819 research outputs found

    Emergence of Conduction Channels in Lithium Silicate

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    The existence of conduction channels in lithium silicate (Li_2O)(SiO_2) is investigated. Regions of the system where many different ions pass by form channels and are thus spatially correlated. For a closer analysis the properties of the individual ionic sites are elucidated. The mobility of ions in single sites is found to depend strongly on the number of bridging oxygens in the coordination shell. The channels are not reflected in the network structure as obtained from the distribution of the bridging oxygens. Spatial correlations similar to those found in the silicate also emerge from studying the dynamics of particles in a simple random lattice model. This supports the suggestion that the observed spatial correlations can be viewed in analogy to the emergence of percolation paths.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The cationic energy landscape in alkali silicate glasses: properties and relevance

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    Individual cationic site--energies are explicitly determined from molecular dynamics simulations of alkali silicate glasses, and the properties and relevance of this local energetics to ion transport are studied. The absence of relaxations on the timescale of ion transport proves the validity of a static description of the energy landscape, as it is generally used in hopping models. The Coulomb interaction among the cations turns out essential to obtain an average energy landscape in agreement with typical simplified hopping models. Strong correlations exist both between neighboring sites and between different energetic contributions at one site, and they shape essential characteristics of the energy landscape. A model energy landscape with a single vacancy is used to demonstrate why average site--energies, including the full Coulomb interaction, are still insufficient to describe the site population of ions, or their dynamics. This model explains how the relationship between energetics and ion dynamics is weakened, and thus establishes conclusively that a hopping picture with static energies fails to capture all the relevant information. It is therefore suggested that alternative simplified models of ion conduction are needed.Comment: 19 pages, 1 table, 7 figures; submitted to JC

    Bypassing slip velocity: rotational and translational velocities of autophoretic colloids in terms of surface flux

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    A standard approach to propulsion velocities of autophoretic colloids with thin interaction layers uses a reciprocity relation applied to the slip velocity. But the surface flux (chemical, electrical, thermal, etc.), which is the source of the field driving the slip is often more accessible. We show how, under conditions of low Reynolds number and a field obeying the Laplace equation in the outer region, the slip velocity can be bypassed in velocity calculations. In a sense, the actual slip velocity and a normal field proportional to the flux density are equivalent for this type of calculation. Using known results for surface traction induced by rotating or translating an inert particle in a quiescent fluid, we derive simple and explicit integral formulas for translational and rotational velocities of arbitrary spheroidal and slender-body autophoretic colloids.Comment: 11 page

    Triangular Ising antiferromagnet through a fermionic lens, part 2: information-theoretic aspects of zero-temperature states on cylinders

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    A classical lattice spin model wrapped on a cylinder is profitably viewed as a chain of rings of spins. From that perspective, mutual information between ring configurations plays much the same role as spin-spin correlation functions in simpler settings. We study zero-temperature states of triangular lattice Ising antiferromagnet (TIAFM) systems from this point of view using a fermionic representation presented in a companion paper (Part 1). On infinite cylinders, ring-to-ring mutual information falls off asymptotically at a rate which decreases smoothly with cylinder circumference, but the end-to-end mutual information for finite cylinders depends strongly on the residue class modulo 3 of the circumference as well as on whether spin periodicity or antiperiodicity is imposed in the circumferential direction. In some cases, the falloff is only as the inverse square of the cylinder length. These features, puzzling within the original spin formulation, are easily understood and calculated within the fermionic formulation

    Gaussian Memory in Kinematic Matrix Theory for Self-Propellers

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    We extend the kinematic matrix ("kinematrix") formalism [Phys. Rev. E 89, 062304 (2014)], which via simple matrix algebra accesses ensemble properties of self-propellers influenced by uncorrelated noise, to treat Gaussian correlated noises. This extension brings into reach many real-world biological and biomimetic self-propellers for which inertia is significant. Applying the formalism, we analyze in detail ensemble behaviors of a 2D self-propeller with velocity fluctuations and orientation evolution driven by an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. On the basis of exact results, a variety of dynamical regimes determined by the inertial, speed-fluctuation, orientational diffusion, and emergent disorientation time scales are delineated and discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Triangular Ising antiferromagnet through a fermionic lens, part 1: free energy, zero-temperature phases and spin-spin correlation

