1,403 research outputs found

    Peranan Corporate Strategy dalam Kesuksesan-kegagalan Merger & Akuisisi: suatu Telaah Literatur

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    Most empirical studies and literature reviews documented that the final results of the wave of mergers and acquisitions in the United States, Canada, and European countries during the decade of 1980s, 1990s and 2000s were always dissatisfactory. In fact, the extent of the failure is higher than the success.However, a comprehensive investigation on the factors motivating the rise of mergers and acquisitions and the causes for success and failure is still rare. This paper reviews the contribution of corporate strategy in success and failure of mergers and acquisitions during three decades. Specifically, this paper reviews literatures with respect to the motives of corporate mergers and acquisitions actions and the trigger factors of their failures. The result of the literature review shows that corporate strategy has a significant contribution to the extent of the success and failure of corporate mergers and acquisitions. The review finds that trigger factors of mergers and acquisitions failure are the ambiguous communications and cross-cultural gaps, inappropriate and insufficient integration and transformation of new corporate culture, incompatible leadership style accustomed with a new corporate climate, inappropriate corporate planning and internal consolidation, inappropriate anatomy of organizational internal factors, and erroneousness in choosing the partners and the timing of mergers and acquisitions. To ensure the successful and sustainability of corporatemergers and acquisitions, therefore, top management and task force of mergers and acquisitions need to accurately consider those internal and external organization factors

    CTA learning journey report : meeting food safety standards for product and process certification of agri - food enterprises , and for good health and nutrition

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    A 5-day Food Safety Learning Journey for Pacific-Caribbean food experts took place in Trinidad & Tobago on the 2-6th November, 2015 which aimed at building the capacity of Pacific-Caribbean experts in order to support Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), agro-processing and food services industries in meeting the food standards for production and distribution of healthy and safe foods in the Pacific and Caribbean respectively. Premier Quality Services Limited (PQSL) with two international experts; Mr Sean Victor and Mrs Margaret Weston who have significant capacity and experience in Agro-Enterprise development delivered and conducted the training workshop. Specific training in Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (CCP) principles were the focus of the workshop and the learning journey will continue until the American Society of Quality (ASQ) certification is attained

    Dietary trend and diabetes: its association among indigenous Fijians 1952 to 1994

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    The dietary trends of indigenous Fijians have changed drastically in the past 50 years. Deviating from the traditional food consumption pattern and traditional lifestyle may have increased the incidence and prevalence of non-communicable diseases. The aim of this study is to examine the dietary trends of the indigenous Fijians in relation to the prevalence of diabetes from 1952 to 1994. The data used were obtained from the Naduri Nutrition Survey reports of 1952 to 1994, the Fiji National Nutrition Survey reports of 1983 and 1993, and the two diabetes survey reports of 1965 and 1980. Results indicated an increased consumption of introduced foods, which may be associated with an increased prevalence of diabetes. The total energy derived from cereals and sugar increased dramatically with a reduction in consumption of traditional foods. The prevalence of diabetes among the urban indigenous population in 1965 was very low compared to the 1980 figure, while the National Nutrition Survey of the same ethnic group showed a 433% increase of urban diabetes from 1965 to 1993. The hospital diabetes admission cases of 1952 to 1982 also showed an increased trend

    Product development of chilled sea urichin for human consumption

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    The widely distributed edible sea urchin (cawaki) species that grows wild in Fiji is the Tripneustes gratilla species. This species is mainly harvested near intertidal zones by women and are sold in the urban markets fresh either with shells or as the gonads packed in plastic containers. However it has not been commercially processed for sale in supermarkets or for export. Sea urchin gonads are rich in proteins and a good source of vitamin A and Bs, and are also believed to enhance virility. There has been no published research on the wild populations and catch data of sea urchins in Fiji and hence further research is warranted to establish these. This project aimed at developing fresh-chilled sea urchin gonad products and other high quality gonad products suitable for export. Three separate processing trials were conducted during November 2014 to March 2015 on sea urchin species Tripneustes gratilla that were harvested by Ministry of Fisheries officers from different locations in the Kalokolevu district to the west of Suva harbour. Harvesting was done on the day of processing and the whole urchins stored in a commercial chiller prior to processing. Samples were processed, preserved using selected preservatives, packed and stored in selected temperatures for shelf life determinations which included standard plate count, total coliforms, psychrophiles, pH, salinity and physical characteristics such as colour, texture, flavour and taste. The preservatives used were dry salt, salt solution or brine, alcohol and a solution containing dextrin, salt and sodium alginate. Storage temperature was varied between -5C to +5C or ambient (approximately 25-30C) and of up to 62 days. Microbial, organoleptic and chemical analyses were conducted in determining the shelf life of each product formulation and storage condition. The desirable organoleptic characteristics aimed at are bright mango-orange or yellow colour, whole firm texture, fresh seaweed odour, fresh seaweed-sweet taste and free of leaking fluids. Results showed that the most desirable and acceptable organoleptic characteristics were the gonads preserved in 5% dry salt stored at -5.40C with the shelf life of 23 days and the 8% alcohol mixed with 5% dry salt stored at ambient temperature with the shelf life of 34 days. These recommendations were obtained after evaluating the three trials of different processing procedures and formulation. It is interesting to note that brining appeared to be unacceptable due to the oozing and leaking of yellow and orange fluid into the brine, contributing to unacceptable milky-turbid solution. Soaking in sodium phosphate did not stop the oozing, instead aggravated milkiness and turbidity of brined samples hence, the adoption of dry salting and alcohol based preservation formulations respectively. Further work is required to test for consumer acceptance and for further inter-laboratory analyses to confirm the in-house and acceptability tests. Further research is also needed to establish the ideal time and protocol for harvesting including temperature and storage conditions prior to processing

