969 research outputs found

    The Gini coefficient reveals more.

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    We revisit the well-known decomposition of the Gini coefficient into betweengroups, within-groups and overlap terms in the context of two groups in which the incomes in one group may be scaled and that group’s population weight modified. In this more general setting than usual, we focus on the properties of the overlap term, proving inter alia that overlap unambiguously reduces as a result of a within-group progressive transfer, and is increased by scaling up the incomes in the group with the lower mean, reaching a maximum when the two means become the same. In the case of a socially heterogeneous population and equivalized incomes, the effect on the Gini overlap of changing the income unit is determined, along with that of adjusting the equivalence scale deflator in case the income unit is the equivalent adult (such adjustment simultaneously changing the weighting of income units).

    The Gini Coefficient Reveals More

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    We revisit the well-known decomposition of the Gini coefficient into betweengroups, within-groups and overlap terms in the context of two groups in which the incomes in one group may be scaled and that group’s population weight modified. In this more general setting than usual, we focus on the properties of the overlap term, proving inter alia that overlap unambiguously reduces as a result of a within-group progressive transfer, and is increased by scaling up the incomes in the group with the lower mean, reaching a maximum when the two means become the same. In the case of a socially heterogeneous population and equivalized incomes, the effect on the Gini overlap of changing the income unit is determined, along with that of adjusting the equivalence scale deflator in case the income unit is the equivalent adult (such adjustment simultaneously changing the weighting of income units).

    Computing expectation values for RNA motifs using discrete convolutions

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    BACKGROUND: Computational biologists use Expectation values (E-values) to estimate the number of solutions that can be expected by chance during a database scan. Here we focus on computing Expectation values for RNA motifs defined by single-strand and helix lod-score profiles with variable helix spans. Such E-values cannot be computed assuming a normal score distribution and their estimation previously required lengthy simulations. RESULTS: We introduce discrete convolutions as an accurate and fast mean to estimate score distributions of lod-score profiles. This method provides excellent score estimations for all single-strand or helical elements tested and also applies to the combination of elements into larger, complex, motifs. Further, the estimated distributions remain accurate even when pseudocounts are introduced into the lod-score profiles. Estimated score distributions are then easily converted into E-values. CONCLUSION: A good agreement was observed between computed E-values and simulations for a number of complete RNA motifs. This method is now implemented into the ERPIN software, but it can be applied as well to any search procedure based on ungapped profiles with statistically independent columns

