnosti. U tom smislu se društveno odgovorno poslovanje sve snažnije integrira u strategije, ali i operativne poslove jer se samo ovakvim pristupom ostvaruju bolji poslovni rezultati i stječe održiva konkurentna prednost. Kada se mjeri društveno odgovorno poslovanje poslovnih entiteta, iako se gledaju tri ključna aspekta izvedbe (društveni, ekonomski i okolišni), važna je i njihova međusobna interakcija te ravnoteža. S obzirom na to da djelatnost građevinarstva ima značajan utjecaj na okoliš, ovaj članak razmatra i analizira može li se uspješno upravljanje građevnim otpadom optimizirati, prvenstveno iz okolišne perspektive, ali i iz ekonomske te društvene. U članku je prikazana i podjela građevnog otpada te gospodarenje njime. Kako bi se ostvario cilj rada, provedeno je istraživanje putem intervjua u četiri poduzeća koja se bave sakupljanjem i reciklažom građevnog otpada. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su da su ispitana poduzeća najviše otpada prikupili od srednjih i velikih građevinskih poduzeća, a u 2018. izvezli su ukupno 53% sakupljenog otpada.Corporate social responsibility should not be a reactive measure that occurs only when sufficient pressure is placed on corporations. Rather, it should be an integral part of the responsibilities and practices of managers and decision-makers who must balance between various parties involved, environmental protection (on which the company may or may not have a direct influence), and the company’s economic goals. Today, corporations are expected to conduct their business in line with long-term development strategies, which promote a systematic approach to sustainable development of all elements of society affected by the company. The aim of this paper is to analyze the management of construction waste in the context of social responsibility. Construction companies increasingly recognize the importance of waste management as one of the foundations of their sustainability and competitiveness. Therefore, corporate social responsibility is increasingly included in their strategies and practices, resulting in better business results and competitive advantage. In measuring corporate social responsibility of business entities, three key performance aspects, environmental, social and governance, their interaction and balance must be included in the analysis. As construction companies have a significant environmental impact, this paper asks whether a successful management of construction waste can be optimized, mainly from the environmental but also from the economic and social perspectives. The paper also looks at the classification of construction waste and its management. In order to accomplish this goal, we conducted research on four companies who collect and recycle construction waste using the interview method. The results reveal that these companies have collected most of the waste from medium and small construction companies and that they have exported the total of 53% of collected waste in 2018.Sozial verantwortungsvolles Wirtschaften von Unternehmen ist kein reaktives Konzept, zu dem es ausschließlich unter Druck von Akteuren kommt, sondern es geht um konkrete Aktivitäten und Verantwortung der Manager, deren Entscheidungen für die Balance zwischen Interessen von Akteuren und dem Umweltschutz sorgen müssen, d.h. ökonomischen Zielen und dem (in)direkten Einfluß auf die Umwelt. Heutzutage erwartet man von Unternehmen langfristige Entwicklungsstrategien mit einem einbezogenen systematischen Ansatz zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung von allen Elementen der Gesellschaft, die das Unternehmen beeinflußt. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, auf die Wichtigkeit von Abfallwirtschaft hinzuweisen, vor allem auf das Recycling von Bauabfall, was ein Teil des Konzeptes des sozial verantwortungsvollen Wirtschaftens der Bauunternehmen darstellt, denn die Unternehmen sehen darin immer mehr die Basis ihrer Nachhaltigkeit und Konkurrenzfähigkeit. In dem Sinne werden sozial verantwortungsvolle Geschäftsaktivitäten immer stärker in Strategien aber auch in operative Geschäfte integriert, denn dies ist die einzige Vorgehensweise, bei der bessere Geschäftsergebnisse und Konkurrenzvorteile erreicht werden können. Wenn sozial verantwortungsvolle Geschäftsaktivitäten von Geschäftssubjekten gemessen werden, beachtet man die drei wichtigsten Aspekte der Ausführung (den sozialen, den ökonomischen und den ökologischen), wichtig ist aber auch deren Wechselwirkung und Gleichgewicht. Da die Bauaktivitäten die Umwelt bedeutend beeinflußen, analysieren und erörtern wir in diesem Artikel die Möglichkeit einer erfolgreichen Abfallwirtschaft, vor allem aus der ökologischen, aber auch aus der ökonomischen und sozialen Perspektive. Im Artikel ist auch die Aufteilung von Bauabfall und Abfallversorgung dargestellt. Um das Ziel der Arbeit zu verwirklichen, haben wir in vier Unternehmen, die sich mit Sammeln und Recyceln von Bauabfall beschäftigen, eine Forschung mit Interviews durchgeführt. Es hat sich ergeben, dass sie den größten Teil des Bauabfalls bei großen und mittleren Bauunternehmen gesammelt und im Jahr 2018 rund 53% des gesammelten Abfalls exportiert haben