29 research outputs found

    Absorption reconstruction improves biodistribution assessment of fluorescent nanoprobes using hybrid Fluorescence-mediated tomography

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    Aim: Fluorescence-mediated tomography (FMT) holds potential for accelerating diagnostic and theranostic drug development. However, for proper quantitative fluorescence reconstruction, knowledge on optical scattering and absorption, which are highly heterogeneous in different (mouse) tissues, is required. We here describe methods to assess these parameters using co-registered micro Computed Tomography (µCT) data and nonlinear whole-animal absorption reconstruction, and evaluate their importance for assessment of the biodistribution and target site accumulation of fluorophore-labeled drug delivery systems.\ud \ud Methods: Besides phantoms with varying degrees of absorption, mice bearing A431 tumors were imaged 15 min and 48 h after i.v. injection of a fluorophore-labeled polymeric drug carrier (pHPMA-Dy750) using µCT-FMT. The outer shape of mice and a scattering map were derived using automated segmentation of the µCT data. Furthermore, a 3D absorption map was reconstructed from the trans-illumination data. We determined the absorption of five interactively segmented regions (heart, liver, kidney, muscle, tumor). Since blood is the main near-infrared absorber in vivo, the absorption was also estimated from the relative blood volume (rBV), determined by contrast-enhanced µCT. We compared the reconstructed absorption with the rBV-based values and analyzed the effect of using the absorption map on the fluorescence reconstruction.\ud \ud Results: Phantom experiments demonstrated that absorption reconstruction is possible and necessary for quantitative fluorescence reconstruction. In vivo, the reconstructed absorption showed high values in strongly blood-perfused organs such as the heart, liver and kidney. The absorption values correlated strongly with the rBV-based absorption values, confirming the accuracy of the absorption reconstruction. Usage of homogenous absorption instead of the reconstructed absorption map resulted in reduced values in the heart, liver and kidney, by factors of 3.5, 2.1 and 1.4, respectively. For muscle and subcutaneous tumors, which have a much lower rBV and absorption, absorption reconstruction was less important.\ud \ud Conclusion: Quantitative whole-animal absorption reconstruction is possible and can be validated in vivo using the rBV. Usage of an absorption map is important when quantitatively assessing the biodistribution of fluorescently labeled drugs and drug delivery systems, to avoid a systematic underestimation of fluorescence in strongly absorbing organs, such as the heart, liver and kidney

    Drug targeting to tumors using HPMA copolymers

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    Copolymers based on N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide (HPMA) are prototypic and well-characterized polymeric drug carriers that have been broadly implemented in the delivery of anticancer agents. HPMA copolymers circulate for prolonged periods of time, and by means of the Enhance Permeability and Retention (EPR) effect, they localize to tumors both effectively and selectively. As a consequence, the concentrations of attached active agents in tumors can be increased, and their accumulation in healthy organs and tissues can be attenuated, together resulting in a substantial improvement in the balance between the efficacy and the toxicity of chemotherapy. Taking these notions into account, the aim of the present thesis was to investigate, understand, improve and extend drug targeting to tumors using HPMA copolymers. To provide a proper theoretical framework for investigating drug targeting to tumors using HPMA copolymers, in Chapter 2, the basic principles of passive and active drug targeting are summarized, and several clinically relevant examples of tumor-targeted nanomedicines are highlighted. To better understand drug targeting to tumors, in Chapter 3, the circulation kinetics, the biodistribution and the tumor accumulation of thirteen physicochemically different HPMA copolymers are evaluated. In Chapter 4, based on the notion that HPMA copolymers circulate for prolonged periods of time, a gadolinium-containing contrast agent is developed for MR angiography, i.e. for imaging blood vessels. In Chapter 5, to provide some initial indications in favor of the combination of polymeric nanomedicines with surgery, the impact of intratumoral injection on the biodistribution and the therapeutic potential of HPMA copolymer-based drug delivery systems is investigated. To actively improve passive drug targeting, in Chapter 6, the effects of different doses of radiotherapy and hyperthermia on the tumor accumulation of HPMA copolymers are evaluated. In Chapter 7, drug targeting to tumors using HPMA copolymers is extended, showing both for doxorubicin and for gemcitabine that long-circulating and passively tumor-targeted polymeric drug carriers are able to improve the efficacy of (clinically relevant regimens of) radiochemotherapy. In Chapter 8, using an HPMA copolymer co-functionalized both with doxorubicin and with gemcitabine, evidence is provided showing that polymers, as e.g. liposomes, can be used to deliver two different drugs to tumors simultaneously, and to improve the efficacy of chemotherapy combinations. And finally, in Chapter 9, the insights provided and the evidence obtained are summarized and discussed, and several general conclusions are drawn. Together, the work described in this thesis demonstrates that HPMA copolymers are suitable systems for passive drug targeting to tumors, and that long-circulating and passively tumor-targeted polymeric nanomedicines are suitable systems for improving the efficacy of combined modality anticancer therapy