    Rediseño de una maneta para una bomba de freno radial (brembo) para motocicletas

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    [EN] My End of Grade Work is based on the redesign of a brake and clutch lever for motorcycle. This work aims to improve the ergonomics of the handle relative to the pilot's hand, an improved design, and if possible, lower the weight of the same thanks to the use of a different material and an optimized design. Specifically, the design focuses on the brake and clutch levers for radial type pumps of the BREMBO brand. These brakes can be found among other bikes, in the DUCATI 1098R. The redesign contemplates the modification of the operation of the handles so that they can be lengthened and shortened in length according to the ergonomics of the hand, as well as allowing the articulation of the same upwards to avoid possible breakage in case of fall, this way, to be able to resume the march if the damages caused in the remaining pieces of the motorcycle allowed it. In addition, it aims to improve the regulation system that allows to approach or move the brake lever or clutch lever to the fist according to the size of the hand of each pilot and thus optimize the ergonomics and consequently the riding of the motorcycle. The methodology that has been followed begins with the understanding and study of the operation of the braking system (handbrake-pump assembly). The second step tries to understand and study the existing market in terms of brake and clutch levers and the brands that offer them, among others BARRACUDA and RIZOMA. Afterwards a process of restyling of all the components respecting the aesthetics of the motorcycle and looking for an appearance as light as possible. At the same time as the previous step, a study on the ergonomics of the hand is made so that the new product can be adapted in the most appropriate way to the users who use it. After that, a CAD model is developed through the Solid Works program and a study is carried out to test the resistance of the whole to the stresses suffered in an intensive use of the handles. Next, we specify and specify more, focusing on a greater amount of detail each of the phases that have been followed from the study of the operation of the brake lever and clutch of origin to CAD modeling of the same using Solid Works. It begins by disassembling the original handle to give rise to the understanding of the functioning and coordination of all the components that form the functional mechanism that are the handles. Measurements of all the components on which the restyling is based are then made. If you have understood the operation of the components of the handles and have taken the necessary measures, a market study is carried out to contemplate the existing products and their mechanisms, thus determining what can be improved in each one of them. A restyling process is then carried out, focusing on the aesthetics of the motorcycle as well as the lightness and ergonomics. This restyling has been designed to clearly differentiate, through aesthetics in addition to the functional mechanism, the new product of the previous and the other existing in the current market. In addition it has been tried to contribute a plus in sportiness but trying not to leave the aesthetic language of the motorcycle of origin (DUCATI 1098R). This motorcycle is the maximum exponent in exclusivity and in the competition within the DUCATI brand at the time of its launch, for that reason it has looked for a light and practical design which conjugates perfectly with the motorcycles of races. At the same time, the driver needs to have the best possible connection with the bike to have feedback of the same before his movements and the surface of the track. For this it is necessary a perfect ergonomics, as a consequence has been given enough importance and has been studied to be able to take into account in this process of restyling. Also considered the possible falls of the bike and has sought a design that allows the levers to hit the ground, along with the whole of the bike, have less chance of[ES] Mi Trabajo de fin de Grado se basa en el rediseño de una maneta de freno y embrague para moto. En este trabajo se pretende mejorar la ergonomía de la maneta respecto a la mano del piloto, un diseño mejorado, y si es posible, rebajar el peso de la misma gracias al uso de un material distinto y de un diseño optimizado. En concreto el diseño se centra en las manetas de freno y embrague para unas bombas de tipo radial de la marca BREMBO. Estos frenos se pueden encontrar entre otras motos, en las DUCATI 1098R. El rediseño contempla la modificación del funcionamiento de las manetas para que estas puedan alargarse y acortarse en longitud en función de la ergonomía de la mano, así como permitir la articulación de las mismas hacia arriba para evitar posibles roturas en caso de caída, y, de este modo, poder retomar la marcha si los daños ocasionados en las piezas restantes de la moto lo permitieran. Además, se pretende mejorar el sistema de regulación que permite acercar o alejar la maneta de freno o maneta de embrague al puño según el tamaño de la mano de cada piloto y de este modo optimizar la ergonomía y consecuentemente el pilotaje de la moto. La metodología que se ha seguido comienza por el entendimiento y estudio del funcionamiento del sistema de frenado (conjunto manetas-bombas). El segundo paso trata de entender y estudiar el mercado existente en cuanto a manetas de freno y embrague y las marcas que las ofrecen, entre otras BARRACUDA y RIZOMA. Después se sigue con un proceso de restyling de todos los componentes respetando la estética de la motocicleta y buscando un aspecto lo más liviano posible. Al mismo tiempo que el paso anterior, se realiza un estudio sobre la ergonomía de la mano para que el nuevo producto se pueda adaptar de la forma más adecuada a los usuarios que lo utilicen. Tras ello se desarrolla un modelo CAD mediante el programa Solid Works y se realiza un estudio para comprobar la resistencia del conjunto ante los esfuerzos sufridos en un uso intensivo de las manetas. A continuación se especifica y concreta más, incidiendo en una mayor cantidad de detalles cada una de las fases que se han seguido desde el estudio del funcionamiento de las maneta de freno y de embrague de origen hasta el modelado CAD de las mismas mediante Solid Works. Se comienza por el desmontaje de la maneta original para dar lugar a la comprensión del funcionamiento y coordinación de todos los componentes que forman el mecanismo funcional que son las manetas. Seguidamente se realizan tomas de las medidas de todos los componentes sobre las cuales se basará la realización del restyling. Tas haber entendido el funcionamiento de los componentes de las manetas y haber tomado las medidas necesarias, se realiza un estudio del mercado para contemplar los productos existentes y sus mecanismos determinando así que es lo que se puede mejorar en cada uno de ellos. Seguidamente se realiza un proceso de restyling, centrado en la estética de la moto así como la liviandad y la ergonomía. Este restyling ha sido pensado para diferenciar claramente, mediante la estética además del mecanismo funcional, el nuevo producto del anterior y de los demás existentes en el mercado actual. Además se ha buscado aportar un plus en deportividad pero intentando no salirse del lenguaje estético de la motocicleta de origen (DUCATI 1098R). Esta motocicleta es el máximo exponente en exclusividad y en la competición dentro de la marca DUCATI en el momento de su lanzamiento, por ello se ha buscado un diseño liviano y práctico lo cual conjuga a la perfección con las motos de carreras. A su vez el piloto necesita tener la mejor conexión posible con la moto para tener un feedback de la misma ante sus movimientos y la superficie de la pista. Para ello se necesita una ergonomía perfecta, como consecuencia se le ha dado bastante importancia y se ha estudiado la misma para poder tenerla en cuenta en este proceso de resLambert, AL. (2017). Rediseño de una maneta para una bomba de freno radial (brembo) para motocicletas. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/89618TFG

    Cerebral oximetry as a biomarker of postoperative delirium in cardiac surgery patients

