8 research outputs found

    Kvantitatív Makyoh-topográfia = Quantitative Makyoh topography

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    A korszerű félvezető-technológiában alapvető fontosságú a szeletek felületi morfológiájának, az ideális síkjellegtől való eltérésének a minősítése. A korszerű nagy átmérőjű szeletek megjelenésével a síkjelleg problémája és így a megfelelő minősítési eljárás szükségessége fokozottabban jelentkezik. A jelen pályázat témája egy, a Távol-Keletről származó ősi, "mágikus" tulajdonságú tükör elvén alapuló optikai vizsgálati módszer, a Makyoh-topográfia alkalmassá tétele igényes metrológiai célokra. A kutatás során új koncepciójú, nagy méretű minták vizsgálatára alkalmas mérési összeállításokat valósítottunk meg. Tanulmányoztuk a felületi domborzat visszanyerésére szolgáló eljárások érzékenységét és pontosságát, valamint a leképezés alapvető tulajdonságait. A kidolgozott mérési eljárást számos félvezető-technológiai és egyéb kutatásban alkalmaztuk. Lépéseket tettünk a mérési eljárás gazdasági hasznosítása érdekében. | The assessment of the surface morphology and flatness of the wafers is a key issue in modern semiconductor technology. The need for a proper flatness characterisation method became even more important with the advent of today's large-diameter wafers. The aim of the present project is to make Makyoh topography, an optical characterisation tool based on an ancient 'magic' mirror of Far-East origin suitable for advanced metrological purposes. During our research, we have constructed novel measurement set-ups suitable for the study of large-diameter samples. We have studied the sensivity and accuracy of the numerical methods for the reconstruction of the surface topography and investigated the basic characteristics of the imaging mechanism. The developed methods have been applied in semicondutor technolgy research as well as in other areas. We have taken steps forward the industrial exploitation

    Geno viewer, a SAM/BAM viewer tool

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    The ever evolving Next Generation Sequencing technology is calling for new and innovative ways of data processing and visualization. Following a detailed survey of the current needs of researchers and service providers, the authors have developed GenoViewer: a highly user-friendly, easy-to-operate SAM/BAM viewer and aligner tool. GenoViewer enables fast and efficient NGS assembly browsing, analysis and read mapping. It is highly customized, making it suitable for a wide range of NGS related tasks. Due to its relatively simple architecture, it is easy to add specialised visualization functionalities, facilitating further customised data analysis. The software's source code is freely available; it is open for project and task-specific modifications

    Assembly of 3-dimensional structures using programmable holographic optical tweezers

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    The micromanipulation of objects into 3-dimensional geometries within holographic optical tweezers is carried out using modified Gerchberg-Saxton (GS) and direct binary search (DBS) algorithms to produce the hologram designs. The algorithms calculate sequences of phase holograms, which are implemented using a spatial light modulator, to reconfigure the geometries of optical traps in many planes simultaneously. The GS algorithm is able to calculate holograms quickly from the initial, intermediate and final trap positions. In contrast, the DBS algorithm is slower and therefore used to pre-calculate the holograms, which are then displayed in sequence. Assembly of objects in a variety of 3-D configurations is semi- automated, once the traps in their initial positions are loaded

    3D manipulation of particles into crystal structures using holographic optical tweezers

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    We have developed holographic optical tweezers that can manipulate many particles simultaneously in three dimensions in order to create micro-crystal structures that extend over many tens of microns. The technique uses specific hologram-design algorithms to create structures that can be dynamically scaled or rotated about arbitrary axes. We believe the generation and control of pre-determined crystal-like structures have significant potential in fields as diverse as photonic-crystal construction, seeding of biological tissue growth and creation of metrological standards within nanotechnology

    Interactive application in holographic optical tweezers of a multi-plane Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm for three-dimensional light shaping

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    Phase-hologram patterns that can shape the intensity distribution of a light beam in several planes simultaneously can be calculated with an iterative Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm [T. Haist et al., Opt. Commun. 140, 299 ( 1997)]. We apply this algorithm in holographic optical tweezers. This allows us to simultaneously trap several objects in individually controllable arbitrary 3-dimensional positions. We demonstrate the interactive use of our approach by trapping microscopic spheres and moving them into an arbitrary 3-dimensional configuration