6 research outputs found

    The effect of CO2-enriched brine injection on the mechanical properties of calcite bearing sandstone

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    The mechanical and fluid-flow response of subsurface geological reservoirs due to injection of CO2 is of critical importance for the safe management and storage of anthropogenic carbon emissions. Although the time-lapse seismic method has proven to be an effective tool to remotely monitor changes in underground fluid saturations, variations in reservoir properties caused by geochemical interactions can also influence the seismic response. This can lead to ambiguity and uncertainty in monitoring the movement of injected CO2 and hence determination of reservoir seal integrity. Geochemical interactions can also modify the mechanical strength of the reservoir and therefore threaten its integrity. We conducted experiments to assess how the velocity and rock strength of a calcite-bearing sandstone are affected by flooding with CO2 saturated brine. The results indicate that both seismic velocity and rock strength are significantly reduced due to minor calcite dissolution. The implications at the reservoir scale for CO2 storage are twofold. Firstly, modifications in velocity can complicate seismic monitoring operations and lead to interpretation errors. This can be accounted for if shear wave velocity variations are used to detect fluid-rock interactions. Secondly, reduction in rock strength, caused by calcite dissolution, can threaten reservoir and wellbore integrity under stress conditions typically found in potential carbon repositories

    A test of the effectiveness of pore scale fluid flow simulations and constitutive equations for modelling the effects of mineral dissolution on rock permeability

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    Macro-scale transport properties of rocks such as permeability are bulk parameters combining the contributions of various properties only properly defined at the pore scale. Since pore-scale processes are known to modify the rock properties it is legitimate to ask if constitutive equations based on macro scale properties (e.g. porosity, permeability, formation factor, etc…) can properly describe their effect. In a previous experimental study (Lamy-Chappuis et al., 2014) we found that the effect of mineral dissolution on permeability could be much higher than predicted by such semi-empirical constitutive equations. Here we directly solve pore-scale fluid flow in high-resolution (2.5 μm) 3D models of a rock's geometry before and after mineral dissolution in order to evaluate permeability and how it is changed. This methodology is limited by the resolution of the micro-CT images used to define the rock geometry, which leads to significant overestimates of absolute permeability, but it does produce a much closer match to the change in permeability due to mineral dissolution than the constitutive equations. This is possible because the dissolution features, which enhance permeability, are large enough to be adequately resolved and produce a significant change in permeability

    Relative permeabilities of supercritical COâ‚‚ and brine in carbon sequestration by a two-phase lattice Boltzmann method

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    In this paper, the migration of supercritical carbon dioxide (CO₂) in realistic sandstone rocks under conditions of saline aquifers, with applications to the carbon geological storage, has been investigated by a two-phase lattice Boltzmann method (LBM). Firstly the digital images of sandstone rocks were reproduced utilizing the X-ray computed microtomography (micro-CT), and high resolutions (up to 2.5 μm) were applied to the pore-scale LBM simulations. For the sake of numerical stability, the digital images were “cleaned” by closing the dead holes and removing the suspended particles in sandstone rocks. In addition, the effect of chemical reactions occurred in the carbonation process on the permeability was taken into account. For the wetting brine and non-wetting supercritical CO₂ flows, they were treated as the immiscible fluids and were driven by pressure gradients in sandstone rocks. Relative permeabilities of brine and supercritical CO₂ in sandstone rocks were estimated. Particularly the dynamic saturation was applied to improve the reliability of the calculations of the relative permeabilities. Moreover, the effects of the viscosity ratio of the two immiscible fluids and the resolution of digital images on the relative permeability were systematically investigated

    Pore-space structure and average dissolution rates: A simulation study

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    We study the influence of the pore-space geometry on sample-averaged dissolution rates in millimeter-scale carbonate samples undergoing reaction-controlled mineral dissolution upon the injection of a CO2 -saturated brine. The representation of the pore space is obtained directly from micro-CT images with a resolution of a few microns. Simulations are performed with a particle tracking approach on images of three porous rocks of increasing pore-space complexity: a bead pack, a Ketton oolite, and an Estaillades limestone. Reactive transport is simulated with a hybrid approach that combines a Lagrangian method for transport and reaction with the Eulerian flow field obtained by solving the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations directly on the voxels of three-dimensional images. Particle advection is performed with a semianalytical streamline method and diffusion is simulated via a random walk. Mineral dissolution is defined in terms of the particle flux through the pore-solid interface, which can be related analytically to the batch (intrinsic) reaction rate. The impact of the flow heterogeneity on reactive transport is illustrated in a series of simulations performed at different flow rates. The average dissolution rates depend on both the heterogeneity of the sample and on the flow rate. The most heterogeneous rock may exhibit a decrease of up to two orders of magnitude in the sample-averaged reaction rates in comparison with the batch rate. Furthermore, we provide new insights for the dissolution regime that would be traditionally characterized as uniform. In most cases, at the pore-scale, dissolution preferentially enlarges fast-flow channels which greatly restricts the effective surface available for reaction