149 research outputs found

    Učinak adjuvansa saponina i montanida ISA 50 na imunološki odgovor teladi imunizirane pročišćenim antigenom srednjega crijeva krpelja Hyalomma marginatum isaaci

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    Immune status of calves, immunized with purified midgut antigen of Hyalomma marginatum isaaci, was assessed by standard immunological tests. Leukocyte migration inhibition test showed inhibition from day 21 post-infection in calves that received midgut antigen with Saponin as adjuvant (Saponin group) while significant inhibition was observed from 28 DPI in the Montanide group. Intradermal test revealed immediate hypersensitivity reaction within 15 m. and the highest skin fold thickness was observed after 24 h. of inoculation of antigen (14.50 ± 1.50 mm in the Saponin group and 12.00 ± 0.70 mm in the Montanide group). Similarly, a significant humoral response as judged by ELISA was observed from 7 DPI (P<0.01) in the Saponin group, with a peak value on 42 DPI, whereas the significant antibody was observed only on 21 DPI, with a peak value on 30 DPI in the Montanide group.Imunosni status teladi imunizirane pročišćenim antigenom srednjega crijeva krpelja Hyalomma marginatum isaaci procijenjen je upotrebom standardnih imunoloških testova. Testom inhibicije migracije leukocita dokazana je inhibicija 21. dana nakon invazije u teladi imunizirane antigenom srednjega crijeva krpelja u kombinaciji sa saponinom kao adjuvansom, dok je značajna inhibicija u skupini u kojoj je primijenjen montanid bila dokazana 28. dana nakon invazije. Intradermalnim testom dokazana je reakcija rane preosjetljivosti već za 15 minuta. Najveće zadebljanje kože dokazano je 24 sata nakon inokulacije antigena (14,50 ± 1,50 mm u skupini u kojoj je primijenjen saponin i 12,00 ± 0,7 mm u skupini u kojoj je primijenjen montanid). Znatan humoralni odgovor određen imunoenzimnim testom zabilježen je 7. dana nakon invazije (P<0,01) u skupini u kojoj je bio primijenjen saponin s najvišom vrijednošću 42. dana poslije inokulacije, dok je porast titra protutijela zabilježen 21. dana poslije inokulacije u skupini u kojoj je primijenjen montanid s vršnom vrijednošću zabilježenom 30. dana nakon primjene

    Molekularni dokaz vrste Ehrlichia canis u uzorcima krvi prirodno zaraženih pasa u Indiji

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    The nested PCR assay for the detection of 16S rRNA gene fragment of Ehrlichia canis from the blood of dogs was standardized for the first time in India. The genus-specific primers amplified a 477 bp band of Ehrlichia sp. in the first PCR. The nested PCR assay using species-specific primers produced a 387 bp band of E. canis. The nested PCR detected E. canis organisms in 50% of samples as against the routine blood smear examination, which revealed morulae in only 19.38% of samples. This protocol could detect the presence of E. canis, even one month after specific antibiotic therapy.Ugniježđena lančana reakcija polimerazom za dokaz odsječka gena 16S rRNA vrste Ehrlichia canis uzoraka krvi pasa standardizirana je prvi put u Indiji. U prvom krugu lančane reakcije polimerazom umnožene su bile početnice od 477 baznih parova specifične za rod Ehrlichia. Postupkom ugniježđene PCR upotrebom vrstno specifičnih početnica umnožen je odsječak gena E. canis od 387 baznih parova. Ugniježđenom lančanom reakcijom polimerazom vrsta E. canis mogla se dokazati u 50% uzoraka u odnosu na rutinske pretrage razmazaka krvi pomoću kojih su se morule mogle dokazati samo u 19,38% uzoraka. Ugniježđenom lančanom reakcijom polimerazom mogla se dokazati prisutnost E. canis čak do mjesec dana nakon specifičnoga liječenja antibioticima

    Molekularni dokaz vrste Ehrlichia canis u uzorcima krvi prirodno zaraženih pasa u Indiji