    Applications of nanoparticles for diagnosis and therapy of cancer

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    During the last decades, a plethora of nanoparticles have been developed and evaluated and a real hype has been created around their potential application as diagnostic and therapeutic agents. Despite their suggestion as potential diagnostic agents, only a single diagnostic nanoparticle formulation, namely iron oxide nanoparticles, has found its way into clinical routine so far. This fact is primarily due to difficulties in achieving appropriate pharmacokinetic properties and a reproducible synthesis of monodispersed nanoparticles. Furthermore, concerns exist about their biodegradation, elimination and toxicity. The majority of nanoparticle formulations that are currently routinely used in the clinic are used for therapeutic purposes. These therapeutic nanoparticles aim to more efficiently deliver a (chemo-) therapeutic drug to the pathological site, while avoiding its accumulation in healthy organs and tissues, and are predominantly based on the “enhanced permeability and retention” (EPR) effect. Furthermore, based on their ability to integrate diagnostic and therapeutic entities within a single nanoparticle formulation, nanoparticles hold great promise for theranostic purposes and are considered to be highly useful for personalizing nanomedicine-based treatments. In this review article, we present applications of diagnostic and therapeutic nanoparticles, summarize frequently used non-invasive imaging techniques and describe the role of EPR in the accumulation of nanotheranostic formulations. In this context, the clinical potential of nanotheranostics and image-guided drug delivery for individualized and improved (chemo-) therapeutic interventions is addressed

    Flexible and modular MPI simulation framework and its use in modelling a µMPI

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    The availability of thorough system simulations for detailed and accurate performance prediction and optimization of existing and future designs for a new modality, such as magnetic particle imaging (MPI) are very important. Our framework aims to simulate a complete MPI system by providing a description of all (drive and receive) coils, permanent magnet configurations, magnetic nanoparticle (MNP) distributions, and characteristics of the signal processing chain. The simulation is performed on a user defined spatial and temporal discrete grid. The magnetization of the MNP is modeled by either the Langevin theory or as ideal particles with infinite steepness and ideal saturation. The magnetic fields are approximated in first order by calculating the Biot-Savart integral. In addition, the coupling constants between the excitation coils (e.g., drive field coils) and the receive coils can be determined. All coils can be described by an XML description language based on primitive geometric shapes. First simulations of a modeled ÎĽMPI system are shown. In this regard, ÎĽMPI refers to a small 1-D system for samples of a size of a few tens of a cubic millimeter and a spatial resolution of about 200 ÎĽm

    Drug targeting systems for inflammatory disease: one for all, all for one

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    Abstract In various systemic disorders, structural changes in the microenvironment of diseased tissues enable both passive and active targeting of therapeutic agents to these tissues. This has led to a number of targeting approaches that enhance the accumulation of drugs in the target tissues, making drug targeting an attractive strategy for the treatment of various diseases. Remarkably, the strategic principles that form the basis of drug targeting are often employed for tumor targeting, while chronic inflammatory diseases appear to draw much less attention. To provide the reader with a general overview of the current status of drug targeting to inflammatory diseases, the passive and active targeting strategies that have been used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and multiple sclerosis (MS) are discussed. The last part of this review addresses the dualism of platform technology-oriented ("one for all") and disease-oriented drug targeting research ("all for one"), both of which are key elements of effective drug targeting research

