62 research outputs found

    Leefstijl en parodontologie

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    Het gebruik van genotsmiddelen, een onjuist samengestelde voeding, bewegingsarmoede, metabole en mentale stress evenals overgewicht verhogen het risico op parodontitis. De genoemde leefstijlkeuzes zijn (in)direct van invloed op het immuunsysteem en kunnen ontstekingsreacties ter hoogte van het parodontium initiëren. Dit verhoogt uiteindelijk de vatbaarheid voor gingivitis en parodontitis. Een volwaardige voeding in termen va macro- (eiwitten, omega 3-vetzuren) en micronutriënten (vitamines) evenals fysieke activiteit en voldoende ontspanning blijken essentieel voor een gezond parodontium. Een gezond gewicht maar vooral een buikomvang binnen de normale range, dragen eveneens bij aan risicoreductie op parodontitis. Direct door het vrijmaken van pro-inflammatoire cytokines via de adipocyten en indirect door met overgewicht samenhangende aandoeningen. Een ongezonde leefstijl leidt dus tot een grotere vatbaarheid voor parodontale aandoeningen. Adviezen ten aanzien van leefstijl vorman derhalve een onderdeel van de parodontale zorg

    Greffe éptithélio-conjonctive ou greffe de tissu conjonctif enfoui ?

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    editorial reviewedLes récessions gingivales, fréquentes au niveau des incisives inférieures, affectent près de 50 % de la population. Leur prise en charge chirurgicale peut être envisagée en utilisant différentes techniques, la greffe épithélio-conjonctive et la greffe de tissu conjonctif enfoui étant les mieux décrites. La première permet, entre autres, un gain considérable de gencive kératinisée ainsi que l’approfondissement du vestibule. En revanche, elle est peu prédictible en termes de recouvrement. La greffe de tissu conjonctif enfoui avec déplacement coronaire est quant à elle plus prédictible en termes de recouvrement et plus esthétique. Cependant, elle ne permet que peu de gain de gencive kératinisée et demande une plus grande expérience clinique. Cet article décrit les procédures chirurgicales de ces deux techniques, en exposant leurs avantages et inconvénients afin de guider les praticiens vers la technique qui conviendra le mieux à la situation et à la demande de leur patient

    A dual-strain Lactobacilli reuteri probiotic improves the treatment of residual pockets: A randomized controlled clinical trial.

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    peer reviewedAIM: To examine the adjunctive effect of a Lactobacillus reuteri probiotic (ATCC PTA 5289 & DSM 17938) on the re-instrumentation of residual pockets. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study included 39 previously non-surgically treated periodontitis patients. A re-instrumentation was carried out, and probiotic and/or placebo drops were applied according to the study protocoll. Patients afterwards received lozenges to use 2×/day for 12 weeks. Probing pocket depth (PPD), recession, bleeding on probing and plaque levels were analysed, next to the microbiological impact. RESULTS: No effects of the probiotic drops could be found. However, after 24 weeks, the overall PPD in the probiotic lozenges group (2.64 ± 0.33 mm) was significantly lower compared to the control lozenges (2.92 ± 0.42 mm). This difference was even more pronounced in moderate (4-6 mm) and deep (≥7 mm) pockets. In the probiotic lozenges group, there were also significantly more pockets converting from ≥4 mm at baseline to ≤3 mm at 24 weeks (67 ± 18% versus 54 ± 17%) and less sites in need for surgery (4 ± 4% versus 8 ± 6%). However, the probiotic products did not influence the microbiological counts of the periodontopathogens. CONCLUSION: The adjunctive consumption of L. reuteri lozenges after re-instrumentation improved the PPD reduction, without an impact on pocket colonization with periodontopathogens

