8 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Technical and Economical Effects of the Using of Machinery System for Processing of Straw for Energy Purposes

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    In conditions of the agriculture in Slovak republic the straw, obtained as a by-product from cereals cropping systems, has a growing potential to be used as an important renewable energy source. This trend is fully consistent with the energy policy of the European Union, which aims to reduce the negative environmental impacts of fossil fuel use. The aim of the presented paper was to evaluate technical and economic effects of the using of the system for processing of straw including straw baling, transport and handling of the straw bales. During the years 2010-2012 the field experiments have been conducted in conditions of the large-scale farm (2770 ha of arable land). For the straw baling, transport and handling of the straw bales there is used a machinery line consisting of the machines having a different performance and capacity. There was formulated a scientific hypothesis: capacity and economic efficiency of the machine line depend upon the technical parameters and operational management. During field experiments there were obtained information characterizing straw yield, weight, size and density of the straw bales, as well as data characterizing the used machines performance. In the next step there was prepared the input data for database and computer calculation has been conducted. Results obtained have allowed to know the effects of transport distance on the fuel consumption during straw harvest, baling and bales transport and level of costs for different carrying capacity of the trailers used for straw bales transport. The results confirmed the validity of the hypothesis and has allowed to know the technical and economic effects of the using of the system for processing of straw for energy purposes used in given production conditions

    Energy Use and Energy Efficiency in Selected Arable Farms in Central and South Eastern Europe

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    The main objective of the project “Mechanization and Energy use in selected arable farms in Central and South Eastern Europe (CASEE)” was to analyse energy characteristics of arable farming in Slovak Republic, Romania, Serbia and Austria, to compare results and identify possibilities of its improvements. The large scale farms are: the university farm of the Slovak University of Agriculture (SK) with 1.112 ha arable land, a cooperative farm in Risnovice (SK) with an arable land of 1.266 ha, a family farm in Apahida-Transylvania (RO) with 400 ha, a farm in Viisoara-Transylvania (RO) with 600 ha, a family farm in Sremska Mitrovica (SRB) with an arable land of 115 ha, a family farm near Novi Sad (SRB) with an arable land of 450 ha and a family farm in Ansfelden/Linz (A) with 368 ha. The farms were visited by the interviewer once or more times and the relevant data, used machinery, quantity of inputs, e.g. fuel, pesticides, fertilizer, seed and yields of harvested crops, were recorded, for the production season 2012. After collection of the basic data all energy inputs and outputs, energy content of crops, were calculated in accordance with data and procedure defined by CIGR (International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering), Handbook Volume V – Energy and Biomass Engineering (1999). Energy input and net energy gain, expressed in MJ/ha, were used to calculate energy characteristics of crops’ production: energy productivity - kg/MJ, energy efficiency index, energy ratio, energy intensity - MJ/kg, fuel intensity - L/kg. The intensity of all used farm inputs (fuel, seeds, fertilizer and pesticide) in crop production systems influences the energy efficiency. The fuel consumption for winter wheat production of the analysed farms ranges between 54 and 91 l/ha. The mean energy ratio (energy-output/energy-input) for winter wheat is 5.6 with ranges between 4.8 and 7.1. Besides the fuel consumption the energy-input via the nitrogen-fertilizer is the main energy consumer in cropping systems. It is clearly identified that the highest possible energy savings are possible by reduction of fertilizers, first of all nitrogen

    Energy Use and Energy Efficiency in Selected Arable Farms in Central and South Eastern Europe