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    The nested PCR assay for the detection of 16S rRNA gene fragment of Ehrlichia canis from the blood of dogs was standardized for the first time in India. The genus-specific primers amplified a 477 bp band of Ehrlichia sp. in the first PCR. The nested PCR assay using species-specific primers produced a 387 bp band of E. canis. The nested PCR detected E. canis organisms in 50% of samples as against the routine blood smear examination, which revealed morulae in only 19.38% of samples. This protocol could detect the presence of E. canis, even one month after specific antibiotic therapy.Ugniježđena lančana reakcija polimerazom za dokaz odsječka gena 16S rRNA vrste Ehrlichia canis uzoraka krvi pasa standardizirana je prvi put u Indiji. U prvom krugu lančane reakcije polimerazom umnožene su bile početnice od 477 baznih parova specifične za rod Ehrlichia. Postupkom ugniježđene PCR upotrebom vrstno specifičnih početnica umnožen je odsječak gena E. canis od 387 baznih parova. Ugniježđenom lančanom reakcijom polimerazom vrsta E. canis mogla se dokazati u 50% uzoraka u odnosu na rutinske pretrage razmazaka krvi pomoću kojih su se morule mogle dokazati samo u 19,38% uzoraka. Ugniježđenom lančanom reakcijom polimerazom mogla se dokazati prisutnost E. canis čak do mjesec dana nakon specifičnoga liječenja antibioticima

    Clinical profile and neuroimaging of neonates with influenza encephalopathy

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    Background: Pediatric influenza is found primarily in children under 5 years of age, and it is very difficult to distinguish the&nbsp;illness caused by influenza, a virus infection based on the signs alone. Objective: The objective of this study is to analyze the&nbsp;clinical profile and neuroimaging of neonates admitted with seizures followed by encephalopathy. Methods: A descriptive study&nbsp;was conducted among neonates admitted to our neonatal intensive care unit, with neurological manifestations such as poor feeding,&nbsp;lethargy followed by seizures and poor sensorium in the 1st week of life. During the study period, 14 neonates were included&nbsp;with similar neurological manifestations. Results: Our study neonates had poor feeding and lethargy (57.1%) before the onset of&nbsp;seizures. The mean day of the onset of seizure was day 4, and the mean duration of encephalopathy lasted for 63 h. We could detect&nbsp;influenza A in cerebrospinal fluid-polymerase chain reaction only in two neonates and H1N1 influenza in one neonate, but all&nbsp;our study neonates had consistent findings on the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain suggestive of viral infection probably&nbsp;influenza A as its circulation in the community is considered common. The mean day of discharge from the hospital was 11.5 days.&nbsp;At discharge, all neonates were on breastfeeds and had no focal neurological deficit. Conclusions: The possibility of influenza&nbsp;A-related encephalopathy should be considered as a differential diagnosis if a neonate presents with poor feeding, lethargy followed&nbsp;by seizures and encephalopathy in the 1st week of life and their brain MR

    Razvoj i prosudba protočne metode za dijagnosticiranje ehinokokoze u goveda

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    A novel in vitro flow through technique was developed and evaluated for immunodiagnosis of cystic echinococcosis in cattle using hydatid specific non-cross reactive 8 kDa protein. The 8 kDa protein was prepared from hydatid cyst fluid by DEAE-Sepharose fast flow anion exchange chromatography. In this flow through technique, the 8 kDa antigen was coated on the nitrocellulose membrane of the flow through device. Protein A Colloidal gold was used as detector. The evaluation of the technique was performed by comparing 150 known positive hydatid serum and known negative serum collected from cattle. The test was shown to have high sensitivity and specificity that were closely correlated with those of Enzyme-linked immunoelctrotransfer blot. Furthermore, the immunofiltration based assay is rapid and easy to perform with no requirement of special skill, reagent or instrumentation. This suggests the flow through technique is an acceptable alternative for use in clinical laboratories lacking specialized equipment as well as large scale screening of cystic echinococcosis in the field with both animal and human populations.U radu je opisana nova in vitro protočna tehnika prikladna za imunodijagnostiku ehinokokoze u goveda upotrebom visoko specifične bjelančevine od 8 kDa. Ta je bjelančevina bila pripravljena od hidatidne tekućine metodom DEAE-Sefaroze brzo protočne kromatografije s izmjenom aniona, a zatim naslojena na nitroceluloznu opnu u protočnom sustavu. Kao detektor rabljena je bjelančevina A obilježena koloidalnim zlatom. Metoda je vrednovana na temelju rezultata dobivenih pretraživanjem 150 pozitivnih i negativnih uzoraka seruma goveda. Istraživanje je pokazalo da je riječ o visoko osjetljivom i specifičnom testu vrlo sličnom metodi Western Blotting. Kako je opisani test brz i jednostavan i ne iziskuje posebne vještine, reagencije i opremu, smatra se da je osobito prikladan za opsežne probirne testove za dijagnosticiranje ehinokokoze u ljudi i životinja

    User study for generating personalized summary profiles

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    Abstract and only some features (e.g., faces, reportage, text, chorus, host, etc.