    Value adding and supply chain development for fisheries and aquaculture products in Fiji, Samoa and Tonga: seagrapes post-harvest and value addition in Fiji: progress report

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    Introduction: In Fiji, edible seaweeds are an important part of the diet of coastal people. Native Fijians have a long tradition of collecting and consuming different species and varieties of seaweeds. However, Caulerpa racemosa or seagrapes is one of the most common species that is regularly harvested for consumption and sale in Fiji (Morris and Bala, 2011; Richards. et al., 1993). Nama is a highly nutritious sea vegetable rich in iodine, vitamin A and carotenoids and is therefore an important part of the diet for coastal people. According to South (1993a), commercialization of edible seaweeds is a relatively recent phenomenon that coincides with the expansion of the cash economy in the Pacific. A major problem with C. racemosa however, is its perishable nature which prevents it from being stored long after harvest. Its utilisation within the Pacific has thus been restricted to domestic trade and consumption (Chamberlain, 1997). The aim of this project is to explore and develop an ideal preservation method for seagrapes that would be acceptable to consumers and make it possible for exporting

    Editorial: Clinical attachment: a learning experience

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    No Abstrac

    Effects Of Attentional Focus Cues On Soccer Trap Kinematics And Performance

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    The primary purpose of this research was to assess how the kinematic performance of an inside of the foot soccer ball control movement changed with an internal, external, or holistic attentional focus coaching cue. The researchers used pendulum catapult to launch a soccer ball from 8.5 meters at the participant. Ten female active NCAA division 1 soccer players received one of three cues, or no cue, and then had five trials to control the ball onto an artificial turf mat to score 1-3 points depending on where the ball landed. Participants completed a manipulation check survey to ascertain the efficacy of the coaching cues. A motion capture system was used to quantify the movement and processed through Visual3D software for the joint angles during 10 frames before and after ball contact. A repeated-measures ANOVA found no significant difference in any of the kinematic variables nor the performance measures between the different cuing conditions, although there were trends within the performance data indicating a higher performance in the holistic cuing condition (mean(sd): .68 (.40)) compared to no cue condition (mean(sd): .28 (.25)). The means of the survey questions indicated strong compliance with the instructions. Given the novelty and exploratory nature of the study, the researchers concluded that the time interval analyzed was insufficient to reveal how the different coaching cues influenced the movement performance. Further analysis is required to assess different kinematic variables and time intervals within the movement

    Depressive symptoms in patients with schizophrenia:count symptoms that count

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    Mensen met schizofrenie hebben vaak te kampen met depressieve symptomen, die consequenties kunnen hebben voor het beloop van de ziekte. Antidepressiva worden veelvuldig voorgeschreven, terwijl de effectiviteit van antidepressiva bij schizofrenie niet is bewezen. Dit kan te maken met overdiagnostiek van depressieve symptomen, aangezien er veel overeenkomst is met symptomen die horen bij schizofrenie. Gevalideerde meetinstrumenten zijn nodig om misclassificatie te voorkomen. Uit systematisch literatuuronderzoek bleek dat in deze doelgroep de Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia (CDSS) het meest betrouwbare meetinstrument is. Dit proefschrift adviseert psychiaters om voortaan de CDSS te gebruiken om depressieve symptomen te herkennen en monitoren bij mensen met schizofrenie. Depressieve symptomen kunnen ook een bijwerking zijn van antipsychotica. Dit proefschrift heeft aangetoond dat met name de patiënten die meer dan één antipsychoticum tegelijk gebruiken hun depressieve symptomen vaak toeschrijven aan de antipsychotica. De mate waarin depressieve symptomen als bijwerking werden gerapporteerd leek echter niet gerelateerd te zijn aan bepaalde (doseringen van) antipsychotica, vertaald naar de dopamine D2 receptor bezettingsgraad in de hersenen. Hoewel op basis van dit onderzoek geen aanbeveling kan worden gedaan voor een preferent type antipsychoticum of dosering, is extra voorzichtigheid geboden bij het voorschrijven van meerdere antipsychotica tegelijk. Tot slot beschrijft dit proefschrift hoe patiënten gewenste en ongewenste effecten van antipsychotica gemakkelijk kunnen rapporteren met de verkorte Subjects’ Response to Antipsychotics (SRA 34) vragenlijst. De SRA 34 kan helpen om effecten van antipsychotica bespreekbaar te maken en daarmee de kwaliteit van zorg te verbeteren
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