11 research outputs found
Al-Qurâan merupakan pedoman hidup umat Islam di dunia, di dalam Al-Qurâan terdapat berbagai ajaran dan petunjuk bagi manusia untuk mencapai kebahagiaan baik di dunia maupun di akhirat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui korelasi kemampuan membaca Al-Qurâan siswa TPQ Al-Hikmah dengan hasil belajar siswa bidang study Al-Qurâan Hadithdi MI Al-Hikmah Janti Jogoroto Jombang. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan uji analisis korelasi Product Moment. Sasaran penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas III-VI MI
Al-hikmah Janti Jogoroto yang merupakan santri TPQ Al-Hikmah Janti. Hasil analisis diperoleh nilai r hitung sebesar 0,675 dan r tabel dengan signifikasi 5% diperoleh nilai
0,279. Oleh karena r hitung > r tabel maka ini membuktikan bahwa Ha diterima dan Ho
ditolak. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah terbukti bahwa ada korelasi yang
signifikan antara kemampuan membaca Al-Qurâa>nsiswa TPQ Al-Hikmah dengan hasil
belajar siswa bidang study Al-Qurâan Hadithdi MI Al-Hikmah Janti Jogoroto Jombang.
Kata kunci: Kemampuan Membaca Al-Qurâan, Hasil Belajar, Bidang Study Al-Qurâan Hadit
Produktivitas kerja merupakan sikap mental yang selalu mencari perbaikan terhadap apa yang telah ada dan diharapakan dapat terlaksana secara efektif dan efesien. Pemilik perusaaan tidak memikirkan risiko dan kondisi pekerja, membuat pekerja bekerja lebih lama dan menimbulkan kelelahan yang membuat proses produksi menjadi lambat sehingg dapat merugikan perusahaan.
Jenis penelitian ini adalah survei analitik dengan menggunakan cross sectional. Populasi sebesar 32 pekerja, sehingga besaran sampel sebesar 30 pekerja.Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Variabel lama kerja, kelelahan kerja dan produktivitas kerja diukur dengan kuisoner. Analisis menggunakan uji Chi Square dan Regresi Logistik Biner dengan α =
Hasil uji Chi Square menunjukan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara lama kerja dan produktivitas kerja (0,02), sedangkan kelelahan kerja dan produktivitas kerja (0,03). Berdasarkan uji Regresi Logistik Biner menunjukan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan atara lama kerja dengan produktivitas kerja (0.99), sedangkan terdapat hubungan antara kelelahan kerja dengan produktivitas kerj (0,01).
Kesimpulan dari penelitian yaitu terdapat hubungan antara kelelahan kerja dengan produktivitas kerja pada home industry konveksi tas dikawasan Tanggulangin Sidoarjo. Saran bagi perusahaan sebaiknya meningkatkan pengawasan pada setiap pekerja dan memperhatikan keluhan serta perkembangan kerja yang terjadi pada para pekerjanya dan memperhatikan desain lingkungan kerja seperti tempat duduk pada setiap jenis pekerjaannya yang ergonomi dan penerangan yang sesuai agar pekerja dalam bekerja lebih nyaman
The Association between Inflammatory Diet and Infection-Related Cancers in Adults: A Systematic Review
Poster presented at the 2023 American Academy of Health Behavior conference. Presents preliminary results of a systematic review investigating the relationship between inflammatory dietary patterns and infection-related cancers in adults
An Exploratory Model of Shared Decision-Making in Women\u27s Reproductive Health in Indiana: A Cross-Sectional Study
Ecological approaches to shared decision-making (SDM) are underexplored in womenâs reproductive health. The purpose was to identify ecological factors important to women in contraceptive and prenatal care SDM. In this cross-sectional study, women (18-45 years) living in Indiana who had sought reproductive healthcare completed an online survey (N=432). Multiple linear regression was utilized to identify predictors of SDM. Furthermore, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling were conducted to explore ecological factors associated with SDM in contraception and prenatal care. Healthcare professional type was associated with decreased contraceptive SDM scores, but not prenatal care SDM scores. Access, social support, and patient-healthcare professional relationship demonstrated good global fit in confirmatory factor analysis. Path coefficients suggested significant relationships between these ecological factors and contraceptive and prenatal care SDM scores. Additionally, the ecological factors demonstrated good global fit for contraceptive and prenatal care SDM. Social support had a significant, strong, and inverse relationship with both contraceptive and prenatal care SDM in the models. Findings further SDM work by moving beyond option discussion and toward increased attention to womenâs contexts and relationships. Taking a holistic approach to SDM and the patient experience ensures that womenâs multi-faceted needs, influences, and preferences are met across healthcare settings
Skripsi dengan judul âAnalisis Penerapan Strategi Mix Marketing Untuk
Meningkatkan Kepuasan Pelanggan (Studi Kasus Pada CafĂ© Diponegoro Tulungagung)â
ini ditulis oleh Sonia Noor Alfu Laily, NIM 12405193236, Pembimbing Refki Rusyadi,
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis strategi mix marketing 9P yang
diterapkan Café Diponegoro Tulungagung untuk meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan
sehingga dapat meningkatkan penjualan, serta dampak dan solusi dari penerapanya.
