24 research outputs found

    Linee guida per la valutazione della resilienza delle foreste Mediterranee ai cambiamenti climatici [Guidelines for assessing the resilience of Mediterranean forests to climate change]

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    We have defined optimal management models for improving or strengthening the resilience of forest environments: in particular, five best management practices aiming at improving the Mediterranean forests resilience with reference to the desertification risk. The 5 Best ManagementPractices are: BMP1 - Actions favoring mixing of species and hydrogeological stability of forests; BMP2 - Renaturalization of forest plantations; BMP3 - Remedial measures and restoration of degraded forests; BMP4 - Actions aimed at enhancing complex structural forests; BMP5 - Actions favoring connectivity in agro-forestry systems. The best management practices have been then applied adapting them to 16 different intervention types and they have been tested on 10 regional forest categories on an overall surface of 120 hectares. The intervention areas make up a set of testing areas according to the different intervention types carried out. Finally, we have defined the forest resilience Assessment Chart. The Chart has been worked out to improve the sylviculturist\u2019s intervention assessment in order to grant a proper application of the forest resilience intervention practices. This chart includes 10 questions on parameters having an influence on the resilience and on the forest adaptation capacity to climate changes. The parameters are: current and dynamic Forest Category; Specific tree Composition; Vegetation Layers covering; Forest vertical structure; Forest horizontal structure; Dendrometric parameters; Species indicating disturbance; Ground cover; Regeneration; Internal and external steadiness

    Close-to-Nature Silviculture to Maintain a Relict Population of White Oak on Etna Volcano (Sicily, Italy): Preliminary Results of a Peculiar Case Study

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    Habitat loss is a potential long-term effect of projected climate change for Mediterranean forest ecosystems. Here, we investigated the effectiveness of a close-to-nature silvicultural practice to conserve an old-growth white oak forest patch in Sicily (Italy) and promote regeneration dynamics. The study area, although small, is distinctive for its isolation, position and environmental characteristics. We conducted a Before-After Control-Impact (BACI) study to analyse the responses of different taxonomic groups (vascular plants and birds) to silvicultural treatments (selection thinning, no thinning), and to determine whether close-to-nature silviculture practices may cause significant shifts in the investigated communities. Specifically, we assessed the responses of (1) vascular plants by means of species diversity and taxonomic distinctness indices and (2) birds in terms of diversity, abundance and forest specialisation. Preliminary results suggest that cautious close-to-nature silviculture practice could-by mimicking natural gap dynamics-contribute to maintaining old-growth forest patches and promote oak seedling emergence without short-term detrimental impacts on biodiversity. Although the monitoring has to be repeated over the long-term, the multi-taxon approach and indices incorporating information on taxonomic relationships into diversity measures were demonstrated to be valuable tools for interpreting biotic community structure and dynamics

    Gestione sostenibile delle foreste Mediterranee e uso energetico delle biomasse forestali residuali

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    he book describes the reasons that led the Regional Department of Rural and Territorial Development to take part in the PROFORBIOMED Project. They can be summarized by the need to dispose of a tool for the sustainable management of all the state-owned forests of the Region. As a matter of fact, the Project aims at developing a model of sustainable forest management, through the recovery and reuse of wood scraps from ordinary silvicultural operations, to be used for the production of power and heat inside of a process adopting natural renewable energy sources. The main actions taken and the methodologies adopted are described, as well as the principles and instruments required for the setting up and execution of the work. Some of the most relevant are: the drafting of “Forest Management Plans”, the “Short Supply Chain” and the “Biomass Traceability Protocol”, together with the application of “Best Practices” of Management and the “Monitoring of impacts” caused by the woody biomass extraction procedures. The “forest – wood – energy” chain developed and proposed is exclusively related to the territory pertaining to one municipality, and with CHP plants fed with biomass exclusively produced within the territory of each municipality, in strict compliance with the “sustainable forest management” principles, as well as with the fundamental principle of “short supply chain”. For these reasons the CHP plans proposed shall be sized according to the biomass available in each municipality, with the possibility of integrating residual forest biomass with other waste wood resources potentially available in the territory and coming from prunings in agricultural activities. Therefore, the replicable model prepared and proposed by PROFORBIOMED aims at appraising from the economic point of view a waste product, such is currently considered the residual forest biomass from the forests of Sicily, and at the same time significantly improving the natural environment, thanks to the reduction in oil consumption

    Vegetation dynamics within afforested coastal areas: regeneration by native species or invasion by alien species?

