137 research outputs found
Batch Cooling Crystallization of Plate-like Crystals: A Simulation Study
In the paper, batch cooling crystallization of plate-like crystals is investigated by numerical experimentation. The population balance approach is used to describe a seeded crystallization process, developing a bivariate morphological population balance model including nucleation and size dependent crystal growth. The population balance equation is reduced to a system of equations for the bivariate mixed moments of internal variables, which are solved by means of the quadrature method of moments. A sensitivity analyses is carried out to investigate the effects of the process parameters on dynamic evolution of particulate properties including the characteristic mean particle size and shape
Influence of breakage on crystal size distribution in a continuous cooling crystallizer
A detailed two-dimensional population balance model of continuous cooling crystallization, involving nucleation, growth of the two characteristic crystal facets and binary breakage along the length of needle-shape crystals is presented and analysed. The population balance equation is reduced into a moment equation model of the joint moments of crystal size variables. The dynamic behaviour of the crystallizer and the effects of kinetic and process parameters on the characteristics of crystal size distribution are studied by simulation. The observations and analysis have revealed that there exist strong interactions between the breakage and the product properties
Modelling of heat exchange between drops in suspension polymerization of vinyl chloride
A population balance model is presented for suspension polymerization of vinyl chloride in a batch reactor to investigate the thermal properties of the system. Reactions are described using a simplified reaction model focusing on the heat generation of the highly exothermic polymerization reactions. The temperature of the continuous phase is assumed to be homogeneous over the reactor and the effects of some temperature rise of droplets due to the exothermic polymerization reactions and the possible heat exchange because of the coalescence/redispersion process are analysed. The population balance equation is solved applying a Monte Carlo method by coupling the deterministic polymerization reactions inside the droplets with the discrete event process induced by collisions of droplets.
The results obtained by simulation show that rise in the temperature of droplets over the mean temperature of continuous phase lead to acceleration of the process. The possible size distribution of droplets and no smooth distribution of the initiator in those decrease the process efficiency
Modelling and Simulation of Particle Size Distribution of Precipitates in Continuous Tubular Crystallizers
This paper presents a population balance model for describing the temporal evolution of the particle size distribution of a precipitate produced in a laboratory scale tubular crystallizer, including nucleation, growth and agglomeration of crystals. The quadrature method of moments is used to calculate the moments of the crystal size distribution. The gamma probability density function with the sixth order Laguerre polynomials are used to reproduce the particle size distribution from moments. A sensitivity analyses is carried out by simulation that can be helpful when designing a crystallizer. Influence of the design and process parameters on the particle size distribution of product is analysed
Mathematical models fof simulation of continuous grinding process with recirculation
New mathematical and computer models and simulation programs were elaborated for studying processes of continuous grinding mills working with classification and partial recirculation of the product. The computer models were developed on the basis of the axial dispersion model taking into consideration also the effects of the mixing of the material to be ground. The effects of changes of parameters of both the mill and the material were studied. The stationary states of the continuous grinding mills working with and without classification and recirculation were compared to each other. The mathematical models and the computer programs developed are suitable for computing the processes of the grinding mills either with or without recirculation. They are usable for simulation based analysis and design of both continuous and batch grinding devices
Influence of cooling profile on the product properties in cooling crystallizers
Batch cooling crystallization process is investigated using different cooling procedures through mathematical modelling
and computer simulation. The main element of the mathematical model is the population balance equation which contains
both process and kinetic parameters. In the mathematical model of crystallizer the population balance equation is completed
with the ordinary differential equations governing the mass balances of solute and solvent, as well as the heat balances of
the crystalline suspension and the cooling medium. From the population balance model a set of differential equations was
obtained for the first four moments of the size variable of crystals and the mass and heat balances, and the resulted equation
system was solved in MATLAB environment. The dynamic properties and behaviour of the crystallizer depending on the
cooling procedures was studied by numerical experimentation the results of which are presented and analysed
A jobb kamrai anatómia és funkció korszerű echokardiográfiás vizsgálata: patológiás és fiziológiás eltérések
A jobb kamra geometriai és funkcionális változásai számos megbetegedésben nagy
jelentőséggel bírnak. Mindazonáltal a rutin echokardiográfiás mérések csak
korlátozott diagnosztikus és prognosztikus erővel rendelkeznek. Az olyan modern
szívultrahangos technikák, mint a speckle-tracking analízis vagy a 3D
echokardiográfia napjainkban már elérhető és könnyen kivitelezhető módszerek,
amelyek a jobb kamra komplex felépítésének és működésének költséghatékony,
noninvazív vizsgálatát teszik lehetővé. Diagnosztikus értékük és precizitásuk
jóval nehezebben hozzáférhető eljárásokat helyettesíthet. Egyre bővülő irodalmi
adatok alapján használatuk a mindennapi klinikumban (jobb kamrai infarktus,
pulmonalis hypertensio, arrhythmogen jobb kamrai dysplasia, szívtranszplantáció
utáni követés, a sportszív differenciáldiagnosztikája) lényeges segítséget
jelenthet. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(29), 1139–1146
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