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    The main objective of the project “Mechanization and Energy use in selected arable farms in Central and South Eastern Europe (CASEE)” was to analyse energy characteristics of arable farming in Slovak Republic, Romania, Serbia and Austria, to compare results and identify possibilities of its improvements. The large scale farms are: the university farm of the Slovak University of Agriculture (SK) with 1.112 ha arable land, a cooperative farm in Risnovice (SK) with an arable land of 1.266 ha, a family farm in Apahida-Transylvania (RO) with 400 ha, a farm in Viisoara-Transylvania (RO) with 600 ha, a family farm in Sremska Mitrovica (SRB) with an arable land of 115 ha, a family farm near Novi Sad (SRB) with an arable land of 450 ha and a family farm in Ansfelden/Linz (A) with 368 ha. The farms were visited by the interviewer once or more times and the relevant data, used machinery, quantity of inputs, e.g. fuel, pesticides, fertilizer, seed and yields of harvested crops, were recorded, for the production season 2012. After collection of the basic data all energy inputs and outputs, energy content of crops, were calculated in accordance with data and procedure defined by CIGR (International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering), Handbook Volume V – Energy and Biomass Engineering (1999). Energy input and net energy gain, expressed in MJ/ha, were used to calculate energy characteristics of crops’ production: energy productivity - kg/MJ, energy efficiency index, energy ratio, energy intensity - MJ/kg, fuel intensity - L/kg. The intensity of all used farm inputs (fuel, seeds, fertilizer and pesticide) in crop production systems influences the energy efficiency. The fuel consumption for winter wheat production of the analysed farms ranges between 54 and 91 l/ha. The mean energy ratio (energy-output/energy-input) for winter wheat is 5.6 with ranges between 4.8 and 7.1. Besides the fuel consumption the energy-input via the nitrogen-fertilizer is the main energy consumer in cropping systems. It is clearly identified that the highest possible energy savings are possible by reduction of fertilizers, first of all nitrogen

    The most complex theory of the symmetric impact of the vibrating digging working tool on the sugar beet root

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    When digging sugar beet root out of the soil by using a vibration digging working tools, there occur impact contacts of the working tools and sugar beet roots placed in the soil. Such phenomena are formed mainly in conditions of dry and solid soil. The consequence of this is a significant impact contact tails breaks, chips or damage of the side surfaces of roots, which leads ultimately to a non-return losses on sugar mass. Therefore there is a need to develop the basic provisions of the refined theory of impact interaction of a vibrating digging working tool with the body of the sugar beet root fixed in the soil, and on the basis of the results obtained to justify rational kinematic and structural parameters of advanced vibration digging working tool. Within the research there was used the methods of higher mathematics, theoretical mechanics, programming and numerical calculations on the PC. We have developed a refined theory of impact interaction of digging of the working body of the sugar beet harvester with the body of sugar beet root during vibratory digging of sugar beet roots from the dry and solid soil. On the basis of obtained equations and their numerical solution by PC programme it was possible to define the kinematic and structural parameters of vibration digging working tool that will ensure the conditions not to damage or break the tails of the sugar beet roots during their digging out from the dry and solid soil. We have investigated the so-called symmetric impact of the vibrating digging working body and the body of sugar beet root. As shown by calculations of the obtained theoretical dependencies and confirmed experimental studies, for the range of reduced masses of the vibrating excavating organ 0.8-2.0 kg, the translational velocity 1.3-2.2 m∙s–1, the depth in the soil 0.08-0.12 m and the vibration amplitude 0.008-0.024 m for shock interaction, which is most likely in dry and solid soil, the permissible oscillation frequency of scooping coulter is 10.0-18.0 Hz

