3 research outputs found

    ExaRanker: Explanation-Augmented Neural Ranker

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    Recent work has shown that inducing a large language model (LLM) to generate explanations prior to outputting an answer is an effective strategy to improve performance on a wide range of reasoning tasks. In this work, we show that neural rankers also benefit from explanations. We use LLMs such as GPT-3.5 to augment retrieval datasets with explanations and train a sequence-to-sequence ranking model to output a relevance label and an explanation for a given query-document pair. Our model, dubbed ExaRanker, finetuned on a few thousand examples with synthetic explanations performs on par with models finetuned on 3x more examples without explanations. Furthermore, the ExaRanker model incurs no additional computational cost during ranking and allows explanations to be requested on demand

    InRanker: Distilled Rankers for Zero-shot Information Retrieval

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    Despite multi-billion parameter neural rankers being common components of state-of-the-art information retrieval pipelines, they are rarely used in production due to the enormous amount of compute required for inference. In this work, we propose a new method for distilling large rankers into their smaller versions focusing on out-of-domain effectiveness. We introduce InRanker, a version of monoT5 distilled from monoT5-3B with increased effectiveness on out-of-domain scenarios. Our key insight is to use language models and rerankers to generate as much as possible synthetic "in-domain" training data, i.e., data that closely resembles the data that will be seen at retrieval time. The pipeline consists of two distillation phases that do not require additional user queries or manual annotations: (1) training on existing supervised soft teacher labels, and (2) training on teacher soft labels for synthetic queries generated using a large language model. Consequently, models like monoT5-60M and monoT5-220M improved their effectiveness by using the teacher's knowledge, despite being 50x and 13x smaller, respectively. Models and code are available at https://github.com/unicamp-dl/InRanker

    BLUEX: A benchmark based on Brazilian Leading Universities Entrance eXams

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    One common trend in recent studies of language models (LMs) is the use of standardized tests for evaluation. However, despite being the fifth most spoken language worldwide, few such evaluations have been conducted in Portuguese. This is mainly due to the lack of high-quality datasets available to the community for carrying out evaluations in Portuguese. To address this gap, we introduce the Brazilian Leading Universities Entrance eXams (BLUEX), a dataset of entrance exams from the two leading universities in Brazil: UNICAMP and USP. The dataset includes annotated metadata for evaluating the performance of NLP models on a variety of subjects. Furthermore, BLUEX includes a collection of recently administered exams that are unlikely to be included in the training data of many popular LMs as of 2023. The dataset is also annotated to indicate the position of images in each question, providing a valuable resource for advancing the state-of-the-art in multimodal language understanding and reasoning. We describe the creation and characteristics of BLUEX and establish a benchmark through experiments with state-of-the-art LMs, demonstrating its potential for advancing the state-of-the-art in natural language understanding and reasoning in Portuguese. The data and relevant code can be found at https://github.com/Portuguese-Benchmark-Datasets/BLUE