224 research outputs found

    Factor Analysis of the Preschool Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale for Children in Head Start Programs

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    Strength-based assessment of behaviors in preschool children provides evidence of emotional and behavioral skills in children, rather than focusing primarily on weaknesses identified by deficit-based assessments. The Preschool Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scales (PreBERS) is a normative assessment of emotional and behavioral strengths in preschool children. The PreBERS has well-established reliability and validity for typically developing children as well as children with identified special education needs, but this has not yet been established for children in Head Start programs, who tend to be at high risk for development of emotional and behavioral concerns. This study explores the factorial validity of the PreBERS scores for a large sample of children participating in Head Start programs around the United States. Results not only confirm the fit of the four-factor model of the PreBERS for this population, but also demonstrate the application of a bifactor model to the structure of the PreBERS which, in turn, allows for the computation of model-based reliability estimates for the four subscales (Emotional Regulation, School Readiness, Social Confidence, Family Involvement) and overall strength index score. The implications suggest that the PreBERS items are reliable scores that can be used to identify behavioral strengths in preschool children in Head Start, and support planning of interventions to selectively address component skills to promote child social and academic success

    Parental Directiveness and Responsivity toward Young Children with Complex Communication Needs

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    Purpose: The aim of the present study was to determine if parent responsiveness to their children with complex communication needs (CCN) during naturalistic play changed over an 18-month period and determine if any such changes were influenced by the child’s overall level of receptive and expressive language development, motor development or differing play contexts. This longitudinal information is important for early intervention speech-language pathologists and parents of children with developmental disabilities for whom the use of parent-directed responsivity interventions may be encouraged. Method: Over an 18-month period, 37 parents of young children who had physical and/or neurological disabilities participated in three home-based parent–child play episodes. Videotapes of each play episode were extracted and coded. Result: Results indicated parents who were initially responsive showed a significant tendency to continue to be so. Early on, parents were significantly more likely to be directive during object play than social play and significantly more likely to interact responsively during social play than object play. Conclusion: Parents of children with developmental disabilities were not consistently less responsive to their children based on motor or language capabilities. Previous reports of higher parental directiveness with children who have developmental disabilities may be attributable to object-based play interactions

    Factor Analysis of the Preschool Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale for Children in Head Start Programs

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    Strength-based assessment of behaviors in preschool children provides evidence of emotional and behavioral skills in children, rather than focusing primarily on weaknesses identified by deficit-based assessments. The Preschool Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scales (PreBERS) is a normative assessment of emotional and behavioral strengths in preschool children. The PreBERS has well-established reliability and validity for typically developing children as well as children with identified special education needs, but this has not yet been established for children in Head Start programs, who tend to be at high risk for development of emotional and behavioral concerns. This study explores the factorial validity of the PreBERS scores for a large sample of children participating in Head Start programs around the United States. Results not only confirm the fit of the four-factor model of the PreBERS for this population, but also demonstrate the application of a bifactor model to the structure of the PreBERS which, in turn, allows for the computation of model-based reliability estimates for the four subscales (Emotional Regulation, School Readiness, Social Confidence, Family Involvement) and overall strength index score. The implications suggest that the PreBERS items are reliable scores that can be used to identify behavioral strengths in preschool children in Head Start, and support planning of interventions to selectively address component skills to promote child social and academic success

    La morphogénèse d’hyphes toruleux chez l’actinomycète FRANKIA SPP.

