5 research outputs found

    Looking East: Yin And Yang Of An Academic Exchange

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    Intended as a brief guide to the cultural differences associated with an East-West academic exchange, this paper discusses customs and cultural norms likely to be encountered. Chinese economic growth has been accompanied by rapidly increasing East-West study abroad opportunities. Over the past decade, China has sent more students to study abroad than any other country and the number of American students studying in China has increased exponentially (Laughlin). In many cases, both U.S. and Chinese students and faculty participating in an American academic study abroad program are inadequately prepared for, and indeed surprised, by the differences in customs they encounter. Professors and students participating in an East-West exchange were interviewed. Cultural differences are discussed and examples are presented intended to help prepare students and professors for successful guanxi (networking)

    Facebook: Perils, Perceptions And Precautions

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    Facebook is one of the fastest growing applications of the Internet.  Social networking via Facebook provides a popular way for students and others to connect with a wide audience and expand their circle of friends.  Facebook account holders have been denied admission to universities, not hired for jobs, lost scholarships, been disciplined by college administrators and arrested for online postings and exercising what they consider to be their right of free speech.  A survey of 118 undergraduate students and 45 employers was conducted in an effort to determine their Facebook habits and perceptions about proper postings.  Recent cases involving disciplinary action, restrictions on Facebook use and the First Amendment are discussed.  Suggestions are made for safer Facebook protocol

    Student Housing: Trends, Preferences And Needs

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    To attract and retain students, universities are confronted with increased demand to provide housing options that meet the new expectations of the millennial generation.  Recent trends and housing preferences are examined.  The results of surveys detailing some of these new demands and how universities are attempting to address these demands are discussed.  Additionally, universities are under pressure to efficiently use their limited resources and, as government support for higher education declines, public universities are seeking other sources of funding for major projects. Suggestions are made for unique partnering and financing options.&nbsp

    Medical Battery: When Patient Rights Conflict with Quality of Care

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    An important legal issue with ethical, monetary, and patient care implications involves the revocation of informed consent and the potential for a medical battery lawsuit. In performing medical or surgical procedures, patients frequently tell healthcare providers to “stop”. In 2015, the authors conducted a survey of healthcare providers and the results are analyzed. Case law is reviewed, ethical considerations are discussed and suggestions are made for recognizing when a physician should stop a procedure and thus avoid a potential legal conflict

    Restrictions Versus Amenities: The Differential Impact of Home Owners Associations On Property Marketability

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    Common-interest developments (CIDs) or planned urban developments (PUDs) can include a multitude of property types such as condos, townhomes, coops and single-family residences. Many such developments are privately governed by a homeowners’ association (HOA) and managed by an HOA board of directors comprised of community homeowners. While such communities and their governing bodies have been widely criticised for their onerous rules, regulations and exclusionary practices, many argue that the amenities, benefits and utility afforded to its members provide a large degree of satisfaction for homeowners. In fact, one of the purposes of an HOA is to preserve and enhance home values by creating an environment with minimal negative externalities. Although it is generally assumed that an HOA does add value, these associations have also generated a number of controversial disputes. This paper examines the effects of an HOA on marketability to empirically shed light on the question of whether buyers find HOAs to be beneficial or burdensome. The results show that the impact of the HOA on price, marketing time and probability of sale are not even across price segments and exist even after controlling for the presence of gated communities