    Clinical and radiographic outcomes of zirconia dental implants-A systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    peer reviewed[en] OBJECTIVES: For the present review, the following focused question was addressed: In patients with root-analog dental implants, what is the effect of implants made of other materials than titanium (alloy) on implant survival, marginal bone loss (MBL), and technical and biological complications after at least 5 years. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An electronic (Medline, Embase, Web of Science) search was performed to identify observational clinical studies published from January 2000 investigating a minimum of 20 commercially available zirconia implants with a mean follow-up of at least 60 months. Primary outcome was implant survival, secondary outcomes included peri-implant MBL, probing depths (PDs), and technical and biological complications. Meta-analyses were performed to evaluate implant survival, MBL, and PD. RESULTS: From 5129 titles, 580 abstracts were selected, and 111 full-text articles were screened. Finally, 4 prospective and 2 retrospective observational clinical cohort studies were included for data extraction. Meta-analyses estimated after 5 years of loading mean values of 97.2% (95% CI 94.7-99.1) for survival (277 implants, 221 patients), 1.1 mm (95% CI: 0.9-1.3) for MBL (229 implants, 173 patients), and 3.0 mm (95% CI 2.5-3.4) for PDs (231 implants, 175 patients). CONCLUSIONS: After 5 years, commercially available zirconia implants showed reliable clinical performance based on survival rates, MBL, and PD values. However, more well-designed prospective clinical studies and randomized clinical trials investigating titanium and zirconia implants are needed to confirm the presently evaluated promising outcomes

    Alternative therapies in controlling oral malodour: a systematic review.

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    peer reviewedIs there a role for alternative therapies in controlling intra-oral halitosis? Treatments other than tongue cleaning and anti-halitosis products containing zinc, chlorhexidine and cetylpyridinium chloride were considered as alternative therapies. Four databases were searched (PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science and The Cochrane Library). Inclusion criteria were: examination of alternative halitosis therapies, study population with oral malodour, a (negative or positive) control group and evaluation of breath odour via organoleptic and/or instrumental assessment. Data were extracted for descriptive analysis. The screening of 7656 titles led to the inclusion of 26 articles. Analysis showed heterogeneity concerning the population of interest (from cysteine-induced to genuine halitosis), the examined treatment and the reported outcomes. This made a meta-analysis impossible. Essential oils, fluoride-containing products and herbal substances were the most studied. Results varied enormously and none of the active ingredients had an unambiguously positive effect on the malodour. The risk of bias was assessed as high in all articles. Given the fact that little evidence was found for each of the investigated treatments, it could be concluded that there is currently insufficient evidence that alternative therapies are of added value in the treatment of halitosis.Clinical relevanceScientific rationale:Halitosis is a common problem causing social isolation. Out of embarrassment, patients search the internet, leading to many questions about alternative solutions (e.g. oil pulling, herbs). This is the first systematic review on these alternative therapies.Principal findings: Results varied among studies. Some promising results were found for fluoride-containing toothpastes and probiotics. For other products (such as herbal and antibacterial products and essential oils) results were inconsistent. Long-term follow-up studies on these products are scarce. Moreover, the quality of the studies was poor.Practical implications:No clear evidence was found to support a certain alternative anti-halitosis therapy

    Periodontal screening and referral behaviour of general dental practitioners in Flanders.

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    peer reviewedOBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to investigate the screening and referral behaviour of Flemish dentists concerning periodontitis and more specific, the use of the Dutch Periodontal Screening Index (DPSI). MATERIALS AND METHODS: An online questionnaire was electronically distributed through the different professional dental societies. It consisted of two parts: the first aimed at describing the profile of the dentist. The second part inquired the screening method, when this was applied, periodontal risk factors and referral behaviour. RESULTS: One thousand fifty dentists attended to the questionnaire. One hundred fifty-nine questionnaires were excluded since they did not match the target audience. Sixty-four percent of Flemish dentists used DPSI as a periodontal screening method, 28% screened based on probing pocket depth, 4% used solely radiographs and 4% had no screening method at all. The usage of DPSI is influenced by the year of graduation: the longer the dentists were graduated, the less they used DPSI. No influence of sex, education centre and location was found. Referral behaviour is influenced by different patient- and dentist-related factors. CONCLUSIONS: Regarding the screening behaviour, there seems a consensus among Flemish dentists that a periodontal probe should be used. For referral, there is no consensus about if and when to refer to a specialist. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: It is encouraging that 92% of the Flemish general dental practitioners use a probe when screening for periodontitis. However, DPSI is mainly used by younger dentists. An effort should be made to encourage all dentists to use this, so that in every patient, periodontitis can be detected timely, securing the best treatment outcome

    Clinical effects of probiotics containing Bacillus species on gingivitis: a pilot randomized controlled trial.

