8 research outputs found


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    Introdução: Entre as formas de avaliação do processo cicatricial a mais usual é a mensuração da área lesional, que pode ser realizada a partir de técnicas manuais e software. Objetivo: Descrever a cicatrização de lesões cutâneas, a partir da mensuração como parâmetro de evolução. Método: Estudo observacional descritivo, prospectivo, com abordagem quantitativa, desenvolvido em um ambulatório de feridas de referência entre novembro de 2021 a fevereiro de 2022. Realizada com pacientes portadores de lesão cutânea maiores de 18 anos e de ambos os sexos. Resultados: A amostra totalizou 23 pacientes, com média de idade de 58,8 anos. A maioria homens, com etnia autodeclarada parda, naturalidade Pernambucana e ocupação aposentada. Em relação às médias de redução percentual, os pacientes que tinham entre 20 e 39 anos, que não eram hipertensos, nem tabagistas, e que não faziam uso de anti-hipertensivo apresentaram melhor cicatrização. Assim como, os que apresentavam lesões traumáticas, com tempo de existência menor ou igual a um mês, localizada na mão, pouco exsudativas, com presença de tecido de granulação no leito, sem infecção, necrose, exposição óssea e hipergranulação. Na mesma perspectiva também evoluíram, as que na conduta terapêutica não foi utilizada cobertura antimicrobiana e que a frequência de troca dos curativos era realizada duas vezes por semana. Conclusão: A aplicação de instrumentos preditivos de cicatrização de forma sistematizada contribui positivamente para avaliação e manejo do processo cicatricial pela equipe de Enfermagem

    Factors associated with mortality in a neonatal intensive care unit

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    Aims: To describe the factors associated with mortality of newborns hospitalized in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in the period from 2012 to 2015. Methods: This was a descriptive, quantitative study of secondary data, correlated with the causes of death and hospitalization according to classification by ICD-10.  The categorical variables were presented in absolute and relative frequencies, with measurements of central tendency and dispersion. Evaluation of the factors associated with neonatal death was made by the logit model of analysis with correction of robust errors by the statistical program Stata 12.0, considering values of p<0.05 and interval of confidence of 95%.  Results: Of the 563 newborns, 58.6% were of the male sex; 89.0% were early newborns, 73.0% were premature. 181 newborns died (32.3%). The main causes of hospitalization were: difficulties during birth, conditions of birth and immaturity (45.0%), pathologies associated with the respiratory system (21.1%), congenital malformations (9.7%). The main causes of death were: septicemia of the NB (40.4%), respiratory discomfort of the NB (22.4%). The significant associations for mortality were the use of ventilatory supports: Mechanical Ventilation (p=0.001), Hallo (p=0.000), CPAP (p=0.000), VNI (p=0.005). Conclusions: The major risk factors for neonatal mortality were associated with septicemia and use of mechanical ventilation

    Congenital malformations in neonates: analysis of morbidity and associated factors

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    Objective: To evaluate the neonatal morbidity due to congenital malformations in the city of Petrolina-PE, from 2008 to 2013. Methods: A descriptive study with data from the Information System on Live Births (Sinasc). The analyzes were carried out through frequency distribution and measures of central tendency and dispersion. The associations were tested by the Pearson and Kruskal Wallis chi-square tests. Significance was set at 5% and 95% confidence. Results: 436 cases of congenital malformations were recorded in the study period, with 2011 being the highest occurrence year. The mothers of the newborns were young (25.2 years old), single, upper level of education and household. In general multiparous, with single gestation, vaginal delivery and performed up to six prenatal visits. The newborns were males, at 39 weeks or more of gestation and with normal weight (> = 2500g). The malformations of the musculoskeletal system were the most frequent followed by the genitourinary system. Congenital malformations were especially associated with neonatal characteristics such as gender and weight. In all causes the mean weight was greater than 2500g (p <0.05). The causes of malformation of greater occurrence in both sexes were osteomuscular (p <0.05). The aspects of the mother did not present significant differences in the present study (p> 0.05). Conclusion: The present study evidenced relevant aspects in the occurrence of morbidities due to congenital malformations, directing to a greater attention the occurrence of these diseases especially in relation to the newborn


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    Atención a la parada cardiorrespiratoria debe ser sistemática, basada en los protocolos de soporte básico y avanzado de vida. El objetivo fue evaluar el conocimiento del personal del equipo de enfermeira de unidad de terapia intensiva en relación al reconocimiento de la parada cardiorrespiratoria y establecimiento de la reanimación de acuerdo con los protocolos. Estudio descriptivo y cuantitativo, llevado a cabo entre abril y junio de 2011. De los 33 profesionales que participaron del estudio , 54,5% no habían recibido formación previa sobre el tema, 93,9% acertaron parcialmente los ritmos de parada, 15,2 % acertaron totalmente las maniobras de ventilación en pacientes intubados. El bajo índice de aciertos totales señaló la necesidad de actualización del equipo de enfermería, con capacitación teórica y práctica periódicamente y evaluación sistemática del desempeño del equipo

    Care to patient in heart arrest at the intensive care unit

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    Care to heart arrest patient should be performed in a systematic way, based on basic protocol as well as advanced life support. The objective of this study is to assess the knowledge of the nursing staff of an intensive care unit in relation to the recognition of heart arrest and the establishment of resuscitation according to the protocols above. It is a descriptive and quantitative study which was conducted from April to June 2011. Of the 33 professionals who participated in the study, 54.5% had not undergone previous training on the theme, 93.9% partially agreed the rates of heart arrest, and only 15.2 % got all the maneuvers in ventilating intubated patient. The low hit total demonstrates the need to update the nursing staff, with periodical theoretical-practical training, and systematic assessments of the performance of the team