37 research outputs found

    Distribution of continuous-variable entanglement by separable Gaussian states

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    Entangling two systems at distant locations using a {\it separable} mediating ancilla is a counterintuitive phenomenon proposed for qubits by T. Cubitt {\it et al}. [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 91}, 037902 (2003)]. We show that such entanglement distribution is possible with Gaussian states, using a certain three-mode fully separable mixed Gaussian state and linear optics elements readily available in experiments. Two modes of the state become entangled by sequentially mixing them on two beam splitters, while the third one remains separable in all stages of the protocol

    Quantum non-demolition measurement saturates fidelity trade-off

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    A general quantum measurement on an unknown quantum state enables us to estimate what the state originally was. Simultaneously, the measurement has a destructive effect on a measured quantum state which is reflected by the decrease of the output fidelity. We show for any dd-level system that quantum non-demolition (QND) measurement controlled by a suitably prepared ancilla is a measurement in which the decrease of the output fidelity is minimal. The ratio between the estimation fidelity and the output fidelity can be continuously controlled by the preparation of the ancilla. Different measurement strategies on the ancilla are also discussed. Finally, we propose a feasible scheme of such a measurement for atomic and optical 2-level systems based on basic controlled-NOT gate.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Minimal disturbance measurement for coherent states is non-Gaussian

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    In standard coherent state teleportation with shared two-mode squeezed vacuum (TMSV) state there is a trade-off between the teleportation fidelity and the fidelity of estimation of the teleported state from results of the Bell measurement. Within the class of Gaussian operations this trade-off is optimal, i.e. there is not a Gaussian operation which would give for a given output fidelity a larger estimation fidelity. We show that this trade-off can be improved by up to 2.77% if we use a suitable non-Gaussian operation. This operation can be implemented by the standard teleportation protocol in which the shared TMSV state is replaced with a suitable non-Gaussian entangled state. We also demonstrate that this operation can be used to enhance the transmission fidelity of a certain noisy channel.Comment: submitted to Physical Review A, new results added, 7 pages, 4 figure

    Optimal partial estimation of quantum states from several copies

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    We derive analytical formula for the optimal trade-off between the mean estimation fidelity and the mean fidelity of the qubit state after a partial measurement on N identically prepared qubits. We also conjecture analytical expression for the optimal fidelity trade-off in case of a partial measurement on N identical copies of a d-level system.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, RevTeX

    Mixed state localizable entanglement for continuous variables

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    We investigate localization of entanglement of multipartite mixed Gaussian states into a pair of modes by local Gaussian measurements on the remaining modes and classical communication. We provide a detailed proof that for arbitrary symmetric Gaussian state maximum entanglement can be localized by homodyne detection of either amplitude or phase quadrature on each mode. We then consider arbitrary mixed three-mode Gaussian states and show that the optimal Gaussian measurement on one mode yielding maximum entanglement among the other two modes can be determined by calculating roots of a high-order polynomial. Finally, we discuss localization of entanglement with single-photon detection.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure