47 research outputs found

    Marginal bone changes around platform-switched conical connection implants placed 1 or 2 mm subcrestally: A multicenter crossover randomized controlled trial

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    AbstractIntroduction:This study analyzes early marginal bone modifications occurring aroundplatform-switched implants with conical connection placed 1 or 2 mm subcrestally.Methods:This crossover randomized controlled trial enrolled partially edentulouspatients needing two implants in either the posterior maxilla or mandible. Eachpatient received two platform-switched implants with conical connection inserted2 mm (Test) and 1 mm (Control) subcrestally. Definitive abutments were immediatelyconnected and, after 4 months of unsubmerged healing, screwed metal-ceramiccrowns were delivered. Radiographs were taken at implant placement (T0), prosthesisdelivery (T1), and after 1 year of prosthetic loading (T2).Results:Fifty-one patients (25 males and 26 females; mean age 61.2 ± 12.1 years)totaling 102 implants were included in the final analysis. Mean peri-implant bonelevel (PBL) reduction from T0 to T2 was not significantly different around Test (0.49± 0.32 mm) and Control implants (0.46 ± 0.35 mm;p=0.66). Multivariate linearregression models highlighted a significant positive correlation between history ofperiodontitis and PBL reduction. At T2, no Test group implant and 6 Control groupimplants exhibited PBL below the implant platform (11.8% of Control groupimplants).Conclusion:No significant differences in peri-implant marginal bone changes weredemonstrated after 1 year of prosthetic loading between platform-switched implantswith conical connection inserted either 1 or 2 mm subcrestally. However, 2 mm sub-crestal placement resulted in deeper implant positioning at T2, with no exposure oftreated implant surface and potential preventive effect against subsequent peri-implant pathology

    Il microscopio a forza atomica nello studio delle superfici implantari.

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    Reosseointegration after the surgical treatment of induced peri-implantitis: systematic review on current evidence and translation from the animal to the human model

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    INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to review the histologic evidence of reosseointegration and related influencing factors in experimental induced peri-implantitis. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: An electronic search was performed on Medline for animal studies that included a histometric evaluation of the amount of regenerated bone in contact with an implant surface. Questions raised in the study focused on the role of implant surfaces, bone regeneration and decontamination treatments in achieving reosseointegration. A detailed electronic search was then conducted on MEDLINE (PubMed) up to July 2017. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: One hundred and one articles were selected as abstract, thirty-seven articles assessed as full-text and sixteen finally included in the study. Reported measurements of reosseointegration varied significantly in the study, from 0 to 3.37 mm. There is histological evidence that reosseointegration can occur after treatment of ligature-induced peri-implantitis. However regenerated bone in contact with bone is generally restricted to the most apical portion of the peri-implant defect. CONCLUSIONS: Animal studies of induced peri-implantitis seem to indicate that rough surfaces can enhance reosseointegration as compared to smooth surfaces. With regard to bone regeneration techniques and materials, submerged healing and barrier membranes have shown a positive effect on reosseointegration. No evidence exists, however, about the specific role of different bone substitutes and their ability to improve bone formation. Growth factors have been shown to improve reosseointegration in animal models, though additional study is required to confirm the data. Several decontamination treatments have been shown to promote reosseointegration compared to control; however no specific procedure has proven superior to others in achieving reosseointegration

    Valutazione della topografia superficiale di impianti macchinati e sabbiati e mordenzati / Atomic force microscope for implant surface study

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    Scopo del lavoro Il presente studio analizza mediante l’uso di un microscopio a forza atomica (AFM) la ruvidità di superficie di impianti macchinati messi a confronto con impianti sabbiati e mordenzati per meglio comprendere le reali condizioni fisiche osservabili sulla superficie e che influenzano l’osteointegrazione. Materiali e metodi L’AFM ricostruisce l’immagine della superficie di un campione attraverso una scansione per punti di un raggi laser consentendo di ottenere una immagine tridimensionale della superficie analizzata. Sono state realizzate scansioni a 3, 30 e 60 mm; il tipo di matrice utilizzata è stato di 256x256 per un totale di 65.536 scansioni. Risultati e conclusioni La ruvidità media di superficie risulta apprezzabilmente differente tra le due superfici implantari analizzate a netto vantaggio degli impianti sabbiati e mordenzati, ma sono necessari ulteriori studi per definire le proprietà biologiche e biomeccaniche ideali.Aim In this study surface roughness of machined implants is compared to sandblasted-acid etched implants by atomic force microscope analysis in order to understand the real physical conditions that is possible to observe on surface and that influence osseointegration. AFM reconstructs the surface image of a sample by scanning per point through laser beam and achieving a three-dimensional image. A total of 3, 30 and 60 mm scans were made and a 256x256 matrix was used for a totals of 65536 scans. Results and conclusions Mean surface roughness is different between the two analyzed surfaces is in favour of sandblasted-acid etched implants. However further studies are needed to define ideal biological and biomechanical properties

    Dense bone island of the jaw: a case report

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    The “Dense Bone Island” (DBI) is a radiopaque lesion referred in leterature as idiopathic osteosclerosis, enostosis, focal osteosclerosis, periapical osteopetrosis, and bone scar. The DBI are accidentally found in routinary Xray of bone structures. In the maxillary bones, often localized in the mandible, especially in the molar region, with a reported incidence ranging from 2.3 to 9.7%. DBI does not seem to develop until the first phase of adolescence and it is usually found in adolescents and in young adults. In 40% of cases DBI seems to increase in size after a 10 year follow-up, because the DBI found in jaws and in long bones seem to increase proportionally to the bone growth. A case of a 26 years old patient and the surgical treatment is presented. This is the first reported case where complete X-ray Orthopantomography follow-up showed the evolution of the lesion since its onset

    il trattamento delle complicanze infettive degli innesti cutanei

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    The authors report 5 cases of skin loss treated by skin grafts.infection is the most important cause of bad results in recostruction with skin graft

    Elastofibroma del collo

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    Elastofibroma is a rare dissease primarily affecting females, with a male-to-female ratio of 1:8. it is a benign tumor. most often exised for pathological and differential diagnosi