251 research outputs found

    Mjerenje utjecaja organizacijske krizne pripremljenosti na uspjeÅ”nost poslovanja poduzeća

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    Purpose ā€“ Organizations which are crisis prepared are generally considered better equipped to anticipate, detect, manage and make adequate decisions in times of crisis. Therefore, organizational crisis preparedness has strategic importance and significant influence on business. Additionally, very successful organizations are to a large extent crisis prepared, which implies the existence of close ties between general business success and organizational crisis preparedness. Hence, it is of managerial interest to gain insight into whether organizational crisis preparedness can be considered an important determinant of business success. This study aims to empirically explore the importance of medium and large sized firmsā€™ organizational crisis preparedness and subsequent impact on their business success. Moreover, it aims to determine whether current organizational crisis preparedness and prospective organizational crisis preparedness statistically significantly influence firmā€™s organizational performance, measured through its two dimensions ā€“ business efficiency and business effectiveness. Design/Methodology/Approach ā€“ This study applies variance-based structural equation modeling PLS SEM on a set of empirically gathered results from a primary research survey. Findings and implications ā€“ This paper empirically confirmed the existence of statistically significant positive impact of organizational crisis preparedness on the business success. Limitations ā€“ Research sample size is adequate; however, it comprises multiple industries and does not fully reflect specific measures of organizational crisis preparedness of each single industry. Originality ā€“ Research provides interesting insight into the inadequately empirically explored concept of crisis management, along with providing recommendations for managers.Svrha ā€“ U literaturi iz kriznog menadžmenta postoji miÅ”ljenje da Å”to su viÅ”e poduzeća pripremljena na krize, efikasnija su i u procesu donoÅ”enja odluka. Organizacije koje su pripremljene na krize općenito se smatraju kvalitetnije opremljenima za anticipiranje problema, detektiranje i upravljanje u vrijeme krize. Stoga organizacijska krizna pripremljenost ima strateÅ”ki značaj i bitan utjecaj na poslovanje. Dodatno, veoma uspjeÅ”ne organizacije u velikoj su mjeri pripremljene na krize, Å”to implicira postojanje uske povezanosti između općeg uspjeha poslovanja i organizacijske krizne pripremljenosti. Stoga je u interesu menadžera spoznati može li se organizacijska krizna pripremljenost smatrati značajnom determinantom poslovnog uspjeha. Ova studija namjerava empirijski istražiti značaj i utjecaj organizacijske krizne pripremljenosti na poslovni uspjeh srednjih i velikih poduzeća. Namjerava se utvrditi utječu li sadaÅ”nja i buduća organizacijska krizna pripremljenost statistički signifikantno na organizacijski uspjeh, mjeren putem dviju dimenzija poslovne efikasnosti i poslovne efektivnosti. MetodoloÅ”ki pristup ā€“ Kako bi se testirale navedene relacije, ova studija primjenjuje varijančno bazirano modeliranje strukturnih jednadžbi PLS SEM na nizu primarnih empirijski podataka prikupljenih anketnim istraživanjem. Rezultati i implikacije ā€“ Ovaj rad, baziran na temeljitom teorijskom istraživanju literature, empirijski je potvrdio postojanje statistički signifikantne pozitivne relacije organizacijske krizne pripremljenosti i poslovnog uspjeha. Ograničenja ā€“ Uzorak istraživanja je veličinom adekvatan, no sastoji se od viÅ”e različitih djelatnosti te ne odražava specifične mjere organizacijske krizne pripremljenosti za svaku pojedinu djelatnost. Doprinos ā€“ Rad pruža zanimljiv uvid u nedovoljno empirijski istražen koncept kriznog menadžmenta, a uz pružanje preporuka za menadžere

    Alcohol use: social aspect, gender differences and stigmatization

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    Gender differences in alcohol consumption, that have been present and maintained for years are now being changed, particularly in countries going through the transition, and women are crossing the risk boundaries and coming closer in alcohol consumption to man. The abuse of alcohol and other substances in the last two decades has increased, especially in the young population, and among the stigmatized groups. The aim of this paper was to, through some sociological theories and epidemiological data, review possible factors affecting the mental health of women and men as well as abuse and alcohol dependence in terms of gender differences. Method - Review of sociological, socio-psychological and psychiatric studies dealing with gender dimensions of use, abuse and dependence on alcohol, its consequences and the level of stigmatization. Despite the results based on gender differences in the level of consumption, patterns of drinking and alcohol types, the consequences are similar at all levels of functioning - mental and physical, social, family, marital and professional. Gender differences in the use of alcohol and other PAS and alcohol dependence are reduced at the beginning of 21st century compared to the entire 20th century. Similar levels of alcohol use and addiction in men and women have not conditioned less stigmatization of female addicts, but they appear to be more stigmatized during the period of drinking and men living in traditional cultures during the period of treatment and abstinence. Negative stereotypes about male and female addicts are influenced strongly by social politics and social activities to reduce the stigma and allocate treatment funds