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    Purpose A promising monitoring strategy for delirium is the use of cerebral oximetry, but its validity during delirium is unknown. We assessed the relationship between oximetry and delirium. We hypothesized that as cerebral oximetry values increased, delirium would resorb. Materials and methods An observational study was conducted with 30 consecutive adults with delirium after cardiac surgery. Oximetry, delirium assessments, and clinical data were collected for 3 consecutive days after delirium onset. Oximetry was obtained using near-infrared spectroscopy. Delirium was assessed using diagnosis, occurrence (Confusion Assessment Method-ICU), and severity scales (Delirium Index). Results All patients presented delirium at entry. The mean oximetry value decreased from 66.4 ± 6.7 (mean ± SD) to 50.8 ± 6.8 on the first day after delirium onset and increased in patients whose delirium resorbed over the 3 days. The relationship between oximetry, delirium diagnosis, and severity was analyzed with a marginal model and linear mixed models. Cerebral oximetry was related to delirium diagnosis (P ≤ .0001) and severity (P ≤ .0001). Conclusion This study highlighted the links between increased cerebral oximetry values and delirium resorption. Oximetry values may be useful in monitoring delirium progression, thus assisting in the management of this complicated condition

    Alt-Stuttgarts Baukunst

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    ALT-STUTTGARTS BAUKUNST Alt-Stuttgarts Baukunst (-) Einband (-) Titelseite (-) Alt-Stuttgarts Baukunst ([1]) Inhaltsverzeichnis ([25]) Hof des alten Schlosses, Haus alter Schloßplatz Nr. 2 (Tafel 1) Ständehaus, Kameralamt (Tafel 2) Legionskaserne, Waisenhaus (Tafel 3) Häuser unter der Mauer, Haus Brennerstraße Nr. 7 (Tafel 4) Schreinerstraße, Schmale Straße, Steinstraße (Tafel 5) Katharinenstraße, Bebenhäuserstraße, Inschrifttafel im Hof der Stadtdirektion (Tafel 6) Brunnen im Hof des Stadtpolizeiamts, Träger Turmstraße Nr. 5, Schild Bärenstraße (Tafel 7) Alte Kanzlei, Kirche zu St. Eberhard (Tafel 8) Haus des Baumeisters Heinrich Schickardt, Eckkonsole am selben Haus, Konsole Geißstraße Nr. 20 (Tafel 9) Haus Hopitalstraße Nr. 1, Alter Schloßplatz, Karlstraße (Tafel 10) Alter Schloßplatz, Karlstraße (Tafel 11) Ecksäule Engelstraße Nr. 10, Haustüre Pfarrstraße Nr. 10, Torpfeiler Gartenstraße Nr. 42 (Tafel 12) Haus Nadlerstraße Nr. 7, Eckpfeiler Ecke Calwer- und Langestraße (Tafel 13) Geißstraße (Tafel 14) Altes Portal Hoppenlau-Friedhof, Konsole Ecke Rote- und Büchsenstraße (Tafel 15) Bandstraße, Schulstraße, Turmstraße (Tafel 16) Haus Ilgenstraße Nr. 13 (Tafel 17) Ehemaliges Rathaus (Tafel 18) Häuser am Marktplatz (Tafel 19) Haus Pfarrstraße Nr. 7 (Tafel 20) Grabplatten aus den Jahren 1609, 1628, 1643 (Tafel 21) Haustüre Rosenstraße, Schaufenster Färberstraße Nr. 2 nebst Detail (Tafel 22) Türe und Schaufenster Schulstraße Nr. 7, Schaufenster Büchsenstraße Nr. 37 (Tafel 23) Grabplatte aus dem Jahr 1744 und 1713, Grabdenkmal aus dem Jahr 1775 (Tafel 24) Treppe Friedrichstraße Nr. 34, Haustüre Friedrichstraße Nr. 34, Ehemaliges Pfarrhaus (Tafel 25) Erdgeschoss Friedrichstraße Nr. 34, Ehemaliges Pfarrhaus (Tafel 26) Haus Langestraße Nr. 51 (Tafel 27) Portal Schmalestraße Nr. 9, Schlußstein desselben, Haus Langestraße Nr. 25 (Tafel 28) Haus Calwerstraße Nr. 45 und 38 (Tafel 29) Haus Heustraße Nr. 8, Haustüre desselben, Schlußstein daran (Tafel 30) Haustüren Hirschstraße Nr. 22, Hauptstätterstraße Nr. 53 B und Schmale Straße Nr. 11 (Tafel 31) Haustür Leonardstraße Nr. 1 (Tafel 32) Gartenhaus Büchsenstraße Nr. 21, Wirtshausschild Kolbstraße Nr. 8 (Tafel 33) Portal Königstraße Nr. 11, Ehemaliger Torbogen Büchsenstraße Nr. 26 (Tafel 34) Haus Gartenstraße Nr. 27 (Tafel 35) Erdgeschoss Gartenstraße Nr. 29, Schlussstein der Haustür Schmale Straße Nr. 11 (Tafel 36) Haus Paulinenstraße Nr. 42-46, Haus Königstraße Nr. 43 B (Tafel 37) Haus WilhelmsplatzNr. 10 B, Haustür desselben Hauses (Tafel 38) Haus Gymnasiumstraße Nr. 45 (Tafel 39) Haus Rotebühlstraße Nr. 18, Häuser am Leonhardtsplatz (Tafel 40) Brunnen an der Ecke des Prinzenbaues (Tafel 41) Portal Karlstraße Nr. 3 (Tafel 42) Brunnen im Hof der Akademie, Haus Friedrichstraße Nr. 34 (Tafel 43) Hauptstätterstraße (Tafel 44) Grabdenkmal auf dem Hoppenlaufriedhof, Brunnen in den Kgl. Anlagen (Tafel 45) Grabdenkmäler auf dem Hoppelaufriedhof (Tafel 46) Eingangstor des Fangelsbachfriedhofs (Tafel 47) Erdgeschoss des Hauses Hospitalstraße Nr. 28, Oberlichtgitter der Haustüre desselben Hauses, Torbogen Leonhardstraße Nr. 7, Schlussstein desselben (Tafel 48) Häusergruppe am der Böheimstraße, Pfarrhaus Böblingerstraße Nr. 110 (Tafel 49) Haus Eberhardstraße Nr. 22, Haus Christophstraße Nr. 22 (Tafel 50) Obere Bachstraße, Marienstraße (Tafel 51) Haus Ecke Hohe- und Langestraße, Haus Calwerstraße Nr. 54 (Tafel 52) Hauptstätterstraße, Esslingerstraße (Tafel 53) Hauptstätterstraße (Tafel 54) Pflastergeld-Häuschen Neckarstraße, Wirtshausschild in Cannstatt (Tafel 55) Häuser an der Brunnenstraße, Träger Schulgasse Nr. 4, und Marktstraße Nr. 56 (Tafel 56) Spreuergasse Nr. 2 und 4, Marktstraße (Tafel 57) Esslinger Hof (Tafel 58) Haus Brunnenstraße Nr. 21, Haus Brückenstraße Nr. 9 (Tafel 59) Grabdenkmäler auf dem Staigfriedhof (Tafel 60) Farbinformation (-) Einband (-