Fokus penelitian ini adalah (1) Apakah Café Diponegoro Tulungagung telah
menerapkan mix marketing 9P (product, price, place, people, promotion, process,
physical evidence, payment, and packaging) secara keseluruhan? (2) Bagaimana upaya
Café Diponegoro Tulungagung dalam menerapkan mix marketing 9P (product, price,
place, people, promotion, process, physical evidence, payment, and packaging) tersebut
sehingga dapat meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan? (3) Bagaimana dampak dan solusi
dari Café Diponegoro Tulungagung dalam menerapkan strategi mix marketing?
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis deskriptif.
Proses pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan metode wawancara, dokumentasi,
observasi. Teknis analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan kondensasi data,
penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan.
Hasil dari penelitian terhadap penerapan strategi mix marketing 9P yang
diterapkan oleh Café Dipinegeoro Tulungagung dalam mengingkatkan kepuasan
pelanggan adalah (1) Strategi Bauran Pemasaran yang diterapkan oleh Café Diponegoro
dalam meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan adalah dengan menerapkan bauran pemasaran
marketing mix 9P (product, place, price, promotion, people, process, payment, physical
evidence dan packaging). (2) Upaya yang dilakukan Café Diponegoro dalam menerapkan
bauran pemasaran marketing mix untuk meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan yang
meliputi 9P dimana product yang dijual adalah makanan dan minuman. Harga yang
diberikan sangat terjangkau bagi semua kalangan. Mempromosikan makanan dan
minuman melalui media sosial. Melakukan penjualan baik secara online maupun offline.
Untuk people, Café Diponegoro Tulungagung memiliki karyawan pada bidangnya
masing-masing yaitu 1 orang pada bagian makanan dan 1 orang pada bagian minuman.
Mengenai process, alat-alat yang dimiliki sudah memadai. Mengenai place, letaknya
sangat strategis yang berada di tengah pusat kota dan mudah untuk ditemukan. Mengenai
physical evidence, Café Diponegoro Tulungagung ramah dalam memberikan pelayanan,
mengenai packaging, Café Diponegoro Tulungagung rapi dalam pengemasan dan
penyajian. Dampak positifnya adalah meningkatnya volume penjualan jika pelanggan
puas. Dampak negatifnya beberapa strategi belum diterapkan secara maksimal. Solusi
yang diberikan café tersebut adalah menjaga kualitas dibandingkan dengan kuantitas.
Kata Kunci : Strategi mix marketing 9P, Kepuasan Pelanggan, Café Diponegor
Case Series: Cryotherapy versus Cold Coagulation as Cervical Pre-Cancer Lesion Treatment
Objective: Elaborating the results and comparison of cryotherapy and cold coagulation for cervical pre-cancer lesion cases in West Cakung Primary Health Center, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Methods: Observation were conducted from cervical pre-cancer lesion cases which was found by visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) method. Those cases were directed into cryotherapy or cold coagulation based on randomization sampling. After 6-months post therapy, the lesions were assessed. This study was administered on Cakung Barat Health Center, Jakarta, Indonesia on April-December 2018. Of 10 cases, 5 were treated using cryotherapy and the rest with cold coagulation.
Result: After 6 months follow up, 1 of 5 patients from each therapies still has VIA positive result. The side effect in form of spotting after 1 month of cryotherapy and cold coagulation were 1/5 and 3/5, respectively. There were no other side effects reported during the 6-months follow up for both treatments.
Conclusion: The result of both treatments are relatively same in converting VIA positive into negative, proved with each therapies have turned 4 for 5 patients with prior VIA positive into negative. The side effects endured by respondents were minimal in 1 month post therapy, while there were no significant side effects after 6 months post therapy.