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    Les bactéries sont sélectionnées par l’environnement qui les entoure. Le moindre changement environnemental (ex. température, pH, salinité) aura un impact sur les cellules bactériennes. Plusieurs moyens sont utilisés par les bactéries pour s’adapter à l’environnement. On retrouve, entre autres, des modifications dans l’expression de gènes induisant des modifications morphologiques et/ou fonctionnelles. La modification morphologique correspond au processus de différenciation cellulaire répondant à un stress ou ayant lieu normalement durant le cycle de vie. La capacité d’adaptation des bactéries permet d’obtenir des différences phénotypiques et génotypiques chez des genres et espèces apparentées. Les bactéries appartenant au genre Frankia ont une morphologie filamenteuse qui a tendance à s’agréger. En plus des filaments, Frankia possède des structures spécialisées comme les vésicules et les sporanges. Les vésicules sont le lieu de la fixation d’azote atmosphérique et les sporanges sont l’endroit où se retrouvent les sporangiospores. Les rôles conférés aux spores de Frankia sont la reproduction, la dissémination et la survie de l’espèce. Peu d’études ont porté sur les spores de Frankia, mais ce qui est connu jusqu’à présent c’est que ce sont des structures avec un métabolisme ralenti, en dormance et ayant un faible taux de germination in vitro. En 1985, Diem et Dommergues ont mentionné la présence d’une nouvelle morphologie chez Frankia sp. Cj1-82, les reproductive torulose hyphae (RTH). Cette nouvelle morphologie n’a pas été étudiée de nouveau jusqu’à tout récemment. Elle consiste en un élargissement de l’hyphe végétatif, un épaississement de la paroi cellulaire et une septation transversale abondante et régulière de l’hyphe. Des comparaisons ont été effectuées avec les sporanges, mais ceux-ci sont différents du point de vue morphologique et métabolique. Les hyphes toruleux nécessitent un bris mécanique pour se disloquer, tandis que les sporanges se lysent de façon spontanée pour libérer les spores. De plus, les hyphes toruleux reprennent une croissance filamenteuse rapidement lorsque remis dans du milieu frais.Précédemment au laboratoire, une morphologie ressemblant aux RTH de la souche Cj1-82 a été observée sporadiquement et en faible proportion dans les cultures liquides de Frankia alni ACN14a. À partir de ces observations, une condition définie et reproductible pour obtenir une différenciation massive en RTH a été déterminée par Audrey Bernèche-D’Amours en 2012. Il a été démontré qu’une concentration finale de 50 mM de KH2PO4 dans le milieu BAPS (milieu utilisé usuellement au laboratoire) induisait la différenciation lorsque le pH était d’environ 5,8-5,9. Cet avancement a permis de faire les premières études morphologiques chez cette souche. La morphologie ainsi obtenue a été caractérisée par différentes techniques de microscopie et une étude transcriptomique a permis d’élaborer une liste de 77 gènes dont l’expression était altérée lors de la différenciation. Au cours de la présente étude, des essais pour améliorer les conditions de différenciation ont été exécutés, pour tenter d’augmenter la viabilité cellulaire et le taux de différenciation. La concentration finale de KH2PO4 nécessaire à la différenciation a été déterminée plus précisément, et celle-ci se trouve à 40 mM au lieu de 50 mM. Un ajout graduel de KH2PO4 dans le temps n’a pas permis d’observer une meilleure différenciation en RTH avec une mortalité cellulaire moins élevée. Une limitation en azote ne permet pas non plus d’obtenir une amélioration de la différenciation (mortalité et taux de différenciation). Des expériences indépendantes ont permis de déterminer l’importance du potassium et du phosphate dans ce phénomène et l’augmentation du potassium permet la différenciation en hyphes toruleux alors que le phosphate seul ne permet pas la différenciation. Le pH de 5,8-5,9 est essentiel dans la différenciation. De façon à améliorer les connaissances sur les hyphes toruleux, un suivi de cultures différenciées a été effectué. La concentration protéique, l’ADN, le phosphate, le pH, le succinate, le propionate et des biomarqueurs ont été mesurés toutes les semaines durant 2 mois. Pour les RTH, tous les dosages varie faiblement dans le temps tandis que pour les hyphes réguliers les sources de carbone (succinate et propionate) diminuent et les métabolites (ADN, protéines) produits augmentent dans le temps. La liste de gènes différemment exprimés obtenue par Bernèche-D’Amours (2012), m’a permis d’évaluer la présence de ces gènes d’intérêt dans le génome des souches de Frankia présentes dans les banques de données publiques. Plusieurs gènes se retrouvent seulement chez la souche F. alni ACN14a. L’expression relative de 10 gènes d’intérêt a été déterminée par q-PCR de façon à confirmer les résultats de transcriptomique. L’expression des gènes modulait comme lors de l’analyse transcriptomique, à l’exception des gènes thiC, atpD et FRAAL2827. L’étude des RTH augmentera la compréhension du cycle de vie de Frankia. La nature filamenteuse de la bactérie rend difficile l’obtention de culture clonale, les cellules individuelles d’hyphes toruleux pourront être utilisées à ces fins. De plus, la morphologie d’hyphes toruleux pourrait faciliter l’obtention de transformants lors de manipulations génétiques

    Informationele efficiëntie van de Belgische Optiemarkt.