    Uloga Hrvatske revije u očuvanju i promicanju krŔćanstvom nadahnutih tekstova izbjeglih novinara, publicista i književnika u njezinom prvom emigrantskom desetljeću (1951. ā€“ 1961.)

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    The Hrvatska revija and its role in the preservation and promotion of Christian-inspired texts by some selected journalists, publicists and writers who fled communist Yugoslavia after World War II is the subject of this paper, which provides an overview of the first decade (1951 - 1961) of this literary and cultural magazine, which was published in emigration. In Croatia, the first issue appeared on March 9, 1951 in Buenos Aires, edited by Vinko Nikolić and Antun Bonifačić. The study focused on the names of journalists, publicists and writers who appeared in the Croatian cultural, literary and media scene before 1945 and were forced to emigrate and become refugees after the war. Namely, since 1945 Croatia became partially communist ex-Yugoslavia and many journalists, publicists and writers were forbidden to work and many fled in fear of communist terror.The mention of their names as well as valuable journalistic, journalistic and literary texts was forbidden in ex-Yugoslavia. In his book Destroyed Generation - the Tragic Fate of NDH Journalists, Josip Grbelja explainsthat after World War II, the communists registered 330 journalists whowere active between 1930 andā€˜40. They were active at the beginning of the twentieth century. 330 of them, 38 of them were killed, 101 were permanently banned from writing and publishing, and even 131 fled abroad, but they did not stop acting intellectually and culturally. In this research, we first try to show whether and to what extent the names of some of the intellectuals mentioned by Grbelja, who fled from May 6 to 8, 1945, appeared in the Croatian Review, and elsewhere - on the basis of their publications - to investigate whether Christian themes were preserved and promoted in the Croatian Review ideas and values that were censored in communist Yugoslavia after World War II and were not allowed to be written about in a positive context.Hrvatska revija i njezina uloga u očuvanju i promicanju krŔćanstvom nadahnutih tekstova nekih odabranih novinara, publicista i književnika izbjeglih iz komunističke Jugoslavije nakon Drugoga svjetskoga rata tema je ovoga rada koji obuhvaća pregled prvoga desetljeća (1951. ā€“ 1961.) toga književno-kulturnoga časopisa koji se u iseljenoj Hrvatskoj prvim brojem pojavio 9. ožujka 1951. godine u Buenos Airesu, a uređivali su ga Vinko Nikolić i Antun Bonifačić. U srediÅ”tu su istraživanja odabrana imena novinara, publicista i književnika koji su se prije 1945. pojavljivali na hrvatskoj kulturnoj, književnoj i medijskoj sceni, a nakon rata su bili prisiljeni na iseljavanje i izbjegliÅ”tvo. Naime, kako je Hrvatska od 1945. postala dijelom komunističke ex-Jugoslavije mnogim je novinarima među kojima je bilo i publicista i književnika bilo zabranjeno djelovanje, a mnogi su izbjegli zbog straha od komunističke strahovlade. Spominjanje njihovih imena, kao i vrijednih novinarskih, publicističkih i književnih tekstova u ex-Jugoslaviji bilo je proskribirano. U svojoj knjizi UniÅ”teni naraÅ”taj ā€“ tragična sudbina novinara NDH Josip Grbelja objaÅ”njava da su komunisti nakon Drugoga svjetskoga rata evidentirali 330 novinara koji su bili aktivni između ā€™30. i ā€™40. godina XX. stoljeća. Od njih 330 ubijeno je njih 38, 101 je dobio trajnu zabranu pisanja i objavljivanja, a čak 131 pobjegao je u inozemstvo, ali nisu prestali intelektualno i kulturno djelovati. U ovome se istraživanju prije svega nastoji pokazati jesu li se u Hrvatskoj reviji i u kojoj mjeri javljala imena nekih od tih intelektualaca koje navodi Grbelja, a koji su izbjegli od 6. do 8. svibnja 1945., te na drugome mjestu ā€“ na temelju njihovih objava ā€“ ispitati jesu li se u Hrvatskoj reviji očuvale i promicale krŔćanske ideje i vrjednote koje su u komunističkoj Jugoslaviji nakon Drugoga svjetskoga rata bile cenzurirane i o kojima se nije smjelo pisati u pozitivnom kontekstu