    Personalized nanomedicine

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    Abstract Personalized medicine aims to individualize chemotherapeutic interventions on the basis of ex vivo and in vivo information on patient- and disease-specific characteristics. By noninvasively visualizing how well image-guided nanomedicines-that is, submicrometer-sized drug delivery systems containing both drugs and imaging agents within a single formulation, and designed to more specifically deliver drug molecules to pathologic sites-accumulate at the target site, patients likely to respond to nanomedicine-based therapeutic interventions may be preselected. In addition, by longitudinally monitoring how well patients respond to nanomedicine-based therapeutic interventions, drug doses and treatment protocols can be individualized and optimized during follow-up. Furthermore, noninvasive imaging information on the accumulation of nanomedicine formulations in potentially endangered healthy tissues may be used to exclude patients from further treatment. Consequently, combining noninvasive imaging with tumor-targeted drug delivery seems to hold significant potential for personalizing nanomedicine-based chemotherapeutic interventions, to achieve delivery of the right drug to the right location in the right patient at the right time

    Ultrasound microbubbles for molecular diagnosis, therapy, and theranostics

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    Abstract Ultrasound imaging is clinically established for routine screening examinations of breast, abdomen, neck, and other soft tissues, as well as for therapy monitoring. Microbubbles as vascular contrast agents improve the detection and characterization of cancerous lesions, inflammatory processes, and cardiovascular pathologies. Taking advantage of the excellent sensitivity and specificity of ultrasound for microbubble detection, molecular imaging can be realized by binding antibodies, peptides, and other targeting moieties to microbubble surfaces. Molecular microbubbles directed against various targets such as vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2, vascular cell adhesion molecule 1, intercellular adhesion molecule 1, selectins, and integrins were developed and were shown in preclinical studies to be able to selectively bind to tumor blood vessels and atherosclerotic plaques. Currently, the first microbubble formulations targeted to angiogenic vessels in prostate cancers are being evaluated clinically. However, microbubbles can be used for more than diagnosis: disintegrating microbubbles emit acoustic forces that are strong enough to induce thrombolysis, and they can also be used for facilitating drug and gene delivery across biologic barriers. This review on the use of microbubbles for ultrasound-based molecular imaging, therapy, and theranostics addresses innovative concepts and identifies areas in which clinical translation is foreseeable in the near future

    Multidrug resistance: Physiological principles and nanomedical solutions

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    Multidrug resistance (MDR) is a pathophysiological phenomenon employed by cancer cells which limits the prolonged and effective use of chemotherapeutic agents. MDR is primarily based on the over-expression of drug efflux pumps in the cellular membrane. Prominent examples of such efflux pumps, which belong to the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) superfamily of proteins, are Pgp (P-glycoprotein) and MRP (multidrug resistance-associated protein), nowadays officially known as ABCB1 and ABCC1. Over the years, several strategies have been evaluated to overcome MDR, based not only on the use of low-molecular-weight MDR modulators, but also on the implementation of 1–100(0) nm-sized drug delivery systems. In the present manuscript, after introducing the most important physiological principles of MDR, we summarize prototypic nanomedical strategies to overcome multidrug resistance, including the use of carrier materials with intrinsic anti-MDR properties, the use of nanomedicines to modify the mode of cellular uptake, and the co-formulation of chemotherapeutic drugs together with low- and high-molecular-weight MDR inhibitors within a single drug delivery system. While certain challenges still need to be overcome before such constructs and concepts can be widely applied in the clinic, the insights obtained and the progress made strongly suggest that nanomedicine formulations hold significant potential for improving the treatment of multidrug-resistant malignancie

    Recent progress in nanomedicine: therapeutic, diagnostic and theranostic applications

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    In recent years, the use of nanomedicine formulations for therapeutic and diagnostic applications has increased exponentially. Many different systems and strategies have been developed for drug targeting to pathological sites, as well as for visualizing and quantifying important (patho-) physiological processes. In addition, ever more efforts have been undertaken to combine diagnostic and therapeutic properties within a single nanomedicine formulation. These so-called nanotheranostics are able to provide valuable information on drug delivery, drug release and drug efficacy, and they are considered to be highly useful for personalizing nanomedicine-based (chemo-) therapeutic intervention