28 research outputs found

    On the horns of a dilemma: Key factors informing train horn use at rail level crossings

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    Questions are arising as to whether train horn use at level crossings remain beneficial for all types of crossings, environments, and users. Six focus groups were undertaken with experienced train drivers (n = 19) across five rail organisations and three Australian states, with data collected using a scenario-based task. Study findings revealed that train horn utilisation was highly varied, considered beneficial in some situations, but non-beneficial in others. The results suggest that the uses of trains horns need to be carefully unpacked if more clarity in policy and direction in potential alternatives is to be further investigated

    The Restriction of Zoonotic PERV Transmission by Human APOBEC3G

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    The human APOBEC3G protein is an innate anti-viral factor that can dominantly inhibit the replication of some endogenous and exogenous retroviruses. The prospects of purposefully harnessing such an anti-viral defense are under investigation. Here, long-term co-culture experiments were used to show that porcine endogenous retrovirus (PERV) transmission from pig to human cells is reduced to nearly undetectable levels by expressing human APOBEC3G in virus-producing pig kidney cells. Inhibition occurred by a deamination-independent mechanism, likely after particle production but before the virus could immortalize by integration into human genomic DNA. PERV inhibition did not require the DNA cytosine deaminase activity of APOBEC3G and, correspondingly, APOBEC3G-attributable hypermutations were not detected. In contrast, over-expression of the sole endogenous APOBEC3 protein of pigs failed to interfere significantly with PERV transmission. Together, these data constitute the first proof-of-principle demonstration that APOBEC3 proteins can be used to fortify the innate anti-viral defenses of cells to prevent the zoonotic transmission of an endogenous retrovirus. These studies suggest that human APOBEC3G-transgenic pigs will provide safer, PERV-less xenotransplantation resources and that analogous cross-species APOBEC3-dependent restriction strategies may be useful for thwarting other endogenous as well as exogenous retrovirus infections

    Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein Regulates Proliferation and Differentiation of Adult Neural Stem/Progenitor Cells

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    Fragile X syndrome (FXS), the most common form of inherited mental retardation, is caused by the loss of functional fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP). FMRP is an RNA–binding protein that can regulate the translation of specific mRNAs. Adult neurogenesis, a process considered important for neuroplasticity and memory, is regulated at multiple molecular levels. In this study, we investigated whether Fmrp deficiency affects adult neurogenesis. We show that in a mouse model of fragile X syndrome, adult neurogenesis is indeed altered. The loss of Fmrp increases the proliferation and alters the fate specification of adult neural progenitor/stem cells (aNPCs). We demonstrate that Fmrp regulates the protein expression of several components critical for aNPC function, including CDK4 and GSK3β. Dysregulation of GSK3β led to reduced Wnt signaling pathway activity, which altered the expression of neurogenin1 and the fate specification of aNPCs. These data unveil a novel regulatory role for Fmrp and translational regulation in adult neurogenesis

    Drivers’ inability to assess their level of alertness on monotonous highways

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    Decline of alertness constitutes a normal physiological phenomenon but could be aggravated when drivers operate in monotonous environments, even in rested individuals. Driving performance is impaired and this increases crash risk due to inattention. This paper aims to show that road characteristics - namely road design (road geometry) and road side variability (signage and buildings) – influence subjective assessment of alertness by drivers. This study used a driving simulator to investigate the drivers’ ability to subjectively detect periods of time when their alertness is importantly reduced by varying road geometry and road environment. Driver’s EEG activity is recorded as a reference to evaluate objectively driver's alertness and is compared to self-reported alertness by participants. Twenty-five participants drove on four different scenarios (varying road design and road environment monotony) for forty minutes. It was observed that participants were significantly more accurate in their assessment before the driving task as compared to after (90% versus 60%). Errors in assessment were largely underestimations of their real alertness rather than over-estimations. The ability to detect low alertness as assessed with an EEG was highly dependent on the road monotony. Scenarios with low roadside variability resulted in high overestimation of the real alertness, which was not observed on monotonous road design. The findings have consequences for road safety and suggest that countermeasures to lapses of alertness cannot rely solely on self-assessment from drivers and road design should reduce environments with low variability

    Lentiviral Vif Degrades the APOBEC3Z3/APOBEC3H Protein of Its Mammalian Host and Is Capable of Cross-Species Activity▿

