57 research outputs found

    Political Television Commercials: An Experimental Study of Type and Length

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    Considerable controversy has arisen over the use in political campaigns of short, image-oriented television commercials. This study compared the effect of type (image and issue) and length (5 minute and 60 second) of political television commercials in terms of candidate evaluation, recall of commercial content, and likelihood of voting for the candidate. Issue commercials resulted in higher candidate evaluation while image commercials resulted in greater recall of content. Higher evaluation of the candidate was achieved by five-minute commercials, but no significant difference in content recall attributable to length was present. An interaction between type and length of commercials surfaced on the voting variable, and the 60-second issue commercial appeared to be slightly superior to other combinations.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    The Impact of Web Site Campaigning on Traditional News Media and Public Information Processing

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    This study examined the impact of Web site campaigning on traditional news media agendas and on public opinion during the 2000presidential election campaign. Based on an intermedia agenda-setting approach, this study demonstrated the direction of influence among three media in terms of the flow of information. An agenda-setting impact of Web site campaigning on the public was also identified.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Policing Political Ads: An Analysis of Five Leading Newspapers' Responses to 1992 Political Advertisements

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    Lori Melton McKinnon is an assistant professor of advertising and public relations in the College of Communication at the University of Alabama. Lynda Lee Kaid is a professor in the Department of Communication and the director of the Political Communication Center at the University of Oklahoma; Cynthia K. Acree is an account executive for the integrated marketing communications firm The Evans Group in Dallas, Texas; and Janet Murphy is an assistant professor in the Department of Communication at Oklahoma Christian University.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Handbook Penelitian Komunikasi Politik

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    Handbook penelitian komunikasi politik

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    Meski komunikasi politik dapat ditelusuri akarnya dari studi klasik awal Aristoteles dan Plato, penelitian komunikasi politik modern merupakan bidang studi yang sangat interdisipliner, yang mengambil konsep konsep dari bidang komunikasi, ilmu politik, jurnalisme, sosiologi, psikologi, sejarah, retorika, dan bidang-bidanglainnya. Sifat interdisipliner bidang ini, serta pertumbuhan dan arti pentingnya dalam bidang komllnikasi yang lebih luas, berarti bahwa bidang ini membutuhkan sintetis ilmiah antara temuan Penelitian utamanya dan temuan teoritisnya

    Handbook of Political Communication Research

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    The Handbook of Political Communication Research is a benchmark volume, defining the most important and significant thrusts of contemporary research and theory in political communication. Editor Lynda Lee Kaid brings together exemplary scholars to explore the current state of political communication research in each of its various facets. Reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of political communication scholarship, contributions represent research coming from communication, political science, journalism, and marketing disciplines, among others. The Handbook demonstrates the broad scope of the political communication discipline and emphasizes theoretical overviews and research synthesis, with each chapter providing discussion of the major lines of research, theory, and findings for the area of concern. Chapters are organized into sections covering: *The theoretical background, history, structure, and diversity of political communication; *Messages predominant in the study of political communication, ranging from classical rhetorical modes to political advertising and debates; *News media coverage of politics, political issues, and political institutions; *Public opinion and the audiences of political communication; *European and Asian perspectives on political communication; and *Trends in political communication study, including the Internet, and its role in changing the face of political communication. As a comprehensive and thorough examination of the political communication discipline--the first in over two decades--this Handbook is a "must-have" resource for scholars and researchers in political communication, mass communication, and political science. It will also serve readers in public opinion, political psychology, and related areas

    Credibility of political messages on the Internet: A comparison of blog sources.

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    Handbook of political communication research/ Edit. : Lynda Lee Kaid

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    zviii, 541 hal.; 27 cm
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