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    Grote prijsveranderingen en volumes gaan dikwijls samen. Dit artikel gaat na of er een wisselwerking bestaat tussen optieverhandeling op individuele aandelen op Belfox en volumes in de termijnmarkt. Het omvat een updating alsook een verfijning van vroegere resultaten. In het bijzonder wordt nagegaan of er een verschillend verband bestaat tussen activiteit op Belfox enerzijds en activiteit in de termijnmarkt anderzijds, naargelang er zich in de onderliggende waarde al dan niet belangrijke bewegingen voordoen. Het zou immers kunnen dat marktdeelnemers de optiemarkt voornamelijk gebruiken bij de instroom van informatie die voldoende grote prijsschommelingen kan teweeg brengen en minder voor door-de-weekse gebeurtenissen. De analyse duidt aan dat in drie deelmarkten van Belfox (Petrofina, Delhaize en Union Minière) nieuwe informatie aanleiding geeft tot significant verhoogde optievolumes. Dit geldt zowel voor door-de-weekse dagen als voor dagen met belangrijke prijsschommelingen in de onderliggende waarde. De andere aandelenoptiemarkten blijken te klein te zijn om snel op nieuwe informatie te reageren.

    Carrageenan Is a Potent Inhibitor of Papillomavirus Infection

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    Certain sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV) types are causally associated with the development of cervical cancer. Our recent development of high-titer HPV pseudoviruses has made it possible to perform high-throughput in vitro screens to identify HPV infection inhibitors. Comparison of a variety of compounds revealed that carrageenan, a type of sulfated polysaccharide extracted from red algae, is an extremely potent infection inhibitor for a broad range of sexually transmitted HPVs. Although carrageenan can inhibit herpes simplex viruses and some strains of HIV in vitro, genital HPVs are about a thousand-fold more susceptible, with 50% inhibitory doses in the low ng/ml range. Carrageenan acts primarily by preventing the binding of HPV virions to cells. This finding is consistent with the fact that carrageenan resembles heparan sulfate, an HPV cell-attachment factor. However, carrageenan is three orders of magnitude more potent than heparin, a form of cell-free heparan sulfate that has been regarded as a highly effective model HPV inhibitor. Carrageenan can also block HPV infection through a second, postattachment heparan sulfate–independent effect. Carrageenan is in widespread commercial use as a thickener in a variety of cosmetic and food products, ranging from sexual lubricants to infant feeding formulas. Some of these products block HPV infectivity in vitro, even when diluted a million-fold. Clinical trials are needed to determine whether carrageenan-based products are effective as topical microbicides against genital HPVs

    Effectiveness of case management interventions for frequent users of healthcare services: a scoping review

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    OBJECTIVE: Frequent users of healthcare services are a vulnerable population, often socioeconomically disadvantaged, who can present multiple chronic conditions as well as mental health problems. Case management (CM) is the most frequently performed intervention to reduce healthcare use and cost. This study aimed to examine the evidence of the effectiveness of CM interventions for frequent users of healthcare services. DESIGN: Scoping review. DATA SOURCES: An electronic literature search was conducted using the MEDLINE, Scopus and CINAHL databases covering January 2004 to December 2015. A specific search strategy was developed for each database using keywords 'case management' and 'frequent use'. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR SELECTING STUDIES: To be included in the review, studies had to report effects of a CM intervention on healthcare use and cost or patient outcomes. Eligible designs included randomised and non-randomised controlled trials and controlled and non-controlled before-after studies. Studies limited to specific groups of patients or targeting a single disease were excluded. Three reviewers screened abstracts, screened each full-text article and extracted data, and discrepancies were resolved by consensus. RESULTS: The final review included 11 articles evaluating the effectiveness of CM interventions among frequent users of healthcare services. Two non-randomised controlled studies and 4 before-after studies reported positives outcomes on healthcare use or cost. Two randomised controlled trials, 2 before-after studies and 1 non-randomised controlled study presented mitigated results. Patient outcomes such as drug and alcohol use, health locus of control, patient satisfaction and psychological functioning were evaluated in 3 studies, but no change was reported. CONCLUSIONS: Many studies suggest that CM could reduce emergency department visits and hospitalisations as well as cost. However, pragmatic randomised controlled trials of adequate power that recruit the most frequent users of healthcare services are still needed to clearly confirm its effectiveness

    Investing in Teachers’ Leadership Capacity: A Model from STEM Education

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    Teachers play a key role in the quality of education provided to students. The Maine Center for Research in STEM Education (RiSE Center) at the University of Maine has worked with partners to design, implement, and evaluate several programs in the past eight years to provide professional learning opportunities and support for Maine’s STEM teachers, leading to significant impacts for teachers and students across the state. A strategic investment in developing teacher leadership capacity played a key role in expanding the initial partnership to include teachers and school districts across the state. With support from education researchers and staff at the RiSE Center, STEM teachers have taken on roles as leaders of professional learning opportunities for peers and as decision makers in a statewide professional community for improving STEM education. This article describes the structures that have fostered teacher leadership and how those structures emerged through partnership and collaboration, the ways in which teacher leadership has amplified the resources we have been able to provide to STEM teachers across the state, and the outcomes for Maine students