4,121 research outputs found

    Visualizing Spacetime Curvature via Gradient Flows II: An Example of the Construction of a Newtonian analogue

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    This is the first in a series of papers in which the gradient flows of fundamental curvature invariants are used to formulate a visualization of curvature. We start with the construction of strict Newtonian analogues (not limits) of solutions to Einstein's equations based on the topology of the associated gradient flows. We do not start with any easy case. Rather, we start with the Curzon - Chazy solution, which, as history shows, is one of the most difficult exact solutions to Einstein's equations to interpret physically. We show that the entire field of the Curzon - Chazy solution, up to a region very "close" to the the intrinsic singularity, strictly represents that of a Newtonian ring, as has long been suspected. In this regard, we consider our approach very successful. As regrades the local structure of the singularity of the Curzon - Chazy solution within a fully general relativistic analysis, however, whereas we make some advances, the full structure of this singularity remains incompletely resolved.Comment: 12 pages twocolumn revtex 4-1 9 figures. Expanded and correcte

    Building Machines That Learn and Think Like People

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    Recent progress in artificial intelligence (AI) has renewed interest in building systems that learn and think like people. Many advances have come from using deep neural networks trained end-to-end in tasks such as object recognition, video games, and board games, achieving performance that equals or even beats humans in some respects. Despite their biological inspiration and performance achievements, these systems differ from human intelligence in crucial ways. We review progress in cognitive science suggesting that truly human-like learning and thinking machines will have to reach beyond current engineering trends in both what they learn, and how they learn it. Specifically, we argue that these machines should (a) build causal models of the world that support explanation and understanding, rather than merely solving pattern recognition problems; (b) ground learning in intuitive theories of physics and psychology, to support and enrich the knowledge that is learned; and (c) harness compositionality and learning-to-learn to rapidly acquire and generalize knowledge to new tasks and situations. We suggest concrete challenges and promising routes towards these goals that can combine the strengths of recent neural network advances with more structured cognitive models.Comment: In press at Behavioral and Brain Sciences. Open call for commentary proposals (until Nov. 22, 2016). https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/behavioral-and-brain-sciences/information/calls-for-commentary/open-calls-for-commentar

    Evolution of antiferromagnetic domains in the all-in-all-out ordered pyrochlore Nd2_2Zr2_2O7_7

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    We report the observation of magnetic domains in the exotic, antiferromagnetically ordered all-in-all-out state of Nd2_2Zr2_2O7_7, induced by spin canting. The all-in-all-out state can be realized by Ising-like spins on a pyrochlore lattice and is established in Nd2_2Zr2_2O7_7 below 0.31 K for external magnetic fields up to 0.14 T. Two different spin arrangements can fulfill this configuration which leads to the possibility of magnetic domains. The all-in-all-out domain structure can be controlled by an external magnetic field applied parallel to the [111] direction. This is a result of different spin canting mechanism for the two all-in-all-out configurations for such a direction of the magnetic field. The change of the domain structure is observed through a hysteresis in the magnetic susceptibility. No hysteresis occurs, however, in case the external magnetic field is applied along [100].Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B, 6 pages, 6 figure

    Field Induced Magnetic Ordering and Single-ion Anisotropy in the Quasi-1D Haldane Chain Compound SrNi2V2O8: A Single Crystal investigation

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    Field-induced magnetic ordering in the Haldane chain compound SrNi2_{2}V2_{2}O8_{8} and effect of anisotropy have been investigated using single crystals. Static susceptibility, inelastic neutron scattering, high-field magnetization, and low temperature heat-capacity studies confirm a non-magnetic spin-singlet ground state and a gap between the singlet ground state and triplet excited states. The intra-chain exchange interaction is estimated to be J8.9±J \sim 8.9{\pm}0.1 meV. Splitting of the dispersions into two modes with minimum energies 1.57 and 2.58 meV confirms the existence of single-ion anisotropy D(Sz)2D(S^z){^2}. The value of {\it D} is estimated to be 0.51±0.01-0.51{\pm}0.01 meV and the easy axis is found to be along the crystallographic {\it c}-axis. Field-induced magnetic ordering has been found with two critical fields [μ0Hcc=12.0±\mu_0H_c^{\perp c} = 12.0{\pm}0.2 T and μ0Hcc=20.8±\mu_0H_c^{\parallel c} = 20.8{\pm}0.5 T at 4.2 K]. Field-induced three-dimensional magnetic ordering above the critical fields is evident from the heat-capacity, susceptibility, and high-field magnetization study. The Phase diagram in the {\it H-T} plane has been obtained from the high-field magnetization. The observed results are discussed in the light of theoretical predictions as well as earlier experimental reports on Haldane chain compounds

    Observation of long range magnetic ordering in pyrohafnate Nd2Hf2O7: A neutron diffraction study

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    We have investigated the physical properties of a pyrochlore hafnate Nd2Hf2O7 using ac magnetic susceptibility \chi_ac(T), dc magnetic susceptibility \chi(T), isothermal magnetization M(H) and heat capacity C_p(T) measurements, and determined the magnetic ground state by neutron powder diffraction study. An upturn is observed below 6 K in C_p(T)/T, however both C_p(T) and \chi(T) do not show any clear anomaly down to 2 K. The \chi_ac(T) shows a well pronounced anomaly indicating an antiferromagnetic transition at T_N = 0.55 K. The long range antiferromagnetic ordering is confirmed by neutron diffraction. The refinement of neutron diffraction pattern reveals an all-in/all-out antiferromagnetic structure, where for successive tetrahedra, the four Nd3+ magnetic moments point alternatively all-into or all-out-of the tetrahedron, with an ordering wavevector k = (0, 0, 0) and an ordered state magnetic moment of m = 0.62(1) \mu_B/Nd at 0.1 K. The ordered moment is strongly reduced reflecting strong quantum fluctuations in ordered state.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures and 2 tables; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Historic Farmsteads: Preliminary Character Statement - East of England region

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    This document is one of eight Preliminary Character\ud Statements, which provide information on the\ud characteristics of traditional farm buildings in each\ud Region

    Resolving the Structure of Cold Dark Matter Halos

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    We examine the effects of mass resolution and force softening on the density profiles of cold dark matter halos that form within cosmological N-body simulations. As we increase the mass and force resolution, we resolve progenitor halos that collapse at higher redshifts and have very high densities. At our highest resolution we have nearly 3 million particles within the virial radius, several orders of magnitude more than previously used and we can resolve more than one thousand surviving dark matter halos within this single virialised system. The halo profiles become steeper in the central regions and we may not have achieved convergence to a unique slope within the inner 10% of the virialised region. Results from two very high resolution halo simulations yield steep inner density profiles, ρ(r)r1.4\rho(r)\sim r^{-1.4}. The abundance and properties of arcs formed within this potential will be different from calculations based on lower resolution simulations. The kinematics of disks within such a steep potential may prove problematic for the CDM model when compared with the observed properties of halos on galactic scales.Comment: Final version, to be published in the ApJLetter