    Razvoj i prosudba protočne metode za dijagnosticiranje ehinokokoze u goveda

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    A novel in vitro flow through technique was developed and evaluated for immunodiagnosis of cystic echinococcosis in cattle using hydatid specific non-cross reactive 8 kDa protein. The 8 kDa protein was prepared from hydatid cyst fluid by DEAE-Sepharose fast flow anion exchange chromatography. In this flow through technique, the 8 kDa antigen was coated on the nitrocellulose membrane of the flow through device. Protein A Colloidal gold was used as detector. The evaluation of the technique was performed by comparing 150 known positive hydatid serum and known negative serum collected from cattle. The test was shown to have high sensitivity and specificity that were closely correlated with those of Enzyme-linked immunoelctrotransfer blot. Furthermore, the immunofiltration based assay is rapid and easy to perform with no requirement of special skill, reagent or instrumentation. This suggests the flow through technique is an acceptable alternative for use in clinical laboratories lacking specialized equipment as well as large scale screening of cystic echinococcosis in the field with both animal and human populations.U radu je opisana nova in vitro protočna tehnika prikladna za imunodijagnostiku ehinokokoze u goveda upotrebom visoko specifične bjelančevine od 8 kDa. Ta je bjelančevina bila pripravljena od hidatidne tekućine metodom DEAE-Sefaroze brzo protočne kromatografije s izmjenom aniona, a zatim naslojena na nitroceluloznu opnu u protočnom sustavu. Kao detektor rabljena je bjelančevina A obilježena koloidalnim zlatom. Metoda je vrednovana na temelju rezultata dobivenih pretraživanjem 150 pozitivnih i negativnih uzoraka seruma goveda. Istraživanje je pokazalo da je riječ o visoko osjetljivom i specifičnom testu vrlo sličnom metodi Western Blotting. Kako je opisani test brz i jednostavan i ne iziskuje posebne vještine, reagencije i opremu, smatra se da je osobito prikladan za opsežne probirne testove za dijagnosticiranje ehinokokoze u ljudi i životinja

    Predictors of the failure of non-invasive ventilation in children with acute respiratory distress: A prospective observational study

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the predictors of non-invasive ventilation (NIV) failure in pediatric acute&nbsp;respiratory distress/failure. Materials and Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted in a tertiary care hospital&nbsp;pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) for a period of 18 months. Children 1 month–16 years presenting with acute respiratory&nbsp;distress/failure, who were started on NIV, were included in the study. Demographic data, pediatric risk of mortality (PRISM) III score,&nbsp;vitals, and blood gas variables were monitored at admission and regular intervals, and incidence of NIV failure, length of PICU stay,&nbsp;hospital stay, and mortality rate was observed. Results: A total of 108 from 264 children with respiratory distress (40%) received NIV&nbsp;and 20/108 (18.51%) required endotracheal intubation. NIV failure patients had higher PRISM III score (median [interquartile range]&nbsp;- 8 [6.5, 13.5] vs. 7 [4.5, 8], p=0.025), lower admission pH (7.30 [0.066] vs. 7.34 [0.69], p=0.021), and higher number of children had&nbsp;associated comorbid illness (11/20 [55%] vs. 16/88 [18.18%], p=0.001) compared to NIV success group. On multivariate regression&nbsp;analysis, comorbid illness remains the significant independent predictor of NIV failure ([odds ratio 4.24; 95% confidence interval&nbsp;1.322–13.576] p=0.015). Conclusion: Higher PRISM III score and comorbid illness were found as predictors of NIV failure

    Salmonella choleraesuis subsp. indica serovar bornheim causing urinary tract infection

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    An unusual Salmonella species, S. choleraesuis subsp. indica serovar bornheim, was isolated from the urine of a patient with aplastic anemia, diabetes mellitus, and a healed urethral injury. An immune response to this isolate was demonstrated by whole-bacterial-cell agglutination