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    We develop a fermionic formulation of the triangular lattice Ising antiferromagnet (TIAFM) which is both calculationally convenient and intuitively appealing to imaginations steeped in conventional condensed matter physics. It is used to elucidate a variety of aspects of zero-temperature models. Cylindrical systems possess multiple "phases" distinguished by the number of circumferential satisfied bonds and by entropy density. On the plane, phases are labelled by densities of satisfied bonds of two different orientations. A local particle (semi)conservation law in the fermionic picture lies behind both these features as well as the classic power-law falloff of the spin-spin correlation function, which is also derived from the fermionic perspective

    Fractional Quantum Hall Effect in Graphene

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    Unlike regular electron spin, the pseudospin degeneracy of Fermi points in graphene does not couple directly to magnetic field. Therefore, graphene provides a natural vehicle to observe the integral and fractional quantum Hall physics in an elusive limit analogous to zero Zeeman splitting in GaAs systems. This limit can exhibit new integral plateaus arising from interactions, large pseudoskyrmions, fractional sequences, even/odd numerator effects, composite-fermion pseudoskyrmions, and a pseudospin-singlet composite-fermion Fermi sea. The Dirac nature of the B=0 spectrum, which induces qualitative changes in the overall spectrum, has no bearing on the fractional quantum Hall effect in the n=0n=0 Landau level of graphene. The second Landau level of graphene is predicted to show more robust fractional quantum Hall effect than the second Landau level of GaAs.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Annealing a Magnetic Cactus into Phyllotaxis

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    The appearance of mathematical regularities in the disposition of leaves on a stem, scales on a pine-cone and spines on a cactus has puzzled scholars for millennia; similar so-called phyllotactic patterns are seen in self-organized growth, polypeptides, convection, magnetic flux lattices and ion beams. Levitov showed that a cylindrical lattice of repulsive particles can reproduce phyllotaxis under the (unproved) assumption that minimum of energy would be achieved by 2-D Bravais lattices. Here we provide experimental and numerical evidence that the Phyllotactic lattice is actually a ground state. When mechanically annealed, our experimental "magnetic cactus" precisely reproduces botanical phyllotaxis, along with domain boundaries (called transitions in Botany) between different phyllotactic patterns. We employ a structural genetic algorithm to explore the more general axially unconstrained case, which reveals multijugate (multiple spirals) as well as monojugate (single spiral) phyllotaxis.Comment: 9 Pages 11 Figure

    Comparing artificial frustrated magnets: tuning symmetry in nanomagnet arrays

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    We study the impact of geometry on magnetostatically frustrated single-domain nanomagnet arrays. We examine square and hexagonal lattice arrays, as well as a brickwork geometry that combines the anisotropy of the square lattice and the topology of the hexagonal lattice. We find that the more highly frustrated hexagonal lattice allows for the most thorough minimization of the magnetostatic energy, and that the pair-wise correlations between moments differ qualitatively between hexagonal and brickwork lattices, although they share the same lattice topology. The results indicate that the symmetry of local interaction is more important than overall lattice topology in the accommodation of frustrated interactions.Comment: 18 pages and 4 figure

    Characterization of switching field distributions in Ising-like magnetic arrays

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    The switching field distribution within arrays of single-domain ferromagnetic islands incorpo- rates both island-island interactions and quenched disorder in island geometry. Separating these two contributions is important for disentangling the effects of disorder and interactions in the magnetization dynamics of island arrays. Using sub-micron, spatially resolved Kerr imaging in an external magnetic field for islands with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, we map out the evolution of island arrays during hysteresis loops. Resolving and tracking individual islands across four different lattice types and a range of inter-island spacings, we extract the individual switching fields of every island and thereby determine the relative contributions of interactions and quenched disorder in the arrays. The width of the switching field distribution is well explained by a simple model comprising the sum of an array-independent contribution (interpreted as disorder-induced), and a term proportional to the maximum field the fully polarized array could exert on a single island. We conclude that disorder in these arrays is primarily a single-island property
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