4 research outputs found

    Validity of intracerebral haemorrhge score in predicting prognosis of hemorrhagic stroke

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    Stroke is a common neurological disorder, leading cause of death and disability worldwide. Intra cerebral hemorrhage comprises of 10-15% of all strokes but associated with high risk of morbidity and mortality than cerebral infraction .The ICH Score is a good prognostic tool calculated very easily, when it is used to predict 30 day morality. Objective:To determine the validity of Intracerebral hemorrhagic score in predicting prognosis (adverse outcome or death) in patients of hemorrhagic stroke.Material&Methods:This case series study was carried out at department of medicine Liaquat medical University Hospital Jamshoro and Hyderabad from June 16th 2012 to December 15th 2012.Eighty nine 89 patients were enrolled in the study, non-probability consecutive sampling technique was applied and data was collected after inclusion and exclusion criteria and structured proforma were designed for study.Results: Out of 89 patients 56 (62.9%) were male and mean age of the patients in our study was 65.14 years .In 32(36%) patients ICH score was ≥ 3 while 57 (64%) patients had ICH score was \u3c 3. Out of total 32 patients who had ICH score ≥ 3, Adverse outcome i.e. death occurred in 25 (78.12%) patients and males were 16(80%) and 9(75%) were female patients.Conclusion: Frequency of adverse outcome (death) was found in 28.1% while ICH score predicted adverse outcome (death) in 36.1%. ICH score correctly predicted 77.77% adverse outcome, therefore we can conclude that ICH score is useful scale to predict mortality in patients suffering from intracerebral hemorrhage

    Socio-demographic risk factors for hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke: a study in tertiary care hospital of hyderabad

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    Stroke is a common neurological disorder and major cause of death and disability worldwide. Stroke is a second leading cause of death after cancer and ischemic heart disease. Incidence of stroke has not been well studied in Pakistan but it is estimated that 350,000 cases of stroke occur per year. Objective: To determine the frequencies and Socio-demographic features of Hemorrhagic and Ischemic strokes among stroke patients in tertiary care hospital.Material & method:This cross-sectional study was carried out at department of medicine Liaquat university hospital Hyderabad from June to September 2010, Patients were included in study according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. A data was collected on pre-designed proforma and data was analyzed according to study design.Results: Out of 261 included stroke patients, 54% were males and 46% were female patients. The mean age of patients was 54.7 years. In 172 patients (66%) had Ischemic stroke whereas 89 (34%) patients had hemorrhagic stroke noted in this study. The high proportion of patients (36.4%) were between i.e., 55-64 years, Most of them (79%) were married, only 8% were unmarried and 13% were widowed, divorced or separated. In this study (67.0%) patients of both sexes were illiterate, Positive family history of stroke was noted in 24.5% patients. Regarding Stroke types 66% had Ischemic and 34% had hemorrhagic stroke. Incidence of Ischemic stroke was more in females (70.8%) and hemorrhagic stroke was more in males (38.3%).CONCLUSION: This study on socio demographic factors of stroke patients is the effort by which we would be able to take appropriate preventive measures to create awareness about stroke. In future more extensive surveys should be conducted to get knowledge about the effects of demographic and other factors on the onset of stroke

    Prevalence of Primary Headache in Association with Age, Sex, Obesity and Hypertension among patients received at OPD of Liaquat University Hospital, Hyderabad / Jamshoro

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    AIM AND OBJECTIVE: To determine the association of primary headache with age, sex, obesity and hypertension among patients received at medical Out-patient-department of Liaquat University Hospital, Hyderabad / Jamshoro. STUDY DESIGN: It is a cross-sectional study conducted at Liaquat University Hospital Out-Patient Department, Hyderabad / Jamshoro, to determine the prevalence of primary headache in association with sex, age, obesity and hypertension. PLACE AND DURATION OF STUDY: Out-Patient-Department of medicine in Liaquat University Hospital, Hyderabad / Jamshoro from 1st January 2015 to 1st June 2015 METHODOLOGY: This cross-sectional study was conducted with 200 patients (both male and female) from different age groups received in Out-Patient-Department of Liaquat University Hospital, Hyderabad. SPSS 20 version was used for analysis and results. Proforma questionnaires were used for patients including bio-data, history, blood pressure and BMI. Inclusion criteria: All adult patients, both males and females, over the age of 18 years, with presenting complaint of headache were included in the study after taking proper consent. Proper history taking, vital signs, neurological examination, eye examination, BMI, and random blood sugar level were performed. Exclusion criteria: Patients having stroke, hypoglycemia (blood sugar <60mg/dl), diabetic ketoacidosis, intracranial hypertension, eye problem, and Chronic Liver Disease were excluded from this study. RESULTS: Out of a total number of 200 patients, 60% were female and 39% were male, while 1% was dropout during follow-up. Most of the patients were between the ages of 30-60 years. Our study determines 86% of patients have primary headache with normal blood pressure (normal BP 88%) and 13% have secondary headache mostly caused by hypertension (BP 10%), 1% patients was dropout during follow-up from study. Out of 200 patients, 48% were found to have a normal BMI (body mass index), whereas 39% were over weight and 11% had obesity and 2% came under category of morbid obesity. CONCLUSION: This study result determined that among the patients received at medical Out-Patient Department of Liaquat University Hospital, Hyderabad / Jamshoro, primary headache is more common in young females who have an increased body mass index and normal blood pressure. So it is prudent to spread awareness through media campaigns, seminars, and workshops etc, regarding prevention and proper treatment of primary headache in such patients