12 research outputs found
Psychological characteristics of duodenal ulcer patients (A pilot report on 30 patients)
Annals of the Academy of Medicine Singapore124532-534AAMS
Normalisation and decrease in bile osmolality by water in guinea pigs on total parenteral nutrition
IRCS Medical Science115443-444IRLC
Increase in bile secretion after water ingestion in cholecystectomised patients.
Japanese Journal of Physiology374729-73
Ranitidine in the acute treatment of duodenal ulcer. A double-blind placebo-controlled trial
Singapore Medical Journal267539-542SIMJ
Psychological characteristics of duodenal ulcer patients (A pilot report on 30 patients)
Annals of the Academy of Medicine Singapore124532-534AAMS
Twice daily cimetidine in the initial treatment of chronic gastric ulcer - A double-blind placebo-controlled trial
Medical Journal of Malaysia432181-185MJML
Dietary supplementation with pectin in the maintenance treatment of duodenal ulcer. A controlled study
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology23195-99SJGR
Low-dose cimetidine in the acute treatment of duodenal ulcer. Comparison of a single nocturnal dose regimen with a twice daily regimen.
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology56669-764JGHE
The influence of dialect group on peptic ulcer frequency amongst the Chinese in Singapore
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine204583-585ANZJ