49 research outputs found

    Expansive evolution of the TREHALOSE-6-PHOSPHATE PHOSPHATASE gene family in Arabidopsis

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    Trehalose is a nonreducing sugar used as a reserve carbohydrate and stress protectant in a variety of organisms. While higher plants typically do not accumulate high levels of trehalose, they encode large families of putative trehalose biosynthesis genes. Trehalose biosynthesis in plants involves a two-step reaction in which trehalose-6-phosphate (T6P) is synthesized from UDPglucose and glucose-6-phosphate (catalyzed by T6P synthase [TPS]), and subsequently dephosphorylated to produce the disaccharide trehalose (catalyzed by T6P phosphatase [TPP]). In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), 11 genes encode proteins with both TPS- and TPP-like domains but only one of these (AtTPS1) appears to be an active (TPS) enzyme. In addition, plants contain a large family of smaller proteins with a conserved TPP domain. Here, we present an in-depth analysis of the 10 TPP genes and gene products in Arabidopsis (TPPA-TPPJ). Collinearity analysis revealed that all of these genes originate from whole-genome duplication events. Heterologous expression in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) showed that all encode active TPP enzymes with an essential role for some conserved residues in the catalytic domain. These results suggest that the TPP genes function in the regulation of T6P levels, with T6P emerging as a novel key regulator of growth and development in higher plants. Extensive gene expression analyses using a complete set of promoter-beta-glucuronidase/green fluorescent protein reporter lines further uncovered cell- and tissue-specific expression patterns, conferring spatiotemporal control of trehalose metabolism. Consistently, phenotypic characterization of knockdown and overexpression lines of a single TPP, AtTPPG, points to unique properties of individual TPPs in Arabidopsis, and underlines the intimate connection between trehalose metabolism and abscisic acid signaling

    Autosomal Recessive Dilated Cardiomyopathy due to DOLK Mutations Results from Abnormal Dystroglycan O-Mannosylation

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    Genetic causes for autosomal recessive forms of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) are only rarely identified, although they are thought to contribute considerably to sudden cardiac death and heart failure, especially in young children. Here, we describe 11 young patients (5–13 years) with a predominant presentation of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Metabolic investigations showed deficient protein N-glycosylation, leading to a diagnosis of Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation (CDG). Homozygosity mapping in the consanguineous families showed a locus with two known genes in the N-glycosylation pathway. In all individuals, pathogenic mutations were identified in DOLK, encoding the dolichol kinase responsible for formation of dolichol-phosphate. Enzyme analysis in patients' fibroblasts confirmed a dolichol kinase deficiency in all families. In comparison with the generally multisystem presentation in CDG, the nonsyndromic DCM in several individuals was remarkable. Investigation of other dolichol-phosphate dependent glycosylation pathways in biopsied heart tissue indicated reduced O-mannosylation of alpha-dystroglycan with concomitant functional loss of its laminin-binding capacity, which has been linked to DCM. We thus identified a combined deficiency of protein N-glycosylation and alpha-dystroglycan O-mannosylation in patients with nonsyndromic DCM due to autosomal recessive DOLK mutations

    Exploring the neutral invertase–oxidative stress defence connection in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Over the past decades, considerable advances have been made in understanding the crucial role and the regulation of sucrose metabolism in plants. Among the various sucrose-catabolizing enzymes, alkaline/neutral invertases (A/N-Invs) have long remained poorly studied. However, recent findings have demonstrated the presence of A/N-Invs in various organelles in addition to the cytosol, and their importance for plant development and stress tolerance. A cytosolic (At-A/N-InvG, At1g35580) and a mitochondrial (At-A/N-InvA, At1g56560) member of the A/N-Invs have been analysed in more detail in Arabidopsis and it was found that At-A/N-InvA knockout plants show an even more severe growth phenotype than At-A/N-InvG knockout plants. The absence of either A/N-Inv was associated with higher oxidative stress defence gene expression, while transient overexpression of At-A/N-InvA and At-A/N-InvG in leaf mesophyll protoplasts down-regulated the oxidative stress-responsive ascorbate peroxidase 2 (APX2) promoter. Moreover, up-regulation of the APX2 promoter by hydrogen peroxide or abscisic acid could be blocked by adding metabolizable sugars or ascorbate. A hypothetical model is proposed in which both mitochondrial and cytosolic A/N-Invs can generate glucose as a substrate for mitochondria-associated hexokinase, contributing to mitochondrial reactive oxygen species homeostasis

    pKa Modulation of the Acid/Base Catalyst within GH32 and GH68: A Role in Substrate/Inhibitor Specificity?

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    Glycoside hydrolases of families 32 (GH32) and 68 (GH68) belong to clan GH-J, containing hydrolytic enzymes (sucrose/fructans as donor substrates) and fructosyltransferases (sucrose/fructans as donor and acceptor substrates). In GH32 members, some of the sugar substrates can also function as inhibitors, this regulatory aspect further adding to the complexity in enzyme functionalities within this family. Although 3D structural information becomes increasingly available within this clan and huge progress has been made on structure-function relationships, it is not clear why some sugars bind as inhibitors without being catalyzed. Conserved aspartate and glutamate residues are well known to act as nucleophile and acid/bases within this clan. Based on the available 3D structures of enzymes and enzyme-ligand complexes as well as docking simulations, we calculated the pKa of the acid-base before and after substrate binding. The obtained results strongly suggest that most GH-J members show an acid-base catalyst that is not sufficiently protonated before ligand entrance, while the acid-base can be fully protonated when a substrate, but not an inhibitor, enters the catalytic pocket. This provides a new mechanistic insight aiming at understanding the complex substrate and inhibitor specificities observed within the GH-J clan. Moreover, besides the effect of substrate entrance on its own, we strongly suggest that a highly conserved arginine residue (in the RDP motif) rather than the previously proposed Tyr motif (not conserved) provides the proton to increase the pKa of the acid-base catalyst

    Freezing tolerance by vesicle-mediated fructan transport

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    Fructans are fructose-based polymers associated with freezing tolerance. They might act directly via membrane stabilization or indirectly by stimulating alternative cryoprotectants. Fructans and fructan biosynthetic enzymes, in general, are believed to be present in the vacuole. This paper draws particular attention to the surprising presence of fructans and fructan exohydrolase activity in the apoplast of cold-stressed plants. This observation raises questions concerning the origin of apoplastic fructans and suggests that fructans are transported to the apoplast by post-synthesis mechanisms, perhaps induced by cold. We propose a conceptual vesicle-mediated transport model for the movement of vacuolar fructans to the apoplast, where they could assist in stabilizing the plasma membrane