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    During the last century, massive reforestation projects along the dunes of the southern Sicily have been carried out. Such interventions, far from being in line with the current trends of close-to-nature silviculture, are, however, particularly interesting to assess the vegetation dynamics in afforestation areas. Furthermore, these kind of interventions may determine two opposite effects, that is renaturalization by native woody species or invasion by alien species. Acacia spp. are among the most widespread and prominent invaders within Mediterranean-climate areas, where they have already shown the capability to deeply change the characters and the functioning of native ecosystems. For instance, Acacia longifolia (Andrews) Willd. may successfully invade the understory of pine forests, causing the alteration of the water balance and carbon storage of the whole forest ecosystem. In Sicily, especially in the last decades, Acacia saligna started to abundantly regenerate in many natural and semi-natural areas, with a stark preference for dune and coastal afforested sites. The nature reserve \u201cFoce del Fiume Platani\u201d represents an excellent case study in this respect

    SOFIA: a decision support System for the Optimization of the biomass supply chain and Forest Integrated management in protected areas

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    A decision support System for the Optimization of the biomass supply chain and Forest Integrated Management in protected areas (SOFIA) is presented. All functionalities have been developed in Python language embedded in the open-source QGIS 3.6 software. Two models were implemented with an approach and methodology based on free and open source software (QGIS, GRASS, SAGA, GDAL). The main aim of SOFIA is to support the Madonie Regional Natural Park authority and forest managers in decision-making processes to assess the costs and benefits in the energy production from residual agro-forestry biomass, as well as for determining the optimum plant size (and power) for energy and heat production and the relative biomass supply area. The implementation encompassed the input dataset definition, algorithms selection and outputs generation: the model itself includes two algorithms. Main outputs are: 1) a raster cumulative Cost map, quantifying the forest accessibility starting from a generic position of the roads network within 60 minutes walking; 2) a vector map, zoning the protected area based on the forest type, access time classes, biomass districts, municipalities and park zoning. The DSS was developed in the framework of INTERREG MED “ForBioEnergy - Forest Bioenergy in the protected Mediterranean areas” Project

    The 12th SISEF national congress: some short notes

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    Resilienza delle foreste Mediterranee ai cambiamenti climatici - Guida al progetto [Resilience of Mediterranean forests to climate change \u2013 Project guide]

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    The overall objective of the project LIFE11+ ENV/IT/000215 RESILFORMED \u2013 Resilience of Mediterranean forests to climate change is to preserve the forest systems from the risks due to climate change, through naturalization processes, increased biodiversity and improved responsiveness, in the recovery process, coming from destabilizing events. The specific objective is to implement a regional forest policy able to increase resilience capacity of Sicilian forests, improving their ecosystem capacity and fostering the biodiversity preservation. The project has proposed to pursue five concrete results: 1) drafting guidelines for effective Mediterranean forest management with respect to climate change; 2) update of the Regional Forest Plan; 3) creation of a set of demonstration areas, representative of the main forest categories, for the application evaluation of best management practices aiming at improving the resilience of forest ecosystems; 4) improving the awareness of regional operators through theoretical and practical training activities; 5) information and sensitization of rural people

    Effects of traditional forest management on carbon storage in a Mediterranean holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) coppice

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    In the last decade, there has been increased interest in measuring and modeling storage in the five forest carbon pools: the aboveground and belowground biomass (living biomass), the deadwood and litter (dead biomass), and the soil (soil organic matter). In this paper, we examined carbon storage in a holm oak coppice stand in the Madonie Mountains in Sicily (Italy), which is a typical case of managed coppice stands. Today, traditional coppice practices are only applied to a small number of forested areas in Sicily, such as the selected site, because of the decline in demand for wood and charcoal. The dendrometric parameters of the stands were recorded, and silvicultural indices were calculated immediately after cutting as well as during and at the end of the rotation period; they showed the trends typical of coppices. The carbon stocks in the five carbon pools were quantified to investigate the effects of coppicing on carbon storage in this Mediterranean area. Results showed that the lowest living biomass values were observed in the first years following coppicing, except for litter carbon. Belowground biomass and the soil carbon stock did not vary significantly with coppicing. During the rotation period, the aboveground biomass was completely restored, and the balance of the carbon stocks indicates that coppicing is a sustainable forest management choice from the point of view of the carbon balance, given that the logged trees are generally used for bioenergy production

    Identification of a system of ecologically homogeneous areas and of priority intervention levels for forest plantation planning in Sicily

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    Afforestation and reforestation activities in Sicily have been widespreaded in the last century. The results of forestation activities indicate the need to adopt a operational tools to promote the extension of forest surface at regional and sub-regional levels. In this view, with the aim to produce useful tools for forest plantation planning, the entire regional area was analysed and ecologically homogeneous areas have been identified to join and target arboriculture and/or forestation plantation activities, to choose tree and shrub species for different environments and to identify priority areas of intervention. The map of Rivas-Martinez bioclimate and the map of litological types were used as basic information layers to map pedo-climatic homogeneous areas. In order to mitigate disruptive hydrogeological effects and to reduce desertification risk and forest fragmentation, the Corine Land Cover map (CLC2000), the hydrogeological bond map and the desertification risk map were used to identify areas characterized by urgent need of forest activities at high priority level. A total of 23 ecologically homogeneous areas have been identified in Sicily, while more than a quarter of the regional surface has been characterized as highest priority intervention level. At sub-regional level, the target of the analysis was carried out at administrative province and at hydrographic basin level