    Uloga Hrvatske revije u očuvanju i promicanju krŔćanstvom nadahnutih tekstova izbjeglih novinara, publicista i književnika u njezinom prvom emigrantskom desetljeću (1951. ā€“ 1961.)

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    The Hrvatska revija and its role in the preservation and promotion of Christian-inspired texts by some selected journalists, publicists and writers who fled communist Yugoslavia after World War II is the subject of this paper, which provides an overview of the first decade (1951 - 1961) of this literary and cultural magazine, which was published in emigration. In Croatia, the first issue appeared on March 9, 1951 in Buenos Aires, edited by Vinko Nikolić and Antun Bonifačić. The study focused on the names of journalists, publicists and writers who appeared in the Croatian cultural, literary and media scene before 1945 and were forced to emigrate and become refugees after the war. Namely, since 1945 Croatia became partially communist ex-Yugoslavia and many journalists, publicists and writers were forbidden to work and many fled in fear of communist terror.The mention of their names as well as valuable journalistic, journalistic and literary texts was forbidden in ex-Yugoslavia. In his book Destroyed Generation - the Tragic Fate of NDH Journalists, Josip Grbelja explainsthat after World War II, the communists registered 330 journalists whowere active between 1930 andā€˜40. They were active at the beginning of the twentieth century. 330 of them, 38 of them were killed, 101 were permanently banned from writing and publishing, and even 131 fled abroad, but they did not stop acting intellectually and culturally. In this research, we first try to show whether and to what extent the names of some of the intellectuals mentioned by Grbelja, who fled from May 6 to 8, 1945, appeared in the Croatian Review, and elsewhere - on the basis of their publications - to investigate whether Christian themes were preserved and promoted in the Croatian Review ideas and values that were censored in communist Yugoslavia after World War II and were not allowed to be written about in a positive context.Hrvatska revija i njezina uloga u očuvanju i promicanju krŔćanstvom nadahnutih tekstova nekih odabranih novinara, publicista i književnika izbjeglih iz komunističke Jugoslavije nakon Drugoga svjetskoga rata tema je ovoga rada koji obuhvaća pregled prvoga desetljeća (1951. ā€“ 1961.) toga književno-kulturnoga časopisa koji se u iseljenoj Hrvatskoj prvim brojem pojavio 9. ožujka 1951. godine u Buenos Airesu, a uređivali su ga Vinko Nikolić i Antun Bonifačić. U srediÅ”tu su istraživanja odabrana imena novinara, publicista i književnika koji su se prije 1945. pojavljivali na hrvatskoj kulturnoj, književnoj i medijskoj sceni, a nakon rata su bili prisiljeni na iseljavanje i izbjegliÅ”tvo. Naime, kako je Hrvatska od 1945. postala dijelom komunističke ex-Jugoslavije mnogim je novinarima među kojima je bilo i publicista i književnika bilo zabranjeno djelovanje, a mnogi su izbjegli zbog straha od komunističke strahovlade. Spominjanje njihovih imena, kao i vrijednih novinarskih, publicističkih i književnih tekstova u ex-Jugoslaviji bilo je proskribirano. U svojoj knjizi UniÅ”teni naraÅ”taj ā€“ tragična sudbina novinara NDH Josip Grbelja objaÅ”njava da su komunisti nakon Drugoga svjetskoga rata evidentirali 330 novinara koji su bili aktivni između ā€™30. i ā€™40. godina XX. stoljeća. Od njih 330 ubijeno je njih 38, 101 je dobio trajnu zabranu pisanja i objavljivanja, a čak 131 pobjegao je u inozemstvo, ali nisu prestali intelektualno i kulturno djelovati. U ovome se istraživanju prije svega nastoji pokazati jesu li se u Hrvatskoj reviji i u kojoj mjeri javljala imena nekih od tih intelektualaca koje navodi Grbelja, a koji su izbjegli od 6. do 8. svibnja 1945., te na drugome mjestu ā€“ na temelju njihovih objava ā€“ ispitati jesu li se u Hrvatskoj reviji očuvale i promicale krŔćanske ideje i vrjednote koje su u komunističkoj Jugoslaviji nakon Drugoga svjetskoga rata bile cenzurirane i o kojima se nije smjelo pisati u pozitivnom kontekstu

