91 research outputs found

    Comments on One-Form Global Symmetries and Their Gauging in 3d and 4d

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    We study 3d and 4d systems with a one-form global symmetry, explore their consequences, and analyze their gauging. For simplicity, we focus on ZN\mathbb{Z}_N one-form symmetries. A 3d topological quantum field theory (TQFT) T\mathcal{T} with such a symmetry has NN special lines that generate it. The braiding of these lines and their spins are characterized by a single integer pp modulo 2N2N. Surprisingly, if gcd(N,p)=1\gcd(N,p)=1 the TQFT factorizes T=TAN,p\mathcal{T}=\mathcal{T}'\otimes \mathcal{A}^{N,p}. Here T\mathcal{T}' is a decoupled TQFT, whose lines are neutral under the global symmetry and AN,p\mathcal{A}^{N,p} is a minimal TQFT with the ZN\mathbb{Z}_N one-form symmetry of label pp. The parameter pp labels the obstruction to gauging the ZN\mathbb{Z}_N one-form symmetry; i.e.\ it characterizes the 't Hooft anomaly of the global symmetry. When p=0p=0 mod 2N2N, the symmetry can be gauged. Otherwise, it cannot be gauged unless we couple the system to a 4d bulk with gauge fields extended to the bulk. This understanding allows us to consider SU(N)SU(N) and PSU(N)PSU(N) 4d gauge theories. Their dynamics is gapped and it is associated with confinement and oblique confinement -- probe quarks are confined. In the PSU(N)PSU(N) theory the low-energy theory can include a discrete gauge theory. We will study the behavior of the theory with a space-dependent θ\theta-parameter, which leads to interfaces. Typically, the theory on the interface is not confining. Furthermore, the liberated probe quarks are anyons on the interface. The PSU(N)PSU(N) theory is obtained by gauging the ZN\mathbb{Z}_N one-form symmetry of the SU(N)SU(N) theory. Our understanding of the symmetries in 3d TQFTs allows us to describe the interface in the PSU(N)PSU(N) theory.Comment: 56 pages, 3 figures, 5 table

    Ground State Degeneracy of Infinite-Component Chern-Simons-Maxwell Theories

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    Infinite-component Chern-Simons-Maxwell theories with a periodic KK matrix provide abundant examples of gapped and gapless, foliated and non-foliated fracton orders. In this paper, we study the ground state degeneracy of these theories. We show that the ground state degeneracy exhibit various patterns as a function of the linear system size -- the size of the KK matrix. It can grow exponentially or polynomially, cycle over finitely many values, or fluctuate erratically inside an exponential envelope. We relate these different patterns of the ground state degeneracy with the roots of the ``determinant polynomial'', a Laurent polynomial, associated to the periodic KK matrix. These roots also determine whether the theory is gapped or gapless. Based on the ground state degeneracy, we formulate a necessary condition for a gapped theory to be a foliated fracton order.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure; the authors are ordered alphabeticall

    Non-invertible Time-reversal Symmetry

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    In gauge theory, it is commonly stated that time-reversal symmetry only exists at θ=0\theta=0 or π\pi for a 2π2\pi-periodic θ\theta-angle. In this paper, we point out that in both the free Maxwell theory and massive QED, there is a non-invertible time-reversal symmetry at every rational θ\theta-angle, i.e., θ=πp/N\theta= \pi p/N. The non-invertible time-reversal symmetry is implemented by a conserved, anti-linear operator without an inverse. It is a composition of the naive time-reversal transformation and a fractional quantum Hall state. We also find similar non-invertible time-reversal symmetries in non-Abelian gauge theories, including the N=4\mathcal{N}=4 SU(2)SU(2) super Yang-Mills theory along the locus τ=1|\tau|=1 on the conformal manifold.Comment: 30 page