25 research outputs found
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Software for the Local Control and Instrumentation System for MFTF
There are nine different systems requiring over fifty computers in the Local Control and Instrumentation System for the Mirror Fusion Test Facility. Each computer system consists of an LSI-11/2 processor with 32,000 words of memory, a serial driver that implements the CAMAC serial highway protocol. With this large number of systems it is important that as much software as possible be common to all systems. A serial communications system has been developed for data transfers between the LSI-11/2's and the supervisory computers. This system is based on the RS 232 C interface with modem control lines. Six modem control lines are used for hardware handshaking, which allows totally independent full duplex communications to occur. Odd parity on each byte and a 16-bit checksum are used to detect errors in transmission
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Tools and methods for implementing the control systems on the Mirror Fusion Test Facility
Installation of the major hardware subsystems for MFTF is nearing completion. These subsystems include the Fusion Chamber System, the eighty KV Neutral Beam System, the Superconducting Magnet System, and the Personnel Safety System. The Local Controls group has undertaken a uniform aproach to implementing the control systems for all of these hardware subsystems. This approach has two major aspects: (1) to provide a stand-alone computer control system with a remote, portable terminal so that computer control can be provided at the site of the hardware for initial testing, (2) to provide hardware simulators so that the complicated MFTF computer control system can be tested independent of the hardware. The software and hardware tools which were developed to carry out this plan will be described. Our experiences with bringing up subsystems containing up to 900 separate channels of control and status will also be described
Pteridófitas da Serra Negra, Minas Gerais, Brasil
Este trabalho apresenta uma lista de espécies de pteridófitas que ocorrem na Serra Negra, Minas Gerais. A serra está inserida no complexo da Serra da Mantiqueira situada entre Rio Preto, Lima Duarte, Santa Bárbara do Monte Verde e Olaria, tendo seus limites nos pontos 21º58'11"S 43º53'21" W, 22º01'46,4" S 43º52'31,5" W, 21º58'21,4" S 43º50'06,5" W e 21º58'53" S 43º56'08" W. A vegetação da serra é formada por um mosaico de fitofisionomias, sendo encontradas formações florestais (florestas ombrófilas e semidecíduas) e campestres (campos rupestres). O inventário florístico foi realizado entre os anos de 2003 e 2008, em excursões mensais para coleta de amostras e registro de dados. Na serra foram registradas 209 táxons infragenéricos distribuídas em 24 famílias e 75 gêneros. As famílias com maior número de espécies foram Polypodiaceae (40), Dryopteridaceae (33) e Pteridaceae (25). A maioria das espécies (109) foi encontrada ocorrendo exclusivamente no interior de floresta. Em relação ao hábito, 69 espécies foram encontradas exclusivamente como terrestres, 37 como rupícolas ou terrestres e 32 exclusivamente epífitas. Este trabalho revela uma elevada riqueza de pteridófitas na região e indica a importância de estudos desta natureza na conservação e manejo das pteridófitas em Minas Gerais.This work presents an inventory of pteridophyte species that occur in the Serra Negra, of Minas Gerais. The area is part of the Mantiqueira Range, and is situated between the coordinates 21º58'11"S 43º53'21" W, 22º01'4.4" S, 43º52'31.5" W, 21º58'21.4" S, 43º50'06.5" W and 21º58'53" S, 43º56'08" W. The vegetation in the Serra Negra is characterized by a mosaic of different phytophysiognomies, divided into forests (evergreen and seasonal semideciduous forests) and open formations (rocky grasslands). The inventory was carried out from 2003 to 2008, during monthly excursions to collect botanical material and data in the study area. A total of 209 species, distributed in 24 families and 75 genera, were recorded. The families with the highest number of species were Polypodiaceae (40), Dryopteridaceae (33) and Pteridaceae (25). More than the half (110) of the inventoried species were recorded exclusively in the forests formations. Sixty-nine species were terrestrial, 37 were saxicolous or terrestrial and 32 were epiphytes. This work shows that this region is rich in ferns and reveals the importance of this kind of study for conservation and management of pteridophytes in the state of Minas Gerais
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Software Design of a General Purpose Data Acquisition and Control Executive
The software design of an executive which performs general purpose data acquisition, monitoring, and control is presented. The executive runs on a memory-based mini or micro-computer and communicates with a disk-based computer where data analysis and display are done. The executive design stresses reliability and versatility, and has yielded software which can provide control and monitoring for widely different hardware systems. Applications of this software on two major fusion energy experiments at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory will be described
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Serial interprocessor communications system
A serial communications system based on the EIA RS232-C standard with modem control lines has been developed. The DLV11-E interface is used for this purpose. All handshaking is done with the modem control lines. This allows totally independent full duplex communication. The message format consists of eight bit data with odd parity and a sixteen bit checksum on the whole message. All communications are fully interrupt driven. A program was written to load a program into a remote LSI-11 using the serial line without bootstrap ROM