    Favourable culture for crisis management ā€“ an empirical evaluation

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    A favourable culture for crisis management has been recognized as one of the most critical factors determining the success and effectiveness of crisis management within organizations. Accordingly, various authors emphasize that the culture of an organization directly affects organizational preparedness for crises. The main aim of this article is to explore the mentioned construct further, as well as to examine whether it influences a firmā€™s financial success by conducting an empirical study on a sample of medium and large-sized firms that are doing business in Croatia. The research results show that there are no statistically significant differences between the means of the culture for crisis management, considering the level of the financial success of a firm. However, respondents in the study rated the importance of elements of a favourable culture for crisis management highly, meaning that they perceive the elements as significant for their businesses. Hence, this perception represents an additional validation of importance of the crisis management concept

    The Media on the Subject of Media Literacy in the Croatian Education System

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    Media literacy, which has been rapidly developing in many European countries during the past decades, is still at its beginning in Croatia. It remains excluded from the formal education programmes. Meanwhile, there are various informal types of media education dedicated to information and media literacy, usually thanks to the efforts of non-governmental organisations (LabaŔ, 2015). What kind of impact did Croatian Internet news portals have on media literacy, and what is their position on it and its place in the education system during the debate about the curricular reform, and were they encouraging debate with the interested public in this period? This paper aims to answer these questions by investigating the news portals\u27 writings (Večernji list, Jutarnji list, Slobodna Dalmacija, Novi list, Glas Slavonije and 24 sata) in the time period between 1 January and 1 July 2016


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    Economic globalization and the increased flow of goods, services, and capital do not only imply new possibilities from the environment, but also new strategic challenges for companies. If a company wants to survive and remain active on the market, it is necessary to expand business activities outside the borders of the mother country i.e. to begin the process of internationalization. There are many modes of internationalization, from those referred to as trans-border (or trans-regional) business operations, those are usually exporting activities, to sophisticated forms that include the activity of founding and taking over foreign companies, technology transfer and other skills and strategic alliances where companies pursue common interests on the global market. If business internationalization is a form of measure of strategic success in relatively unfavorable conditions, then it is relevant to put forward the proposition that business internationalization of the companies in Croatia is the result of developed technological capabilities. Since capabilities are generally seen as prerequisites for expanding business operations, it is not surprising that technological capabilities are considered dominant determinants of the level of internationalization of a companyā€™s business activities. The paper addresses interrelationships among technological capabilities measured through investments in technology, investments in research and development, the frequency of introduction of new products and technological solutions and business internationalization defined in its narrow sense as exporting activities and trans-border sales made by Croatian companies. Primary research has been conducted on the companies in the Republic of Croatia by the use of a questionnaire (the companies that realize the export share of over 50% in the total income)

    ā€žSvako zlo za neko dobroā€œ: humor i persuazija u slikama s druÅ”tvenih mreža tijekom lockdowna

