19 research outputs found
Functional ingredient taurine: adequate and clinically effective doses
Taurine is a sulfur-containing amino acid. Taurine is necessary for the conjugation of bile acids, has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties, acts as an anti-apoptotic factor; cell membrane stabilizer; regulator of Ca2+ signaling, fluid homeostasis in cells, retinal photoreceptor activity; contributes to osmoregulation and conduction in the nervous and muscular systems; a neurodevelopmental stimulant; and an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. Taurine is not only synthesized from cysteine and methionine, but also comes from food. Taurine intake is 40–400 mg/day. The main food sources are animal products: shellfish, fish, meat. Taurine is part of breast milk and adapted milk formulas for the nutrition of young children. Under stress and some diseases, the endogenous synthesis of taurine is reduced. The risk groups for taurine deficiency include people who follow a vegetarian diet and observe religious fasts. There are a number of products in which taurine is added: specialized food products (SF) and food supplements (FS) contain 60–1200 mg of taurine per serving, energy drinks – 300–400 mg per 100 ml. The clinical effects of taurine in diabetes mellitus, heart failure are manifested when it is included in diet therapy in doses of 1.5–3 g for 2–16 weeks. Even the maximum doses allowed for use as part of SFP and dietary supplements are significantly less than the doses that ensure the achievement of a clinical effect, which does not guarantee the expected result when using SF
Результаты проспективного исследования клинической эффективности новых отечественных специализированных продуктов без фенилаланина
Background: Specialized foods, based on aminoacids without phenilalanin, are the main source of protein for patients with phenilketonuria of all ages. Based on modern technologies, new Russian-made foods were created. They have an optimized aminoacid and micronutrient composition, which increases their bioavailability.Objective: Our aim was to investigate the clinical efficiency of the new Russian-made specialized foods based on aminoacids without phenylalanine, in patients with phenylketonuria.Methods: Evaluating physical, somatic and neuropsychic development as well as measuring phenylalanine blood level were carried out twice: before the prescription and after 1 month of using the new Russian-made specialized foods. The chemical composition of the ration was controlled using dietology methods.Results: 57 children at the age of 14 days to 15 years with phenylketonuria (which was detected in neonatal screening) were picked for this study. A hypophenylalanine diet has been prescribed for all children no later than at the age of 3 months of life. In children of the first year (I group) (among which there were children with high phenylalanine blood levels) phenylalanine concentration decreased from 5,5 (4,0; 21,0) to 4,4 (3,7; 4,7) mg/dl (p = 0,014) while using Russian-made specialized foods. In this group of children the psychomotor and physical indices improved. In early childhood-, preschool- and school-aged patients phenylalanine blood level remained steady. The chemical composition of the ration with Russian-made foods, based on aminoacids without phenylalanine, corresponded to the reference intake of main nutrients and energy.Conclusion: Hypophenylalanine diet with new Russian-made specialized foods without phenylalanine (which is designed for phenylketonuria patients of various age groups) showed high clinical efficiency of these foods.Специализированные продукты на основе аминокислот без фенилаланина — главный источник белка для больных фенилкетонурией всех возрастов. Благодаря развитию современных технологий созданы новые отечественные продукты с оптимизированным аминокислотным и микронутриентным составом, что повышает их биологическую ценность.Цель исследования: изучить клиническую эффективность новых отечественных специализированных продуктов питания на основе аминокислот без фенилаланина у больных фенилкетонурией.Методы: оценка физического, соматического и нервно-психического развития, а также определение уровня фенилаланина в крови проводились дважды: до назначения и через 1 мес применения новых отечественных специализированных продуктов. Химический состав рациона определяли с помощью диетологических методов.Результаты: в исследовании участвовали 57 детей в возрасте от 14 дней жизни до 15 лет с фенилкетонурией, выявленной в ходе неонатального скрининга. Гипофенилаланиновая диета была назначена всем детям не позднее 3-го мес жизни. У детей первого года жизни (I группа), среди которых были младенцы с высоким уровнем фенилаланина в крови, на фоне использования отечественных специализированных продуктов концентрация ароматической аминокислоты снизилась с 5,5 (4,0; 21,0) до 4,4 (3,7; 4,7) мг/дл (р = 0,014), в этой группе детей также улучшились показатели психомоторного и физического развития. У пациентов раннего, дошкольного и школьного возраста содержание фенилаланина в крови оставалось стабильным. Химический состав рациона с использованием отечественных продуктов на основе аминокислот без фенилаланина соответствовал рекомендуемым нормам потребления основных пищевых веществ и энергии.Заключение: гипофенилаланиновая диета с применением новых отечественных специализированных продуктов без фенилаланина, предназначенных для больных фенилкетонурией различных возрастных групп, показала их высокую клиническую эффективность