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    All lentiviruses except equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) use the small accessory protein Vif to counteract the restriction activity of the relevant APOBEC3 (A3) proteins of their host species. Prior studies have suggested that the Vif-A3 interaction is species specific. Here, using the APOBEC3H (Z3)-type proteins from five distinct mammals, we report that this is generally not the case: some lentiviral Vif proteins are capable of triggering the degradation of both the A3Z3-type protein of their normal host species and those of several other mammals. For instance, SIVmac Vif can mediate the degradation of the human, macaque, and cow A3Z3-type proteins but not of the sheep or cat A3Z3-type proteins. Maedi-visna virus (MVV) Vif is similarly promiscuous, degrading not only sheep A3Z3 but also the A3Z3-type proteins of humans, macaques, cows, and cats. In contrast to the neutralization capacity of these Vif proteins, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), bovine immunodeficiency virus (BIV), and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) Vif appear specific to the A3Z3-type protein of their hosts. We conclude, first, that the Vif-A3Z3 interaction can be promiscuous and, second, despite this tendency, that each lentiviral Vif protein is optimized to degrade the A3Z3 protein of its mammalian host. Our results thereby suggest that the Vif-A3Z3 interaction is relevant to lentivirus biology

    A Wild Goose Metapneumovirus Containing a Large Attachment Glycoprotein Is Avirulent but Immunoprotective in Domestic Turkeys

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    The genomic structure and composition of an avian metapneumovirus (aMPV) recently isolated from wild Canada geese (goose 15a/01) in the United States, together with its replication, virulence, and immunogenicity in domestic turkeys, were investigated. The sizes of seven of the eight genes, sequence identity, and genome organization of goose aMPV were similar to those of turkey aMPV subtype C (aMPV/C) strains, indicating that it belonged to the subtype. However, the goose virus contained the largest attachment (G) gene of any pneumovirus or metapneumovirus, with the predicted G protein of 585 amino acids (aa) more than twice the sizes of G proteins from other subtype C viruses and human metapneumovirus and more than 170 aa larger than the G proteins from the other aMPV subtypes (subtypes A, B, and D). The large G gene resulted from a 1,015-nucleotide insertion at 18 nucleotides upstream of the termination signal of the turkey aMPV/C G gene. Three other aMPV isolates from Canada geese had similarly large G genes, whereas analysis of recent aMPV strains circulating in U.S. turkeys did not indicate the presence of the goose virus-like strain. In vitro, the goose virus replicated to levels (2 × 10(5) to 5 × 10(5) 50% tissue culture infective dose) comparable to those produced by turkey aMPV/C strains. More importantly, the virus replicated efficiently in the upper respiratory tract of domestic turkeys but with no clinical signs in either day-old or 2-week-old turkeys. The virus was also horizontally transmitted to naïve birds, and turkey infections with goose 15a/01 induced production of aMPV-specific antibodies. Challenging day-old or 2-week-old turkeys vaccinated with live goose aMPV resulted in lower clinical scores in 33% of the birds, whereas the rest of the birds had no detectable clinical signs of the upper respiratory disease, suggesting that the mutant virus may be a safe and effective vaccine against aMPV infection outbreaks in commercial turkeys

    A Wild-Type Porcine Encephalomyocarditis Virus Containing a Short Poly(C) Tract Is Pathogenic to Mice, Pigs, and Cynomolgus Macaques

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    Previous studies using wild-type Encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) and Mengo virus, which have long poly(C) tracts (61 to 146 C's) at the 5′ nontranslated region of the genome, and variants of these viruses genetically engineered to truncate or substitute the poly(C) tracts have produced conflicting data on the role of the poly(C) tract in the virulence of these viruses. Analysis of the nucleotide sequence of an EMCV strain isolated from an aborted swine fetus (EMCV 30/87) revealed that the virus had a poly(C) tract that was 7- to 10-fold shorter than the poly(C) tracts of other EMCV strains and 4-fold shorter than that of Mengo virus. Subsequently, we investigated the virulence and pathogenesis of this naturally occurring short-poly(C)-tract-containing virus in rodents, pigs, and nonhuman primates. Infection of C57BL/6 mice, pigs, and cynomolgus macaques resulted in similar EMCV 30/87 pathogenesis, with the heart and brain as the primary sites of infections in all three animals, but with different disease phenotypes. Sixteen percent of EMCV 30/87-infected pigs developed acute fatal cardiac failure, whereas the rest of the pigs were overtly asymptomatic for as long as 90 days postinfection (p.i.), despite extensive myocardial and central nervous system (CNS) pathological changes. In contrast, mice infected with ≥4 PFU of EMCV 30/87 developed acute encephalitis that resulted in the death of all animals (n = 25) between days 2 and 7 p.i. EMCV 30/87-infected macaques remained overtly asymptomatic for 45 days, despite extensive myocardial and CNS pathological changes and viral persistence in more than 50% of the animals. The short poly(C) tract in EMCV 30/87 (CUC(5)UC(8)) was comparable to that of strain 2887A/91 (C(10)UCUC(3)UC(10)), another recent porcine isolate