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    During the COVID-19 lockdowns, images (memes, GIFs, pictures, etc.) were largely consumed via social media. The purpose of the study is to establish a relevant research model in order to contextualize images as transmedia communicative documents during lockdowns (March-June 2020). The research method is a visual semiotic analysis used to evaluate the data for inter-coded reliability. The corpus is comprised of 300 visual representations identified regarding the salient participants metaphorically represented as ā€œrealā€. On the one hand, the semantic-sensory relationships between images and viewers rhetorically imply a proverbial frame ā€˜Every cloud has a silver liningā€™; on the other hand, the persuasive concept of humour is established by multimodal tools, which further shape the audience. The salient domains of ā€˜staying homeā€™ and ā€˜going awayā€™ point towards more specific variables, e.g. education or tourism. The results confirm the modality judgement of humorous construct as a valuable document regarding the pandemic situation. According to its unique rhetorical features produced by the image-message-receiver relationships, the consolidation of data sets the ground for strategies and signifiers, with the function of a) presenting the adaptation of norms and b) setting the ground for consequent studies. Conclusively, the survey was conducted at Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, which confirmed studentsā€™ positive attitudes about using images for visual literacy. New findings are juxtaposed with previous knowledge in order to enforce the proposed research as a model for further narrative cognition. One such example is the burning question of how the media shapes the general public opinion on the coronavirus vaccine.Tijekom lockdowna uslijed pandemije bolesti COVID-19, putem druÅ”tvenih mreža uvelike su se konzumirale slike (memovi, GIF-ovi, fotografije itd.). Svrha je istraživanja uspostaviti relevantan transmedijski komunikoloÅ”ki istraživački model kojim se pomoću slika kontekstualno dokumentira određeni period (ožujak ā€“ lipanj 2020.). Metoda je vizualna semiotička analiza, kojom se ispituju pouzdanosti kodiranja između slika. Korpus čini 300 vizualnih reprezentacija odabranih prema njihovim istaknutim sudionicima metaforički zastupljenima u odnosu na ā€žstvarnostā€œ. S jedne strane, semantičko-osjetilna veza između slike i promatrača retorički se implicira poslovicom ā€žSvako zlo za neko dobroā€œ. S druge strane, multimodalni alati uspostavljaju humorni persuazivni koncept koji oblikuje publiku. Istaknute domene ā€žostati domaā€œ i ā€žizićiā€œ upućuju na određenije varijable, npr. obrazovanje ili turizam. Rezultati potvrđuju modalne prosudbe vezane uz konstrukt humora kao valjanog dokumenta pandemijske situacije. S obzirom na jedinstvena obilježja proizvedena u odnosu slika ā€“ poruka ā€“ primatelj, konsolidacija podataka predstavlja uporiÅ”te za strategije i označitelje u funkciji a) predstavljanja i adaptiranja normi te b) postavljanja temelja za buduća istraživanja. Shodno tome, na SveučiliÅ”tu Jurja Dobrile u Puli provedena je anketa kojom se potvrđuju pozitivni stavovi studenata za koriÅ”tenje slika u svrhu medijske edukacije. Strukturiranjem prethodnih spoznaja i novih rezultata, ovo istraživanje postaje modelom za daljnje narativne spoznaje. Jedan je primjer važno pitanje kako mediji utječu na oblikovanje stavova javnosti u vezi cijepljenja protiv koronavirusa

    Medijska i digitalna pismenost: Ŕkola i suvremeno roditeljstvo

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    Todayā€™s societies live in a world where the media construct reality, which also affects each individual media user. Children and their parents spend most of their time with digital media and contents. Therefore, researchers emphasize the importance of digital literacy of media users. They analyse new phenomena, challenges and risks associated with the anthropological, cognitive and social development of children and young people. An important role in media and digital education is played not only by teachers and schools, but also by parents and family. The aim of this paper is to present and analyse the theoretical approaches to digital media literacy, so-called digital parenting, and to interpret the results of the latest research in Croatia devoted to the digital habits of parents, their attitudes towards parental mediation strategies as well as to their satisfaction with the programmes of media literacy in the education system.Živimo u svijetu u kojem mediji konstruiraju stvarnost, ali i utječu na svakoga korisnika medija. Novim digitalnim medijima i njihovim sadržajima posebno su izložena djeca, pa znanstvenici u svojim istraživanjima veliku pozornost pridaju medijskoj i digitalnoj pismenosti. Pri tome vode računa o novim pojavama, izazovima i rizicima koji su povezani s antropoloÅ”kim, kognitivnim i socijalnim razvojem djece i mladih. Posebnu pozornost posvećuju socijabilnosti djece i mladih, ali i korisnika medija općenito, rizicima razvijanja raznih oblika ovisnosti o internetu i digitalne demencije. Važnu ulogu u medijskom odgoju imaju ne samo učitelji i Å”kole nego i roditelji i obitelj. Cilj je ovoga rada prikazati i analizirati teorijske pristupe medijskoj i digitalnoj pismenosti i takozvanom digitalnom roditeljstvu te izložiti i protumačiti rezultate najnovijih istraživanja u Hrvatskoj o digitalnim navikama djece, odnosno njihovih roditelja, te o ulozi i mjestu roditelja u procesu medijskoga opismenjavanja djece i mladih, kao i o njihovu zadovoljstvu programima medijske pismenosti u odgojno-obrazovnom sustavu
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