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    在文學創作之中,情欲與政治二者常會構成一種奇怪的論述關係。如果把情欲書寫與政治表現放在香港這個西方最後的殖民城市之中討論,可能會是一個複雜有趣的題目。在論文中,我們主要分析了施叔青、李碧華與黃碧雲三位作家在小說中的情欲書寫與政治論述的相互關係,並嘗試在她們的作品中找尋一些政治無意識的信息。三位作家在小說中的情欲書寫都有較突出的表現,並備受評論家和讀者 關注,而且她們的小說體現了香港小說中不同時期和不同方向的情欲書寫之路。 追跡她們的情欲書寫之路,同時也可能在追跡香港這個被殖民城市幾段文化心態的變遷軌跡。在此,情欲有兩個意義:一是小說中有關情欲的書寫,以及其所衍生出來的意義;二是主體/作者/香港人對香港這身份矛盾的殖民城市的特殊情感。 論文共分五章。第一章是緒論,主要介紹論文的研究題目與研究範圍,並考察了香港小說中情欲書寫與政治論述的兩個先例──張愛玲的《秧歌》和《赤地之戀》。第二章主要討論施叔青的小說,她小說中情愛故事的男女主人公多是來自不同地方的「外來者」,加上她本身「外來作家」的身份,遂成為一個特別的論述現象。第三章主要討論李碧華的小說創作,她是一位流行的言情小說作家, 許多時所謂「政治」在她的作品中都成了一種「道具」或「賣點」,但是隱藏在她作品下的大眾政治意識卻吸引了我們的注意。第四章主要討論黃碧雲的作品, 她的小說在談情講愛之餘,總不乏血腥、瘋狂、暴力或死亡的場面。不過我們在研究中注意到的是,她的愛情和死亡與「九七」回歸往往是一氣相通的。第五章為總結與檢討

    On conformally flat circle bundles over surfaces

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    We study surface groups Γ\Gamma in SO(4,1)SO(4,1), which is the group of Mobius tranformations of S3S^3, and also the group of isometries of H4\mathbb{H}^4. We consider such Γ\Gamma so that its limit set ΛΓ\Lambda_\Gamma is a quasi-circle in S3S^3, and so that the quotient (S3ΛΓ)/Γ(S^3 - \Lambda_\Gamma) / \Gamma is a circle bundle over a surface. This circle bundle is said to be conformally flat, and our main goal is to discover how twisted such bundle may be by establishing a bound on its Euler number. By combinatorial approaches, we have two soft bounds in this direction on certain types of nice structures. In this article we also construct new examples, a "grafting" type path in the space of surface group representations into SO(4,1)SO(4,1): starting inside the quasi-Fuschsian locus, going through non-discrete territory and back.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures. Updated from Thesis version: more correct bound of (3/2)n^2, updated exposition in section 3.

    Formation of high-quality Ag-based ohmic contacts to p-type GaN

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    Low resistance and high reflectance ohmic contacts on p-type GaN were achieved using an Ag-based metallization scheme. Oxidation annealing was the key to achieve ohmic behavior of Ag-based contacts on p-type GaN. A low contact resistivity of similar to 5x10(-5) Omega cm(2) could be achieved from Me (=Ni, Ir, Pt, or Ru)/Ag (50/1200 angstrom) contacts after annealing at 500 degrees C for 1 min in O(2) ambient. Oxidation annealing promoted the out-diffusion of Ga atoms from the GaN layer, and Ga atoms dissolved in the in-diffused Ag layer with the formation of Ag-Ga solid solution, resulting in ohmic contact formation. Using Ru/Ni/Au (500/200/500 angstrom) overlayers on the Me/Ag contacts, the excessive incorporation of oxygen molecules into the contact interfacial region, and the out-diffusion and agglomeration of Ag, were effectively prevented during oxidation annealing. As a result, a high reflectance of 87.2% at the 460 nm wavelength and a smooth surface morphology could be obtained simultaneously. (C) 2008 The Electrochemical Society.open111618sciescopu