153 research outputs found

    CuNeRF: Cube-Based Neural Radiance Field for Zero-Shot Medical Image Arbitrary-Scale Super Resolution

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    Medical image arbitrary-scale super-resolution (MIASSR) has recently gained widespread attention, aiming to super sample medical volumes at arbitrary scales via a single model. However, existing MIASSR methods face two major limitations: (i) reliance on high-resolution (HR) volumes and (ii) limited generalization ability, which restricts their application in various scenarios. To overcome these limitations, we propose Cube-based Neural Radiance Field (CuNeRF), a zero-shot MIASSR framework that can yield medical images at arbitrary scales and viewpoints in a continuous domain. Unlike existing MIASSR methods that fit the mapping between low-resolution (LR) and HR volumes, CuNeRF focuses on building a coordinate-intensity continuous representation from LR volumes without the need for HR references. This is achieved by the proposed differentiable modules: including cube-based sampling, isotropic volume rendering, and cube-based hierarchical rendering. Through extensive experiments on magnetic resource imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) modalities, we demonstrate that CuNeRF outperforms state-of-the-art MIASSR methods. CuNeRF yields better visual verisimilitude and reduces aliasing artifacts at various upsampling factors. Moreover, our CuNeRF does not need any LR-HR training pairs, which is more flexible and easier to be used than others. Our code will be publicly available soon

    Hard Nominal Example-aware Template Mutual Matching for Industrial Anomaly Detection

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    Anomaly detectors are widely used in industrial production to detect and localize unknown defects in query images. These detectors are trained on nominal images and have shown success in distinguishing anomalies from most normal samples. However, hard-nominal examples are scattered and far apart from most normalities, they are often mistaken for anomalies by existing anomaly detectors. To address this problem, we propose a simple yet efficient method: \textbf{H}ard Nominal \textbf{E}xample-aware \textbf{T}emplate \textbf{M}utual \textbf{M}atching (HETMM). Specifically, \textit{HETMM} aims to construct a robust prototype-based decision boundary, which can precisely distinguish between hard-nominal examples and anomalies, yielding fewer false-positive and missed-detection rates. Moreover, \textit{HETMM} mutually explores the anomalies in two directions between queries and the template set, and thus it is capable to capture the logical anomalies. This is a significant advantage over most anomaly detectors that frequently fail to detect logical anomalies. Additionally, to meet the speed-accuracy demands, we further propose \textbf{P}ixel-level \textbf{T}emplate \textbf{S}election (PTS) to streamline the original template set. \textit{PTS} selects cluster centres and hard-nominal examples to form a tiny set, maintaining the original decision boundaries. Comprehensive experiments on five real-world datasets demonstrate that our methods yield outperformance than existing advances under the real-time inference speed. Furthermore, \textit{HETMM} can be hot-updated by inserting novel samples, which may promptly address some incremental learning issues

    The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend: Exploring Inverse Adversaries for Improving Adversarial Training

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    Although current deep learning techniques have yielded superior performance on various computer vision tasks, yet they are still vulnerable to adversarial examples. Adversarial training and its variants have been shown to be the most effective approaches to defend against adversarial examples. These methods usually regularize the difference between output probabilities for an adversarial and its corresponding natural example. However, it may have a negative impact if the model misclassifies a natural example. To circumvent this issue, we propose a novel adversarial training scheme that encourages the model to produce similar outputs for an adversarial example and its ``inverse adversarial'' counterpart. These samples are generated to maximize the likelihood in the neighborhood of natural examples. Extensive experiments on various vision datasets and architectures demonstrate that our training method achieves state-of-the-art robustness as well as natural accuracy. Furthermore, using a universal version of inverse adversarial examples, we improve the performance of single-step adversarial training techniques at a low computational cost

    Face hallucination under an image decomposition perspective

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    In this paper we propose to convert the task of face hallucination into an image decomposition problem, and thenuse the morphological component analysis (MCA) for hallucinating a single face image, based on a novel three-stepframework. Firstly, a low-resolution input image is up-sampled by interpolation. Then, the MCA is employed to decompose the interpolated image into a high-resolution image and an unsharp masking, as MCA can properly decompose a signal into special parts according to typical dictionaries. Finally, a residue compensation, which is based on the neighbour reconstruction of patches, is performed to enhance the facial details. The proposed method can effectively exploit the facial properties for face hallucination under the image decomposition perspective. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, in terms of the visual quality of the hallucinated face images

    SNN2ANN: A Fast and Memory-Efficient Training Framework for Spiking Neural Networks

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    Spiking neural networks are efficient computation models for low-power environments. Spike-based BP algorithms and ANN-to-SNN (ANN2SNN) conversions are successful techniques for SNN training. Nevertheless, the spike-base BP training is slow and requires large memory costs. Though ANN2NN provides a low-cost way to train SNNs, it requires many inference steps to mimic the well-trained ANN for good performance. In this paper, we propose a SNN-to-ANN (SNN2ANN) framework to train the SNN in a fast and memory-efficient way. The SNN2ANN consists of 2 components: a) a weight sharing architecture between ANN and SNN and b) spiking mapping units. Firstly, the architecture trains the weight-sharing parameters on the ANN branch, resulting in fast training and low memory costs for SNN. Secondly, the spiking mapping units ensure that the activation values of the ANN are the spiking features. As a result, the classification error of the SNN can be optimized by training the ANN branch. Besides, we design an adaptive threshold adjustment (ATA) algorithm to address the noisy spike problem. Experiment results show that our SNN2ANN-based models perform well on the benchmark datasets (CIFAR10, CIFAR100, and Tiny-ImageNet). Moreover, the SNN2ANN can achieve comparable accuracy under 0.625x time steps, 0.377x training time, 0.27x GPU memory costs, and 0.33x spike activities of the Spike-based BP model
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