    Analiza kvaliteta rada rasipača đubriva Vicon RS-l prema načinu primene

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    Within our research we have tested spinning disc fertilizer spreader VICON RS-L and fertilizer calk ammonium nitrate with dolomite (trade mark LAD 27) was used. Experiment was conducted on a flat land with balanced micro-relief after harvest of the perennial forage crops. It was carried 6 variants of experiment with two working speeds 8 km.h-1 and 12 km.h-1 and with three fertilizer application rates 100 kg.ha-1, 200 kg.ha-1 and 300 kg.ha-1. Each variant of experiment was repeated four times. The fertilizer spreader was set according to the manufacturer requirements for this type of fertilizer and for the maximum spreading width (in our case for 42 meters). The value of the coefficient of variation was used as a basic parameter to assess the quality of fertilizer spreader work. Obtained results have been compared with the national standard STN EN 13739, which defines maximum value of coefficient of variation 15 %. For the spreader line spacing 24 m the coefficient of variation varied within the range 7.87 % - 13.60 % and for 36 m spacing line varied within the range 25.87 % - 38.11 %. Working speed negatively affects the uniformity of fertilizer application. With increasing of working speed the quality of work was decreased. We have recommended to reduce the working speed of the fertilizer spreader to optimize the spreader spacing line in order to achieve higher work quality of the fertilizer spreader – more uniform fertilizer distribution. Irregularity of distribution fertilizer on the field has a negative environmental effect.U našem istraživanju testirali smo rasipač đubriva sa rotacionim diskom VICON RS-L sa amonijum-nitratnim đubrivom sa dolomitom (marka LAD 27). Ogled je izveden na ravnom zemljištu posle žetve krmnog bilja. Izvedeno je 6 varijanti ogleda sa dve radne brzine 8 km•h-1 i 12 km•h-1 i sa tri norme đubrenja 100 kg•ha-1, 200 kg•ha-1 i 300 kg•ha-1. Svaka varijanta je ponovljena četiri puta. Rasipač je bio podešen prema zahtevima proizvođača za ovaj tip đubriva i za maksimalni radni zahvat (u našem slučaju za 42 m). Vrednost koeficijenta varijacije uzeta je kao osnovni parameter za procenu kvaliteta rada rasipača. Dobijeni rezultati su poređeni sa nacionalnim standardom STN EN 13739, koji definiše maksimalan koeficijent varijacije od 15%. Na rasponu rasipanja od 24 m koeficijent varijacije je iznosio 7.87% - 13.60%, a za 36 m 25.87% - 38.11%. Radna brzina je je negativno uticala na ujednačenost rasipanja. Sa povećanjem radne brzine kvalitet rada se smanjivao. Preporučili smo smanjenje brzine rasipača radi optimizacije širine rasipanja i dobijanja boljeg kvaliteta rasipanja – veća ujednačenost rasipanja. Neujednačeno rasipanje đubriva na parceli negativno utiče na sredinu

    Theory of the interaction of flat sensing organ with the head of the sugar beet root

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    Sugar beet leaves now are very widely used for livestock feeding, as an organic fertiliser, and also as a raw material for the production of biogas. Therefore the harvest of the sugar beet tops (including leaves) can be considered as current task for the sugar beet growing system. Modern technologies involve harvest of the tops of sugar beet in two stages: flat basic cut and collecting of the entire green mass at higher altitude and the subsequent cutting of the heads of root crops from the residues. Therefore, topical issues of the sensing of the heads of sugar beet roots arranged in rows, are related to the majority of the sugar beet toppers, cleaners of the sugar beet heads, leaves cutters and, digging up working bodies of some designs. The aim of this study is theoretical determination the optimum design and kinematic parameters of a new sensing mechanism of the sugar beet heads located in the soil on the basis of the theory of interaction of flat passive swath board sensing organ with the sugar beet heads during their topping when located in the soil. In the study there are used methods of creation of mathematical models of functioning of the agricultural machines and their working bodies with the using of main provisions of mathematics, theoretical mechanics, programming and numerical calculations on the PC. In this paper, there is presented a theoretical study of the interaction of passive sensing organ with the head of the sugar beet root when there are located residues of the leaves on a root head spherical surface in the form of short elastic rods. Thus, for such an interaction of the sensing organ and the head of sugar beet root head there is taken into account elastic-damping properties of the sugar beet leaves residues. In the study there was first of all developed a new design of the topper for sugar beet heads with the use of a flat swath board sensing organ, there was developed the equivalent scheme of the interaction of the sensing organ with a fixed sugar beet root head. There was also selected and arranged the axis of coordinates, and determined the active forces and angle parameters. Using the basic law of dynamics there was made up a new system of differential equations and the integration of which has made it possible to find the laws of variation of the speed of movement and of the movement of the flat passive sensing organ on the head of sugar beet root head at the beginning of the contact. After determining the initial values of force and design parameters it is possible to solve them on PC to optimise kinematic and structural parameters of the sensing mechanism

    Uporedna analiza poljskih i laboratorijskih metoda merenja emisije CO2 oslobođenog iz zemljišta u atmosferu