Kata Kunci : cervix, cold coagulation, cryotherapy, pre cancer lesion
Development and Feasibility Testing of a Multilevel Intervention to Increase Hepatitis C Virus Screening Among Baby Boomers in Primary Care
Chronic infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) results in an increased risk of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Only 15% of baby boomers (born 1945â1965) have ever been screened. We aimed to develop a multilevel intervention to increase HCV screening for baby boomers in a primary care setting. This study included two phases: intervention development (phase 1) and feasibility testing (phase 2). In phase 1, we partnered with a Community Advisory Board and a Provider Advisory Board to develop a multilevel intervention to increase HCV screening to be delivered to both providers and patients in primary care. Phase 2 assessed intervention feasibility, acceptability, and usability by conducting Concurrent Think Aloud (CTA) interviews and surveys using previously validated scales with patients (nâ=â8) and providers (nâ=â7). Phase 1 results: The patient-level intervention included a mailed reminder letter and CDC pamphlet and a 7-min in-clinic educational video. The provider-level intervention included a 30-min educational session and monthly performance feedback e-mails. Phase 2 results: Qualitatively, both the patient and provider-level intervention were feasible, acceptable, and usable by the target audiences. Quantitatively, on a 1â4 scale, the range of patient-level scores was 3.00â4.00 and provider level was 3.50â4.00 for feasibility, acceptability, and usability. This intervention could improve HCV screening among a high-risk population and therefore reduce HCV-related morbidity and mortality. This project developed a feasible, acceptable, and usable multilevel intervention aimed at increasing HCV screening in primary care
Correction to: Development and Feasibility Testing of a Multilevel Intervention to Increase Hepatitis C Virus Screening Among Baby Boomers in Primary Care
Correction to: Journal of Cancer Education
The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake.
Table 3, p.8 of the article, the header REMINDER LETTER should be replaced with EDUCATIONAL VIDEO.
The original article has been corrected
Enhancing Uterine Fibroid Care: Clinician Perspectives on Diagnosis, Disparities, and Strategies for Improving Health Care
Objective: To explore clinicians' perspectives on diagnosing, treating, and managing uterine fibroids, identifying gaps and challenges in health care delivery, and offering recommendations for improving care.
Materials and Methods: A qualitative design was used to conduct 14 semistructured interviews with clinicians who treat fibroid patients in central Indiana. Interviews were audio recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed using thematic analysis techniques. Constant comparative analysis was used to identify emergent themes.
Results: Four themes emerged. (1) Lack of patient fibroid awareness: Patients lacked fibroid awareness, leading to challenges in explaining diagnoses and treatment. Misconceptions and emotional distress highlighted the need for better education. (2) Inequities in care and access: Health care disparities affected Black women and rural patients, with transportation, scheduling delays, and financial constraints hindering access. (3) Continuum of care: Clinicians prioritized patient-centered care and shared decision-making, tailoring treatment based on factors like severity, location, size, cost, fertility goals, and recovery time. (4) Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) impact: The pandemic posed challenges and opportunities, prompting telehealth adoption and consideration of nonsurgical options.
Conclusions: Clinician perspectives noted patient challenges with fibroids, prompting calls for enhanced education, interdisciplinary collaboration, and accessible care to address crucial aspects of fibroid management and improve women's well-being.
Practice Implications: Clinicians identified a lack of patient awareness and unequal access to fibroid care, highlighting the need for improved education and addressing disparities. Findings also emphasized the importance of considering multidimensional aspects of fibroid care and adapting to challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, recommending broader education, affordability, interdisciplinary collaboration, and research for better fibroid health care
Differences in Provider Hepatitis C Virus Screening Recommendations by Patient Risk Status
Providers' recommendation is among the strongest predictors to patients engaging in preventive care. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare providers' Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) screening recommendation quality between high-risk and average-risk patients to determine if providers are universally recommending HCV screening, regardless of risk behaviors. This cross-sectional survey of 284 Indiana providers in 2020 assessed provider characteristics, HCV screening recommendation practices (strength, presentation, frequency, timeliness), self-efficacy, and barriers to recommending HCV screening. T-test and Chi-square compared recommendation practices for high-risk and average-risk patients. Prevalence ratios were calculated for variables associated with HCV recommendation strength comparing high-risk and average-risk patients. Logistic regression analyses examined factors associated with HCV recommendation strength for high- and average-risk patients, with odds ratios. Compared to average-risk patients, high-risk patients received higher proportion of HCV recommendations that were strong (70.4 % v. 42.4 %), routine (61.9 % v. 55.6 %), frequent (37.7 % v. 28 %), and timely (74.2 % v. 54.9 %) (P-values < 0.001). Compared to average-risk patients, providers with high-risk patients had a lower percentage of giving a strong recommendation if they were nurse practitioner (PR = 0.49). For high-risk patients, providers with higher self-efficacy (aOR = 2.16;95 %CI = 0.99-4.69) had higher odds, while those with higher perceived barriers (aOR = 0.19;95 %CI = 0.09-0.39) and those with an internal medicine specialty compared to family medicine (aOR = 0.22;95 %CI = 0.08-0.57) had lower odds of giving a strong recommendation. These data suggest providers are not universally recommending HCV screening for all adults regardless of reported risk. Future research should translate these findings into multilevel interventions to improve HCV screening recommendations regardless of patient risk status