4 research outputs found

    The Apple II

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    The apple II+ microcomputer was interfaced to an Aminco-Morrow stopped-flow Apparatus. This interface package can be broken into two parts; the hardware, or electrical connections necessary to link the two instruments, and secondly, the software, or programs written to control the interface package. A circuit was constructed as part of the interface hardware. This circuit consisted of several operational amplifiers connected in such a way as to transform the output voltage of the stopped-flow into one acceptable by the Apple computer. The software for this interface package is extensive. Programs were written that allowed the user to initialize the correct interface conditions, save any data from a particular run, and draw a rough plot of the data collected. Programs are also included for reactions that follow first order kinetics. These programs calculate a rate constant and intercept for the best fit straight line of a first order kinetic plot

    Anterior segment findings in AIDS patients with cytomegalovirus retinitis

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    • Background: Anterior segment findings in AIDS patients presenting with cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis have not been specifically addressed in the American literature. • Methods: Our study evaluated 21 AIDS patients with CMV retinitis. • Results: Nineteen (90%) of these patients exhibited corneal endothelial deposits concurrent with CMV retinitis. The endothelial deposits were microscopic, opaque, linear flecks arranged in a reticular-like fashion. Of 42 eyes evaluated, 32 (76%) demonstrated active CMV retinitis. Corneal endothelial deposits were noted in 26 (81%) of the 32 eyes with retinitis. These corneal endothelial deposits were absent in the eyes which did not have CMV retinitis. • Conclusion: Meticulous examination of the retina of an HIV-positive or AIDS patient who presents with reticularly arranged, linear, flecked corneal endothelial deposits should be performed to ensure that the diagnosis of CMV retinitis can be ruled out. © 1995 Springer-Verlag