(Voprosy sovremennoi pediatrii — Current Pediatrics. – 2010;9(4):171-172
The article deals with the data about opportunity to enrich the modern infant foodstuffs with pro and prebiotics. The authors name the contents of the foodstuffs with pro and prebiotic properties, findings of the multicentric research according to the estimate of their clinical efficiency among healthy and ill infants. They show the safety and high efficiency of the use of the given healthful and dietary foodstuffs.Key words: infant food, foodstuffs, probiotics, prebiotics, bifidus bacteria, lactic acid bacilli, oligosaccharides, lactulose, inulin.</strong
The article deals with the data about opportunity to enrich the modern infant foodstuffs with pro and prebiotics. The authors name the contents of the foodstuffs with pro and prebiotic properties, findings of the multicentric research according to the estimate of their clinical efficiency among healthy and ill infants. They show the safety and high efficiency of the use of the given healthful and dietary foodstuffs.Key words: infant food, foodstuffs, probiotics, prebiotics, bifidus bacteria, lactic acid bacilli, oligosaccharides, lactulose, inulin
The article highlights diet optimization in pregnant women and nursing mothers with «Femilac» (zao company «Nutritec», Russia) and «Lactamil» (zao company «Nutritec», Russia) providing composition, indications for use and clinical efficacy assessment. The article reviews chemical composition and clinical trial results of the pediatric milk formulas «Nutrilac 0–6», «Nutrilac 6–12», «Nutrilac 0–12», «Nutrilac Bifi» and «Nutrilac KM» developed for mixed and formula feeding of babies and infants under 1 year.Key words: food, alimentary products, hypogalactia, mixed and formula feeding, digestive functional disorders, adapted milk formulas
The article highlights the issues related to the prescription of supplemental feeding to the children with various pathology: food intolerance (food allergy, lactase deficiency, gluten sensitive enteropathy) and alimentary dependent diseases (iron deficiency anemia, oligotrophy). The authors substantiated the necessity and expediency of supplemental feeding introduction. They also examined the basic principles of its purpose. The authors described the peculiarities of each of the supplemental feeding groups and noted the expediency of manufactured product use. Along with that, they pointed out to the dependence of terms and order, in which different products and dishes of supplemental feeding are introduced, upon the character of the disease and the nutritive status of a child.Key words: children, supplemental feeding, manufactured Supplemental feeding products, food intolerance, alimentary dependent diseases.</strong
Results of a Prospective Study Concerning the Clinical Efficiency of Recent Russian-Made Specialized Foods without Phenylalanine
Background: Specialized foods, based on aminoacids without phenilalanin, are the main source of protein for patients with phenilketonuria of all ages. Based on modern technologies, new Russian-made foods were created. They have an optimized aminoacid and micronutrient composition, which increases their bioavailability.Objective: Our aim was to investigate the clinical efficiency of the new Russian-made specialized foods based on aminoacids without phenylalanine, in patients with phenylketonuria.Methods: Evaluating physical, somatic and neuropsychic development as well as measuring phenylalanine blood level were carried out twice: before the prescription and after 1 month of using the new Russian-made specialized foods. The chemical composition of the ration was controlled using dietology methods.Results: 57 children at the age of 14 days to 15 years with phenylketonuria (which was detected in neonatal screening) were picked for this study. A hypophenylalanine diet has been prescribed for all children no later than at the age of 3 months of life. In children of the first year (I group) (among which there were children with high phenylalanine blood levels) phenylalanine concentration decreased from 5,5 (4,0; 21,0) to 4,4 (3,7; 4,7) mg/dl (p = 0,014) while using Russian-made specialized foods. In this group of children the psychomotor and physical indices improved. In early childhood-, preschool- and school-aged patients phenylalanine blood level remained steady. The chemical composition of the ration with Russian-made foods, based on aminoacids without phenylalanine, corresponded to the reference intake of main nutrients and energy.Conclusion: Hypophenylalanine diet with new Russian-made specialized foods without phenylalanine (which is designed for phenylketonuria patients of various age groups) showed high clinical efficiency of these foods