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    peer reviewedBACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Lactobacillus spp. and bifidobacteria are the most frequently used probiotics in oral health research. However, although probiotic effects have been suggested for other genera, such as bacilli, no trials are available to describe the effect of bacilli probiotics on gingivitis in humans. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the clinical effects of a bacilli-containing toothpaste, a mouthrinse and a toothbrush cleaner versus a placebo in patients with generalized gingivitis. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In this double-blind placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial, nonsmoking, systemically healthy patients with generalized gingivitis were included. They used a placebo or an experimental probiotic Bacillus subtilis-, Bacillus megaterium- and Bacillus pumulus-containing toothpaste, mouthrinse and toothbrush cleaner for 8 wk. Primary outcome measures of interest were plaque and gingivitis index, and the secondary outcome measures were pocket probing depth and bleeding on probing. RESULTS: Twenty male and 20 female patients were randomized over the two groups. All participants could be included in the final analysis. Although plaque and gingivitis indices were significantly reduced after 8 wk, no intergroup differences could be found at any time point. Also, for the secondary outcome measure, intragroup but no intergroup differences could be detected. No harm or unintended effects were reported by the patients after using the study products. CONCLUSIONS: This study did not show any statistically significant differences between a placebo and a bacilli-containing toothpaste, mouthrinse and toothbrush cleaner on gingivitis parameters

    The role of Solobacterium moorei in oral malodour.

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    peer reviewedThis study aims to analyze the correlation between Solobacterium moorei (S. moorei), both on the tongue and in saliva, and several oral malodour- and clinical parameters. Data from 193 patients visiting a halitosis clinic were used for analysis. A questionnaire assessed their general health, allergies, medication, smoking habits and oral hygiene. Following halitosis parameters were recorded: organoleptic score (OLS) (0-5), total concentration of volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) (Halimeter), individual concentrations of VSC (Oral Chroma), tongue coating (MTCI, WTCI and mWTCI), salivary parameters (flow rate and pH), oral hygiene, tonsil health and periodontal health. In all subjects, microbiological samples were collected from the tongue coating and from the saliva, and a quantitative polymerase chain reaction was performed to detect S. moorei. A significant correlation could be established between S. moorei, from both tongue and saliva, and several breath parameters (OLS, H2S, CH3SH, (CH3)2S and total VSCs), tongue coating indices and periodontal indices (gingivitis, periodontitis and oral hygiene). This study suggests a strong association between the presence of S. moorei and oral malodour (s54747)

    Usefulness of a new malodour-compound detection portable device in oral malodour diagnosis.

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    peer reviewedA new device (BB Checker) able to detect malodour compounds has recently been made available. This retrospective analysis aimed at evaluating the usefulness of this device as adjunct tool for the diagnosis of oral malodour. Data from 100 consecutive volunteers with bad breath complaints attending their first consultation at a halitosis clinic were analysed. In addition to the standard protocol (organoleptic ratings from mouth and nose air, and from tongue coating when present; OralChroma and Halimeter measurements from mouth air; and intra-oral examinations), oral, exhaled and nasal air samples were examined with the BB Checker. We could not establish a correlation between the BB Checker values and the organoleptic scores, or the sulfur-compound levels determined by the OralChroma or the Halimeter (R 0.05). The overall sensitivity and specificity of the new device did not exceed the 50%. The correlations between the organoleptic scores and the OralChroma and the Halimeter measurements were good and in line with previous reports (R between 0.56 and 0.73). Our results do not favour the use of the BB Checker as adjunct tool in the diagnosis of oral malodour

    Rituximab and improved nodular regenerative hyperplasia-associated non-cirrhotic liver disease in common variable immunodeficiency: a case report and literature study

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    Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) associated liver disease is an underrecognized and poorly studied non-infectious complication that lacks an established treatment. We describe a CVID patient with severe multiorgan complications, including non-cirrhotic portal hypertension secondary to nodular regenerative hyperplasia leading to diuretic-refractory ascites. Remarkably, treatment with rituximab, administered for concomitant immune thrombocytopenia, resulted in the complete and sustained resolution of portal hypertension and ascites. Our case, complemented with a literature review, suggests a beneficial effect of rituximab that warrants further research