28 research outputs found

    Performance Evaluation of the CMS DAQ System Using Simulations

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    The data acquisition system of the Compact Muon Solenoid ( CMS) experiment must run at the very high trigger rates expected at the LHC. A 512x512 data switch with an aggregate bandwidth of 500 Gb/s is planned as the core of the event builder, which will feed events in at least two stages to the computing farm running the post level-1 triggers in software. Currently small scale hardware setups are built to test various hardware architectures. In order to see how the test bed results apply to the full scale system simulation activities have started.This paper describes the modular discrete event simulation developed for the CMS data acquisition system. Module interfaces are defined as sets of messages, represented as objects that know how to send themselves to the correct destination modules. Implementation was done in C++ with the underlying event scheduler from the CNCL class library. Results of first simulation runs are presented and discussed

    STRICT: String 2 Instrumentation and Configuration Tool

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    The validation of the LHC systems at CERN has started with Test String 1. During its operation a lack of central repository, where both the configuration parameters for data acquisition system (DAQ) and instrumentation information could be stored, has been observed. With the commissioning of String 2, with double the number of instruments, the need for such a tool has become even more evident. This paper presents a software framework built to store instrumentation data and to facilitate configuration of test runs. The back-end of the system is an Oracle database; while the front-end is an application developed using the PHP scripting language extension of the Apache web server. Synoptic diagrams of the installation have been incorporated into the system to help retrieve instrumentation data using a graphical interface. The user of the system may set the data acquisition parameters for a given experimental run using the same web interface. The run configuration data can be retrieved from the database as a text file, which is used to arm the DAQ. (8 refs)

    Access systems strategy in the accelerator complex and experimental areas

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    This paper reviews the main features of the new PS Personnel Protection System (PSPSS) as well as the main milestones for its deployment during the Long Shutdown of 2013-2014. Access conditions in the PS, SPS and LHC complexes during this period shall be described as well as the upgrades and improvements that are under preparation