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    In the context of global climate changes the attention of the research is focused on the soil tillage technologies. Soil tillage significantly affects the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) released from soil to the atmosphere. Research of the soil emissions is usually conducted in field conditions. The aim of this study is to increase efficiency of the research by substitution of the field method by laboratory method of measuring CO2 emissions released from soil. The INNOVA measuring devices equipped with the photoacoustic infrared detection sensor was used. The field method measurement is conducted directly in the field conditions. The laboratory method consists of collecting soil samples from the field by sampling probes and their subsequent analysis in laboratory. Soil conditions where the soil samples were taken: haplic luvisol with slightly alkaline soil reaction and medium content of humus. Measurements were conducted nine days after soil tillage by power harrow PÖTTINGER LION 301. Means of the measured values of CO2 emissions released from soil ranged from 455.580 ppm to 459.392 ppm. There were not found a statistically significant difference between field and laboratory method at 99.9% confidence level. The CO2 emissions in the surrounding air were significantly lower, mean 403.125 ppm. It means that it is possible to use soil sampling laboratory method to measure CO2 emissions released from soil to the atmosphere. Used laboratory method allows to measure CO2 emissions released from soil at the same time in 12 points and creates the possibility for long-term complex monitoring.U kontekstu globalnih kljimatskih promena, težište istraživanja je stavljeno na tehnologije obrade zemljišta. Obrada zemljišta značajno utiče na količinu ugljen-dioksida (CO2) oslobođenog iz zemljišta u atmosveru. Istraživanje emisija iz zemljišta obično se izvodi u poljskim uslovima. Cilj ove studije je da unapredi efikasnost istraživanja zamenom poljskih metoda laboratorijskim metodama merenja emisija CO2 oslobođenog iz zemljišta. Korišćeni su merni uređaji INNOVA, opremljeni senzorima za fotoakustičnu i infracrvenu detekciju. Merenje poljskim metodom izvođeno je direktno u poljskim uslovima. Laboratorijski metod sastoji se od sakupljanja zemljišnih uslova sa terena i njihova naknadna analiza u laboratoriji. Zemljišni uslovi na mestima uzorkovanja zemljišta: ilovasti černozem blago bazne reakcije sa srednjim sadržajem humusa. Merenja su sprovedena devet dana posle obrade mašinom PÖTTINGER LION 301. Srednje vrednosti izmerenih emisija CO2 oslobođenog iz zemljišta iznosile su od 455.580 ppm do 459.392 ppm. Nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika između poljskog i laboratorijskog metoda na nivou tačnosti 99.9%. Emisije CO2 u okolni vazduh bile su značajno manje, sa srednjom vrednošću od 403.125 ppm. To znači da je moguće primeniti laboratorijski metod na uzorcima zemljišta za merenje emisija CO2 oslobođenog iz zemljišta u atmosveru. Primenjeni laboratorijski metod dozvoljava merenje emisija CO2 oslobođenog iz zemljišta istovremeno u 12 tačaka i omogućuje dugotrajno kompleksno praćenje

    Metod merenja emisija N2O iz zemljišta posle đubrenja rasipačem mineralnog đubriva

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    The use of fertilizer spreaders is accompanied by a different quality of work these machines, which can cause local overdosing of the fertilizers. Consequently, there may occur the increased formation of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from the soil to the atmosphere. The aim of the paper was to compare the field and the laboratory method, which can be used for measuring of the N2O emissions released from the soil to the atmosphere. For the purpose of emissions measuring the INNOVA devices with measurement system based on the photo-acoustic infrared detection method was used. Experiment was conducted 10 days after the field was fertilized. During experiment were used the VICON RS-L fertilizer spreader and the Calk Ammonium Nitrate fertilizer. There were found statistically significant differences between the size of the application rate and concentration of the N2O emissions released from soil to the atmosphere. No statistically significant differences were found in comparison of this two methods and this fact indicate the possibility to replace the field method by the laboratory method.Upotreba rasipača đubriva je praćena je različitim kvalitetom rada ovih mašina, što može da dovede do lokalnog predoziranja đubriva. Kao posledica toga može se javiti povećana emisija azotnog oksida (N2O) iz zemljišta u atmosferu. Cilj ovog rada je bio poređenje poljskog i laboratorijskog metoda za merenje emisija N2O, oslobođenih iz zemljišta u atmosferu. Za potrebe merenja emisije korišćen je uređaj INNOVA sa mernim sistemom zasnovanim na metodu foto-akustične infracrvene detekcije. Ogled je izveden 10 dana posle đubrenja parcele. Tokom eksperimenta korišćen je rasipač VICON RS-L za rasipanje azotnog đubriva. Utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike između primenjene norme đubrenja i koncentracije N2O oslobođenog iz zemljišta u atmosferu. Poređenjem ova dva metoda nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika, što ukazuje na mogućnost zamene poljskog laboratorijskim metodom