2 research outputs found

    Specifics of Risk Management Process in Sport Organizations

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    Sport organizations, like economic sectors, are currently particularly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The ban on the organization of mass events of a sporting nature and subsequently also the operation of physical education and sports facilities significantly affected the activities of sport organizations or, to be precise, paralyzed their activities in almost all countries. One of the tools for improving the readiness to manage negative events affecting the existence of sport organizations is the creation of a job position of a risk manager and the implementation of the risk management process in the management of sport organizations. The aim of the article is to evaluate the current state of sport organizations during the COVID-19 pandemic in Slovakia and abroad, to highlight the importance of including the position of a risk manager in sport organizations and to present the various stages of the risk management implementation process in sport organizations

    Ryzyko personelu i jego wp艂yw na biznes w krajach V4

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    The human factor is evidently known to be an integral part of every process in any enterprise and plays an important role in managerial activities. Research to date confirms that the main cause of problems in enterprises is often just the human factor. Currently, there is a growing interest of managers to assess and reduce personnel risks. This article examines the results of a research that focuses on the variability of personnel risks as perceived by owners and managers of enterprises in Slovakia and compares them with the results in the V4 countries. The article also provides an assessment of personnel risks and their sources in relation to how long the investigated V4 enterprises have been in business. The results of the article are based on a survey realized by the authors among 422 enterprises in Slovakia in the years 2019-2020 and a survey conducted by a broader research group including the authors among 1,781 enterprises across the V4 countries in the years 2017-2018. The following statistical methods were used to assess the data: Descriptive statistics, Sphericity, Normality, and Hypothesis testing. The research findings suggest that there exists a variability of intensity of how the managers perceive the personnel risks. Specifically, the managers in Slovakia as well as in the V4 countries perceive the impact of personnel risks more intensively after their enterprise has been active on the market for a longer time period. The results of this empirical research confirm the need to assess personnel risks and their importance in order to allow for effective management of a successful enterprise in the V4 countries. The results of the research are beneficial for enterprise owners, managers, as well as for the institutions that provide comprehensive entrepreneurship support. The results also contribute to the strengthening of coordination and mutual cooperation between the V4 countries. The outcomes of the article can be used at the national as well as international V4 level and the aim of the article is to increase competitiveness, economic development, and resilience of the V4 enterprises in light of global challenges.Wiadomo, 偶e czynnik ludzki jest integraln膮 cz臋艣ci膮 ka偶dego procesu w ka偶dym przedsi臋biorstwie i odgrywa wa偶n膮 rol臋 w dzia艂aniach zarz膮dczych. Dotychczasowe badania potwierdzaj膮, 偶e g艂贸wn膮 przyczyn膮 problem贸w w przedsi臋biorstwach jest cz臋sto sam czynnik ludzki. Obecnie ro艣nie zainteresowanie mened偶er贸w ocen膮 i ograniczeniem ryzyka kadrowego. W artykule przeanalizowano wyniki badania skupiaj膮cego si臋 na zmienno艣ci ryzyk kadrowych postrzeganych przez w艂a艣cicieli i mened偶er贸w przedsi臋biorstw na S艂owacji i por贸wnano je z wynikami w krajach V4. W artykule dokonano r贸wnie偶 oceny ryzyk kadrowych i ich 藕r贸de艂 w odniesieniu do tego, jak d艂ugo badane przedsi臋biorstwa V4 dzia艂aj膮. Wyniki artyku艂u opieraj膮 si臋 na badaniu przeprowadzonym przez autor贸w w艣r贸d 422 przedsi臋biorstw na S艂owacji w latach 2019-2020 oraz badaniu przeprowadzonym przez szersz膮 grup臋 badawcz膮 obejmuj膮c膮 autor贸w w艣r贸d 1781 przedsi臋biorstw z kraj贸w V4 w latach 2017-2018. . Do oceny danych zastosowano nast臋puj膮ce metody statystyczne: statystyki opisowe, sferyczno艣膰, normalno艣膰 i testowanie hipotez. Wyniki bada艅 sugeruj膮, 偶e istnieje zmienno艣膰 intensywno艣ci postrzegania przez mened偶er贸w ryzyk kadrowych. W szczeg贸lno艣ci menad偶erowie na S艂owacji, a tak偶e w krajach V4 intensywniej dostrzegaj膮 wp艂yw ryzyk kadrowych po d艂u偶szej aktywno艣ci na rynku. Wyniki tych bada艅 empirycznych potwierdzaj膮 potrzeb臋 oceny ryzyk kadrowych i ich znaczenia dla efektywnego zarz膮dzania odnosz膮cym sukcesy przedsi臋biorstwem w krajach V4. Wyniki bada艅 s膮 korzystne dla w艂a艣cicieli przedsi臋biorstw, mened偶er贸w, a tak偶e dla instytucji zapewniaj膮cych kompleksowe wsparcie przedsi臋biorczo艣ci. Wyniki przyczyniaj膮 si臋 r贸wnie偶 do wzmocnienia koordynacji i wzajemnej wsp贸艂pracy mi臋dzy krajami V4. Wyniki artyku艂u mog膮 by膰 wykorzystane zar贸wno na poziomie krajowym, jak i mi臋dzynarodowym V4, a celem artyku艂u jest zwi臋kszenie konkurencyjno艣ci, rozwoju gospodarczego i odporno艣ci przedsi臋biorstw V4 w 艣wietle wyzwa艅 globalnych