    Évaluation de la réforme des services psychiatriques destinés aux adultes au pavillon Albert-Prévost 1

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    Cette étude de cas analyse l'implantation de la réforme du dispositif de soins destinés aux clientèles adultes du Pavillon Albert-Prévost. Le niveau de mise en oeuvre et les effets du nouveau dispositif ont été mesurés, et l'influence du contexte politique et structurel a été analysé. À la fin de la période d'observation, la mise en oeuvre de l'intervention n'était pas encore complétée mais elle avait déjà entraîné des effets intéressants, surtout en ce qui concerne l'accessibilité et l'efficience. Ces effets furent atteints par des mécanismes dont certains n'avaient pas été prévus au projet de réforme. Les auteurs ont également identifié un ensemble de facteurs contextuels qui ont facilité ou ralenti la mise en oeuvre de la réforme et la réalisation des effets attendus.This case study analyzes the implementaion of the reform of care destined to clienteles at the Pavillon Albert-Prévost. The level of implementation and the effects of the new systme have been measured and the influence of the political and structural contexts have been analyzed. At the end of the observation period, the implementation of the intervention was not yet completed but had already entailed interesting effects especially concerning access and efficiency. These effects were achieved through some mechanisms not previously planned for in the reform project. The authors have also identified several environmental facors facilitating the implementation of the reform and the realization of expected effects.Este estudio de casos analiza la implantación de la reforma del dispositivo de cuidados destinado a la clientela adulta del Pabellón Albert-Prévost. Se han medido, el nivel de puesta en marcha, los efectos del nuevo dispositivo y la influencia del contexto político y estructural se analizaron. Al final de periodo de observación, la puesta en marcha de la intervención no se había completado pero ya había traído efectos interesantes, sobre todo en cuanto a la accesibilidad y la eficacia. Estos efectos fueron alcanzados por mecanismos, de donde algunos no habían sido previstos en el proyecto de reforma. Igualmente, los autores ha identificado un conjunto de factores contextuales que han facilitado o retrasado la puesta en marcha de la reforma y la realización de los efectos esperados